*** Official Ubiquiti Discussion Thread ***

VLan Magic is looking great I must say but I have a few Qs.

When I create a vlan using VMagic (lets call it), the devices I assign to the magic VLan disappear from my topography map. Shouldn't I be able to see them logged into the gateway? I appreciate that they have been assigned to a magic vlan thats isolated but... the gateway should have an overview of everything?
Not sure what you mean?
VLan Magic is a feature on the UDM Pro/SE that enables you to create Vlans directly from the topology map. Also a really handy way of creating basic IoT VLans without having to configure ports directly.

You will note that in IoT I have homehub/tado...however. The tado has disappeared :p.

To be quite honest with you this functionality is what 99% of users will probably want. See all your cameras on the map? Just lump them into "cameras" vlan directly from here and you don't need to do anything at all on the switches/port managers. And it configures the most (basic) feature for you with isolation.

Edit... the plot thickens. Now the homehub has disappeared. So at least its consistent :D.

Edit 2: Ok it seems unifi was doing something in the background. Its refreshed and re-appeared now. Not sure why it took 15 minutes but there we are!

Isn't it pretty :p?
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Case in point, I just set up a camera VLan in 15 seconds. Its something I've tried in the past but the cloudkey2 always had issues with it in a separate VLan, despite lots of official documentation. Many examples of it simply not working.

Using VLan Magic: Create vlan, 'cameras', add cameras, power cycle ports, job done. Isolated camera network and all working through protect without issue. Beautiful.

This is the sort of ease of functionality that a lot of users are after!
@ChrisD. is there any specific config I should do on Adguard Home? I've just got it on the default list atm.

@platypus do you not find adding vlans causes a headache for maintenance? I presume you can still access everything on the network from each other but now it goes via the router?
@platypus do you not find adding vlans causes a headache for maintenance? I presume you can still access everything on the network from each other but now it goes via the router?
Not really - I increment my vlans in 10s and yes whilst I sometimes forget exactly which vlan ID is which I actually don't need to know. There's no maintenance once its set up. I had some headaches when I used a separate third party firewall but now the udm se is my router as well it couldn't be simpler.

The interface is still exactly the same and when I'm viewing Client devices, the only thing that really sets them apart is the Network column, there's no additional maintenance to be done.

I can access what I need across the network yes using the vlans and firewall rules - my work vlan for example has to be strictly isolated, ie my work computers cannot be accessed by anything else. I probably don't need an office vlan but its to keep my own pc and server separate from the rest of the house (office can see/access the rest but not the reverse because a) I dont trust my wife not to get a virus on her laptop or phone and b) I want to be able to ping music to the sonos stuff).
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Actually I didn't realise just how good VLan Magic is but its enabled me to overcome the ssid limitation and setup even more Vlans. MOAR VLANS I TELLS YA.

For a long time I've wanted all the mobiles in my house on their own separate network but I've had to use two vlans for work (its to be kept separate, probably should actually be on physically separate hardware but who has space for that). Now I can create a virtual VLan if you will and just fire and forget. Don't need to do port trunking or any switch config at all, Unifi will handle everything. Ok I probably don't need more than 8 wireless vlans but even so. I'd be really fascinated to see how it works under the hood.
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Actually I didn't realise just how good VLan Magic is but its enabled me to overcome the ssid limitation and setup even more Vlans. MOAR VLANS I TELLS YA.

For a long time I've wanted all the mobiles in my house on their own separate network but I've had to use two vlans for work (its to be kept separate, probably should actually be on physically separate hardware but who has space for that). Now I can create a virtual VLan if you will and just fire and forget. Don't need to do port trunking or any switch config at all, Unifi will handle everything. Ok I probably don't need more than 8 wireless vlans but even so. I'd be really fascinated to see how it works under the hood.
If you aren't already, use pre shared keys for wireless. One SSID, and the password defines which VLAN the client goes on.

Not sure if that's what VLAN magic does in the background, I haven't looked into it.
If you aren't already, use pre shared keys for wireless. One SSID, and the password defines which VLAN the client goes on.

Not sure if that's what VLAN magic does in the background, I haven't looked into it.
Oh wow, thanks. That looks like exactly what I need/want. I will start exploring!

Tl;dr unless I'm misunderstanding, with PPSK can I effectively have 1 wifi, say, "myhousewifi" and then if user a enters the "secretworkpassword" they automatically get hived off on to the work vlan. If userb then connects to "myhousewifi" but enters "kidsnetworkpassword" they get hived off onto the super locked down and ultra safe dns led kids network?
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Tl;dr unless I'm misunderstanding, with PPSK can I effectively have 1 wifi, say, "myhousewifi" and then if user a enters the "secretworkpassword" they automatically get hived off on to the work vlan. If userb then connects to "myhousewifi" but enters "kidsnetworkpassword" they get hived off onto the super locked down and ultra safe dns led kids network?
Exactly that.
Doesn't look big enough for me, I have my eyes on a 12U rack, big enough so I can sit my NAS in there as well.
DM SE, 24port switch, 2 x patch panels, NAS is 4u in height.
I have an 18U rack in the garage with my NAS and homelab kit in. It could theoretically house my UniFi gear in the same spot in the house but I was having heat issues with the cupboard door closed. Having the door open lost me wife points. Plus it wasn't particularly easy to get around the back of it.
It could theoretically house my UniFi gear in the same spot in the house but I was having heat issues with the cupboard door closed. Having the door open lost me wife points. Plus it wasn't particularly easy to get around the back of it.

Yes cupboards can be a pain. I've got my 22U in part of what used to be a double wardrobe and although I've got heat under control (thermostatically controlled one way venting to loft!) the access issue took some planning even with a double width cupboard. I ended up making custom cable mounts and looped the cables from the under floor and loft entry conduits in such a way that I can wheel the cabinet out almost 2m if side access from the rest of the cupboard isn't enough.

One idea I am pleased with, was to create a hole in the wall to the next room which is normally covered both sides with standard electrical blanking plates so they don't look odd. When I completely renovate the room with the rack cupboard in I will pass the patch panels with cables connected out of the rack, through the wall and wheel the the rack to the next room and plug it back in until the rooms done. What we do for out networks :)
None of my stuff is rack mounted anymore - my homelab consists of the now Unifi gear which has just showed up, and 3 mini PCs, a couple of Pis and probably in the future a tiny NAS. Gone are the days of having the old R710s and a 2960.
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