******Official War Thunder Thread*******

Yey finally bought my first jet :D Only taken 500 hrs lol (though I do have 4 nations with pretty much all Tier 4 planes researched and japs starting on T4)
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Pah, Gaijin isn't even trying to challenge me! :D :p

Looks like another P39 arrives... Mr Boycey will be pleased ;)

We have stood strong in recent months, holding our own against Gaijin's terrible Match Making, terrible battle ratings, and fools for teammates as we have forged forward for victory.

And so, with pride, I offer an island of calm in the sea of derp that surrounds us:

Tomorrow is Friday. A holy day in the annuals of OCUK, for it is the day we gather, drink beer, load up WarThunder and talk UTTER TRASH to eachother!
This day has become forgotten for many. For others it is rarely thought of.
But still others hold the faith.
And for those precious few, and all others who wish to join, I offer a Friday to beat all Fridays:
-KV2 platoons.
-2.0 plane battles (squadded).
-2.3 plane battles (squadded).
-RESERVE tank platoons.
-RESERVE Biplane squadrons.
-BIG BOY tank platoons.
-BEEEEEEEEEEEEER!!! (must be self-provided)

I know many of you may feel fear that you are not worthy of such granduer. But I believe in you all! You can fight! And as a team we shall go on to the end, we shall fight near the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air. We shall defend our Squadron, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender!

WT is just giving me rampant diarrhoea at the moment. Teams seem to have actually gotten worse.......as if there has been an influx of new players, some awful awful games of late. I is sad
WT is just giving me rampant diarrhoea at the moment. Teams seem to have actually gotten worse.......as if there has been an influx of new players, some awful awful games of late. I is sad

I've just become used to being the pillar that carries the team. It gets easier when you squad up with other OCUK players, because we're all on the same page and of above-average skill... mostly... Hellcat... :p :D

I had 3 games last night, 2 ground attack and a domination.
In both GA's I was bombing far and away the most targets, and in the domination I capped 2 or more times, and only saw 2 other players on the team attempt it. In one I even got wheels down on our main airfield, then turned it into a touch-and-go and zipped at low level over to C to cap that too, immediately putting us in the lead. I ended up getting shot down when NONE of my team followed me to cover me. Remtards.

Their mums go chippy in their slippers, I bet.
WT is just giving me rampant diarrhoea at the moment. Teams seem to have actually gotten worse.......as if there has been an influx of new players, some awful awful games of late. I is sad

Well, given the way things are going with War Thunder, what do you expect? :(

First of all, the game hasn't decided whether it's a fun arcadey tank n' plane game, or a serious historical simulator. It can't be taken as a serious 'sim' game when the mighty, feared '88 of the Tiger tank fails to kill T34's in hits to vulnerable areas. Equally, it can't be taken seriously when the notoriously poor Yak 9 T's and K's (which required fighter escort just to survive) act like UFO's with their flight model and insta-kill from their cannons, compared to the woefully poor performance of the similar 37mm nose cannons in the P39 and P63's of the Americans.

Then there's the 'meta' game. In higher tiers, you get unbalanced jet v prop matches due to the wide BR spread and poor matchmaking, and so some players end up with a full lineup of bombers which just suicide-dive at bases and the airfield until they're gone, leading to no-fun 5 min games.

Next there's the 'gremlin' of disappearing tickets, due to ground units destroying themselves or each other by no actions of the game players, equally leading to short battles which experienced players only end up getting 2, perhaps 3 planes out of their lineup flown.

The removal of the x2 bonuses also massively discourages teamwork and co-operation, as when these existed at least *some* of your team *might* have been bothered about trying to actually win the game, in order to get their x2 bonus for that country. Now, there's little incentive to win the match and I'm seeing more people quit after the loss of 1 tank or 1 or 2 planes, thus leading to an off-balanced match which leads to further quitters and as soon as you're 4 players down you may as well write off any chance of a win, unless you're in a 4-strong OcUK squad because we pwn hard! :p

So yeah, over the last 6-9 months I've seen nothing of any real improvement to how the game actually plays or encourages teamwork or 'good' decisions towards making the matches last longer and actually involve completing objectives and being rewarded accordingly. And yet it'd be so easy to do, but Gaijin has a massive forum filled with people making good suggestions, backed by polls and a majority of the active community there and they repeatedly ignore the suggestions, and come up with their own derp ideas like the rewards boxes. :(

However, as long as they find a few massive 'tards willing to spend 60,000GE on gambling on getting a rare tank, (without even knowing the odds!) then they're raking in the money, and that's all they care about.

Shame really, I can see myself drifting away from War Thunder, possibly even before the remainder of my year's premium account runs out.
(and that's another thing - wouldn't it be nice to be able to gift some of my premium time to another player? like when a friend or family member without premium is over for a all-day LAN session, I could allocate them a day, or a week's premium from my allocation? It'd cost Gaijin nothing, and mean the donating player would 'need' to renew their premium quicker!)

Shame, so much wasted/missed potential.

But drunken WT OcUK squadding is still not to be missed! :D :p
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