******Official War Thunder Thread*******

Hello Cbom,

Many of us have tanks all the way up to 7.0 BR and beyond, so he has much choice (So play. Great shoot! Much Doge.)

And, if you would like to put in an application telling us about yourself, then apply to OCUK clan in game, then you can join us on our TeamSpeak channel for in game lolz (possibly some swearing and abuse also. But not much.... Ok! Lots.)

Thanks, I'll see how I get on with the game first, just checking it out coming from WoT.

Ingame voice chat just like WoT, its already covered ;)

Unlike WoT where you buy garage slots, you buy crew slots in this. So its possible to have every vehicle unlocked+bought and you just assign the crew to whatever Tier of vehicle you feel like playing. Due to the respawns in Arcade/Realism modes you cant mix-match nations though, so if you join with Americans you have to play vehicles from the American tree (no Tiger, Hellcat combo lol).

So I'll just revert my crews to their low tier vehicles and play with you guys.

That actually sounds like a decent system, does it cost anything to swap them around? How long does it take to go up a few tiers? I logged in quickly and it looks like I've got some russian tanks from a long time ago, all lowest tier though. You need to unlock a few before going to the next tier right?
Once Crew1 is trained for TankA and TankB, its free to swap Crew1 between either but assigning Crew2 to tankA will cost if you havent trained them before.

The biggest hold back for advancing through the tanks for me wasnt exp but money (lions). The tanks cost, their modules cost and the training costs were more than I was making from a match. Premium account is deffinately recommended for this while you are progressing through the Tiers.

Yeah the game requires you to have unlocked+purchased X amount of Tier1 tanks before Tier2 unlocks. So you cant race down the TD line for example and skip out unlocking the Light/Mediums.
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The biggest hold back for advancing through the tanks for me wasnt exp but money (lions). The tanks cost, their modules cost and the training costs were more than I was making from a match. Premium account is deffinately recommended for this while you are progressing through the Tiers.

Yeah the game requires you to have unlocked+purchased X amount of Tier1 tanks before Tier2 unlocks. So you cant race down the TD line for example and skip out unlocking the Light/Mediums.

Tank battles are notoriously 'poor' for their rewards in terms of Lions though. If you're short on them, grab some low-level planes and have a few matches. Once you get the hang of bombing a few ground units and taking out a few fighters you can be getting a good 50-70K lions per battle. :)

Try Russian aircraft at BR 2.0 or 2.3, they'll put a grin on your face! :D
Dont know mate, looking at Steam it reckons Ive played 62hrs or so of WarThunder but I dont know how many of those were playing Planes back in the day, or when I tried out Ground Forces (and had a bunch of Russian tanks like you) or from when I have started playing again last weekend. No idea sorry :(
I've got a few planes so maybe I can do that!

How many battles you played Sarg?

I'm a 2yr veteran and have racked up about 2000 battles, probably more (not at my home PC right now).
I would definitely look at getting premium if it is still on offer, and go for 6 months or more of it to make the costs worthwhile.

The difficulty of researching and purchasing tanks increases at an exponential rate as you climb the tiers.
So tanks and planes at tier 1 might be researched after only 1 or 2 matches. By tier 3 you might need to nights worth of decent matches to research them, and 70,000 lions or so.
And at tier 5 you could be researching something for a month and still not get it, and it if you have 2 million lions and want to buy it, crew it, and expert the crew, you can easily empty your lions account.

For tanks, remember you can only ever use 3 in a match.
This means you should ONLY have 3 crews that you use for tanks, and no more. I run my far left 3 crews for my tanks. Then you don't waste money upgrading the skills of crews you infrequently use. All skill development goes into your 3 master crews, who develop faster because of it.

Also, everyone should be aware it is Hellcats Birthday today. He's mega old. I'm going to give him a dustbin-sized birthday cake of high-explosives tonight in WT to celebrate (I know friendly fire is turned off, but where there is a will there is a way!)
important note for all the new members....and a little refresher for the more seasoned members

we don't have any rules as such, it's a pretty easy going play what you like squad.

apart from 1 rule and that is pretty simple. it is a squad/clan whatever you wish to call it for a reason and as such lone wolves or those that are simply in the squad to have a clan tag beside there name will eventually be removed. as has happened in the past

if you want to remain, please pop into the TS channel from time to time, even if you don't have a mic it can be worth just listening in for the laughs....squadding up is encouraged. in the past we had a number of players who simply came on every evening when there were plenty of us about and never replied to in game messages or on forum messages. they were removed.

the idea of the squad is to encourage togetherness (aww aint I all new agey) seriously though the idea of the squad is for people to play together. if that aint for you, and you prefer playing on your lonesome, then please do the decent thing and remove yourself from the squad as we actually feel bad when we have to kick non squadding players

**please note, there aint nothing wrong with having a solo run when your not in the mood for TS or squadding - hell I do it myself, this message is purely aimed at those that ONLY seem to play on their own.

I will be posting a full squad list up at the weekend and will ask everyone to give a holler out if they want to stay in
Also, everyone should be aware it is Hellcats Birthday today. He's mega old. I'm going to give him a dustbin-sized birthday cake of high-explosives tonight in WT to celebrate (I know friendly fire is turned off, but where there is a will there is a way!)


Oh and 62 hours? I have over 10x that! LOL

Oh wait that's sad :(
1014 hours and was playing before steam too, and had many months off!!

Also spent an inordinate amount of money for one game

aye but you buy premium tanks purely on the grounds you got killed by 1 in a game....therefore they must be leet :p

nowt to do with the fact you may be a sausage;)
aye but you buy premium tanks purely on the grounds you got killed by 1 in a game....therefore they must be leet :p

nowt to do with the fact you may be a sausage;)

My secret is out!!!!

Sorry I've been out of the TS much, Recently got asked to run the WoT Clan I'm in so been abit mad trying to understand everything from that side :(

I'll pop on when I can - I have taken a few flights up in RB's, seem to prefer that know, though I still suck unlike our leet flights lol
I can't stop playing this. In 2 months, I think it has become my 2nd most played game on Steam (250 hours). I am less than 10,000 RP from my first Tiger :D. Now I have another couple of questions which I'm sure someone will very helpfully answer for me :).
I would definitely look at getting premium if it is still on offer, and go for 6 months or more of it to make the costs worthwhile.
With the current deal, how much is 6 months premium? I can buy 10,000 Golden Eagles for about £35 (which is more than I've paid for a game for a very long time (Steam sales are addictive)). Am I likely to have any left over for additional content etc...?

For tanks, remember you can only ever use 3 in a match. This means you should ONLY have 3 crews that you use for tanks, and no more. I run my far left 3 crews for my tanks. Then you don't waste money upgrading the skills of crews you infrequently use. All skill development goes into your 3 master crews, who develop faster because of it.
This is were I've gone wrong as I didn't think of doing it this way. I've been using 5 slots for different tanks, so upgrading my crews is taking longer :(.

important note for all the new members....and a little refresher for the more seasoned membersapart from 1 rule and that is pretty simple. it is a squad/clan whatever you wish to call it for a reason and as such lone wolves or those that are simply in the squad to have a clan tag beside there name will eventually be removed. as has happened in the past
Most days I jump in and play 1 or 2 quick battles, but I definately want some squad time. I've seen a few others online at the same time as me but couldn't see a way to join their session. Having never used Team Speak; I take it I just download, install, and join a specific channel?
Whats the Squad limit in this game? We had 4 of us online playing together in the starter US tanks which came as a big shock from WoT's 3 platoon limit!
My x55 broke. My son wanted a game the other day and when he came to try and shoot someone down we noticed all buttons on the joystick were dead.

Found an old Saitek Cyborg 3D Gold USB online in the meantime ;)

I should be on tonight for a game or two! :)
Having never used Team Speak; I take it I just download, install, and join a specific channel?

Yes, you download it, then come into War Thunder and ask one of us in Squadron chat what the channel address is. Then you go into TS, hit "connect" and copy the number we gave you into the box. Hit ok or whatever, and it will drop you into the OCUK general channel. Then look for the part labelled War Thunder, double click it, and you're in. There should be others on at the same time if there are ppl in game. If not, go back to WT and type "TS?" into the squad chat again.

Boycey, does this mean you have been playing Hide The Sausage with us for the last year?!
Most days I jump in and play 1 or 2 quick battles, but I definately want some squad time. I've seen a few others online at the same time as me but couldn't see a way to join their session. Having never used Team Speak; I take it I just download, install, and join a specific channel?

hey dude that's no problem, all we want is a willingness to participate. and i'll be honest with you, squadding makes the game sooooo much more fun (and a tad easier too)


link to TS, click the green box middle/right to download.

and link to OcUK thread with TS details

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