Schwarzer just screams of Wengers ridiculous belief that a young player will come good, frankly it means years and years of thinking Almunia was good enough, but never was, and that Schwarzer is a very short term solution just makes you think its enough time for Fabianski to come good. Ok theres a very slim outside shot of that happening, but I highly doubt it.
Given at 10mil would be cheaper than Schwarzer, 2 years left, 4mil at least, probably cost us 5 mil. Given has another 4 years left, if they both played to 40, then given has 6 years, thats not bad value, I'm not really sure why we aren't trying to sort out a proper world class keeper who could be at the club long term. Cech has been at Chelsea, what, 6/7 years, VDS has been at Utd for ages now, Casillas has been at Real for donkeys years, Valdes has been at Barca for years.
A "great" club wins things with a long term keeper and is pretty much the basis of any solid defence. The fact that Schwarzer quite literally means no possibility of a long term partnership, trust between defenders/keeper, means we'll have to go through a fresh "learn how they like to play with each other" situation. Its not a coincidence that every other club capable of winning titles has a long term keeper sorted out, a quality keeper. Why on earth aren't we getting someone in good enough who can also last for 5 years +.