******Official War Thunder Thread*******

Been doing everything in my power to be good to do my first proper Friday for a while this week. Hours trapsing around IKEA and putting furniture together, and finally I have a fully set up PC area again. Roll on tomorrow :D
Been doing everything in my power to be good to do my first proper Friday for a while this week. Hours trapsing around IKEA and putting furniture together, and finally I have a fully set up PC area again. Roll on tomorrow :D

YESSSSSSS! Teamki-...er... I mean, Teamwork ahoy! Welcome back to the Friday crew, Monsieur Spangles! I look forward to many japes and fun times. Also, we have new maps, planes and tanks! Aces!
Make sure you are fully updated WELL IN ADVANCE of logging on on Friday night :D
Oh I have been on this week anyway :p So nice to have a decent net connection again, and separate room from a sleeping baby so can partake as is destined :D
So there's a thing in War Thunder, where you take out your i301 with all of your friends....


Oops... :o
it's called seal clubbing for a reason.... if it's that easy move up a rank or 4?

"I say old chap, anyone for a new coat?"


On a more serious note, it's epically retarded that 2.3 BR and 2.0 BR planes with cannons can get into matches predominantly filled with biplanes and early monoplane stuff.

The BR 'spread' should be reduced to 0.7 immediately, as most of the community have been asking for since... oooh, shortly after BR's were introduced... but anything below 2.0 should play in its' own sandbox map area or stay only matched to things below 2.0

I can't honestly figure out why Gaijin seem to want new players to have a poor game experience - but then again, they're getting truck loads of money from premium vehicles, perhaps they don't need/want new players? :confused:
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Well, it's the usual War Thunder Two Step - We play some tanks or high level planes for a few, get our "bums" handed to us because the matchmaker hates us over and over again, which leaves us feeling pretty crap. So then we need cheering up. How are we going to do that?...
Club + Seal = Happy us.
I thought I would give this game a bash following some stressy WoT action.
My Thoughts-

Whilst in arcade mode, the game is still very much in the simulator vein. If I wanted to drive for hours, be one shotted by something I can't see, then I would have enlisted.
Even with starter tanks, lots will and often do one shot you from miles away.

Battle mode (non arcade - can't even remember what it is called) well, confusing, difficult to find enemy units, more driving....

The mini map in either mode is pointless. Yes I realise the size of the maps,. but oh my lord...it is often unreadable, lacks clarity and therefore fails in its basic function, unless its sole use is to find A B or C cap points.

Tanks are odd to drive, lots of inconsistencies with what terrain you are on, speed and maneuverability.

Interface is not very user friendly and that is an understatement ...takes a lot of time to find your way around the main operations within the various panels, it reminds me of a poorly executed high school project in this regard...a good basic concept, but the execution leave something to be desired, perhaps someone who enjoyed completing ships in bottles helped out?

What is with the aiming.....turret rotation speed is often way too slow...and your gunner will be knocked out many times meaning it is painful.

Unless you are platooned with friends. don't expect any help from your team mates....the number of times I got team damaged in 30 minutes was horrific.

I am sure many people find pleasure in this game, I did have fun when platooned, but I guess the pleasure and joy of playing with familiar faces / voices and having a laugh masked the basic lack of enjoyment I got from the game play, which was manifest when I played solo arcade mode today. I have never been one for simulators perhaps this is why I don't get along with this game...it is possibly a simulator wrapped in arcade action clothing....not sure, but in any event it tries too hard with the realism to make it "fun".

I might give it another try....but very, very unlikely to pay for any premium or unlock much more than the M3 lee.
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First of all this is a family friendly forum... swear words like the W, O, T that you just used won't be tolerated! haha

What you have to remember is this is a totally different game that's still technically pre release.... It's nowhere near finished and while there is some bias in units being a Russian game it is far more realistic than that other game you play! Especially in Simulator mode...

Stick with it, join the squad play with others and you will be hooked!
I thought I would give this game a bash following some stressy WoT action.
My Thoughts-

Whilst in arcade mode, the game is still very much in the simulator vein. If I wanted to drive for hours, be one shotted by something I can't see, then I would have enlisted.
Even with starter tanks, lots will and often do one shot you from miles away.

Battle mode (non arcade - can't even remember what it is called) well, confusing, difficult to find enemy units, more driving....

The mini map in either mode is pointless. Yes I realise the size of the maps,. but oh my lord...it is often unreadable, lacks clarity and therefore fails in its basic function, unless its sole use is to find A B or C cap points.

Tanks are odd to drive, lots of inconsistencies with what terrain you are on, speed and maneuverability.

Interface is not very user friendly and that is an understatement ...takes a lot of time to find your way around the main operations within the various panels, it reminds me of a poorly executed high school project in this regard...a good basic concept, but the execution leave something to be desired, perhaps someone who enjoyed completing ships in bottles helped out?

What is with the aiming.....turret rotation speed is often way too slow...and your gunner will be knocked out many times meaning it is painful.

Unless you are platooned with friends. don't expect any help from your team mates....the number of times I got team damaged in 30 minutes was horrific.

I am sure many people find pleasure in this game, I did have fun when platooned, but I guess the pleasure and joy of playing with familiar faces / voices and having a laugh masked the basic lack of enjoyment I got from the game play, which was manifest when I played solo arcade mode today. I have never been one for simulators perhaps this is why I don't get along with this game...it is possibly a simulator wrapped in arcade action clothing....not sure, but in any event it tries too hard with the realism to make it "fun".

I might give it another try....but very, very unlikely to pay for any premium or unlock much more than the M3 lee.

To be fair, almost every single one of those points is valid, but theres a few things to remember:

Starter tanks have paper armour, they will get one shotted by other tanks, and on the topic of oneshotting I prefer that realism of having my entire crew killed to having hitpoints for tanks.

Non arcade/sim mode that you played is meant to be difficult, I'll happily play arcade but I like the challenge of having to work out whats friendly or not and then manually rangefind. Again its purely what you prefer, if you didnt enjoy it then its clearly not for you and luckily thats why we get different game modes.

All in all, solo arcade is utter dross and should be avoided at all costs. But also if you want a tank game with hitpoints and a lot of hand holding WOT is probably the best bet. I wouldnt let the first couple of starter tanks and playing solo in arcade influence what is overall, reasonably realistic.
The game is sort of summed up in the last few posts.
I have a premium account for the next 30 days to help with research points for the tanks, so I'll keep at the arcade battles even though they can be horrible when you aren't in a proper squad :(. I have played a few sim and realistic battles which are much more enjoyable, but probably wouldn't do again unless I was in a squad.
I thought I would give this game a bash following some stressy WoT action.
My Thoughts-

Whilst in arcade mode, the game is still very much in the simulator vein. If I wanted to drive for hours, be one shotted by something I can't see, then I would have enlisted.
Even with starter tanks, lots will and often do one shot you from miles away.

Seal clubbers gonna seal club. We are driving the ****test of **** tanks so its hardly questionable that they pop in 1 or 2 direct hits against their flat, paper armour. We haven't even made it to medium tanks yet, let alone heavy!

Battle mode (non arcade - can't even remember what it is called) well, confusing, difficult to find enemy units, more driving.....

Everyone is in the same situation though. The amount of times Ive found a tank next to me without realising, implies they haven't realised I am next to them either.

The mini map in either mode is pointless. Yes I realise the size of the maps,. but oh my lord...it is often unreadable, lacks clarity and therefore fails in its basic function, unless its sole use is to find A B or C cap points.


Tanks are odd to drive, lots of inconsistencies with what terrain you are on, speed and maneuverability.

As above. We are still in the basic vehicles in the game that have no weight and are essentially armoured cars, I think its too early to make sweeping statements about how the tanks handle when we've experienced nothing but Tier1?

Interface is not very user friendly and that is an understatement ...takes a lot of time to find your way around the main operations within the various panels, it reminds me of a poorly executed high school project in this regard...a good basic concept, but the execution leave something to be desired, perhaps someone who enjoyed completing ships in bottles helped out?


What is with the aiming.....turret rotation speed is often way too slow...and your gunner will be knocked out many times meaning it is painful.

Again this is compounded by being in Tier1. The M2 is terrible, but the M18 GMC is great.
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Anyone tried the Wellington since the DM changes? Does it hold up to enemy fire a bit better? :)

Also, I've noticed since the new ballistic changes the M4 seems tougher to kill. That sloped armour seems to finally help. Same goes to M10, seems much harder to destroy due to all of the slopes :)
Brainchild to me:

Happy Birthday to you
Have a Panzerkampfwagon II
It's got a tent on its turret
And you look like one too!

Thanks werry werry much!

Is that you spawning in a plane during a Tank Realism battle Hellcat? How does that work out of interest, do you have to keep your Planes BR similiar to your tanks BR lineup I assume? Is it best to have 1 Crew assigned to a Plane, or more?
It's arcade tanks. If you do sufficient 'work' - usually killing 2 or 3 enemies, you get 'rewards' of being able to take up a plane.

The plane is random, and stock, and your choices are either an attacker or a bomber, or you can take a fighter up to defend a friendly bomber or shoot down an enemy bomber. Attackers are usually armed with rockets, bombers with bombs - in the case of that IL-4, you only get 3, but they're big ones! :D

The bombs have a 10 second fuse from when they're dropped from the plane, so the old suicide-dive bombing tactics aren't as effective as they used to be. What I find works best is to fly straight and level (dodging enemy fire as necessary) and bomb likely 'camping' tanks from height - tank destroyers etc, and tanks behind cover which may be repairing. By dropping from altitude the bombs land with only 2 seconds or so left on the fuse, giving no time to run away! :D
Brainchild to me:

Happy Birthday to you
Have a Panzerkampfwagon II
It's got a tent on its turret
And you look like one too!

Thanks werry werry much!

Me to Hellcat:
Tanky Birthday to you,
Enjoy your Kampfwagen II!
That tent helps with Camping,
Coz you're tank skills are pooh.

Also there is a BF109 in that pack, some GE and premium time.
I bought it through Steam to screw Gaijin as much as possible.
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