smr - I think £165 for a ferry is fine, especially if you have 4 of you in the car to split the cost. The Spa track campsites are just fields with porta-loos and no showers. When I stayed in one we were in a motorhome (as were most other people), which made it bearable, but in a tent it would be a nightmare. Taggart on here stayed in CampingF1 a couple of years back and though it was good, so were staying there this year. Not heard about that Elephant place. I would also recomend the Formule1 hotel in Leige if you want a quieter night. Its on and industrial estate so theres nothing to do, but we just turned up, slept, got up, went again when we stayed there. Oh, and one other thing, if you are driving make sure you remember to book carparking with your tickets, otherwise you will be hit with a second FedEx delivery charge for your parking passes as we were (Its about £30 delivery!)
Thanks for the info dude
I think we've decided on staying in a hotel rather than camping - I'll be going with the missus and she's not one for roughing it really.
We found a place about 30 minutes away for the three nights - Fri - Sun - but if I put Thurs - Sun the price goes up dramatically. We may still get the Ferry thurs morning and just book one night somewhere else as I'd like to get to the circuit for the pit walk - what exactly does that entail - walking down the pitlane I'd imagine ? Is it an easy opportunity to get close to the drivers?
One or two more questions if you don't mind ...
We'll be getting bronze all weekend tickets and I'm just wondering where the best place to sit would be, I'd imagine it takes a fair old while to walk around the track!
Is it best to wait until you've decided which general direction you'll be taking to the circuit with bronze tickets before deciding which car park to book - as far as I can tell there are Jaune, Vert and Rouge car parks - I'm guessing Rouge is probably best ?
I've never done a full weekend before... Am I right in assuming that traffic should be fairly relaxed on the Friday, a bit heavier on the Saturday and then manic on the Sunday? What sort of times should we be looking at getting up on each day?
Oh, also with bronze tickets can you sit in any grandstand you like on fri/sat? Like Silverstone..?
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