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***Official Unigine Heaven DX11 3.0 Benchmark Scores***

16 Dec 2008
And now here is me trying out some overclocking with PrecisionX Note that temps never hit 70 degrees too (69 to be precise), which is in my very warm room with no window open!

What GPU clock was this doing at the time?
10 Jan 2010
What GPU clock was this doing at the time?

Settings I used (running in small windowed to stress the GPU to replicate how I had it before):
10 Jan 2010
You should increase the Power Target, this will make the GPU run at boosted clocks for longer, should increase your performance.

Oh, at the time of the benchmark I had it on +106%. Saying that though, I never used ver 80% in the graphs though, so is it still needed?

And yeh, others will prob have cooler temps at those settings than me, as my room was warm!
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30 Nov 2011
that target is basically like a heat/volts it should stay under before throttling back the boost clock, if you increase it to maximum it will allow the card to get a little warmer before throttling down to lower the temp, and it will also let the fan run a bit faster

having said that, if you are getting high 1200's with it stuck at 100% then :eek:
10 Jan 2010
Aaah okay! Cheers.

And indeed :) fiddling around though I couldn't hit 1300 earlier though :( Look how close I am! I'll try put the Power Target at max (111%, any reason I can't do more?), and whack the CPU clock up a bit higher, and then leave the Mem Clock Offset at stock. Let's see how we get on then...

EDIT: Oh, I haven't been adjusting the fan speed. I'm guessing I should manually set it to higher myself to get better results?
22 Sep 2010
Newbury, England
AFAIK for benching the 670 you set the fan to max, power target to max and o/c via small steps the two clock offsets as you would a normal card (in increments from stock).

Can't wait to play with my new 670 when i get home! :cool:
5 Feb 2008
Think we all knew from the cherry picked GTX680 reviews we got and that we wouldn't get anything close to what some reviewers were showing. After the purchasing spree was over, allot of the GTX680 buyers fell silent (Confused) for some reason or hesitant maybe not understanding what just happened lol

Anyway, cant wait for the repeat, GTX670 coming (10th May)

PS I think the nvidia marketing did awesome by pulling this off, well, maybe with some help of "Auto-CloAkiNG scores"

oh dear...why even bother ?
from different perspective..it would be boring without such amd fans "claims" and "truths" (aka Charlie not so accurate) - just wonder how they even allowed to post such BS here?
so,you waited for 10th May - where are your answer for "cherry picked" GTX670 reviews now? EPIC FAIL
OT - happy for lads who got GTX670 already - cracking card,already built pc for friend with this beast (GB Windforce),gonna get 1 myself now 100% - forth every penny and OC'ing beast :D

Where are all the 7950 owners then, we want to see a 670 vs 7950 face off :>
+10000 lol
nothing to see here,move along - 7950 will be left in dust,better bring on 7970 ;) just fo much bigger price
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