******Official War Thunder Thread*******

Had a few good games last night before I bailed, defrag you were rocking consistently!

Really need to get some kind of proximity sensor if kwango is on server, I think that's the 3rd time we have crashed mid air lol

Ta, when I'm in my Spitfire not a lot can touch me :) ...well, not often!
High altitude bombing is ridiculously broken in this game; you're lucky if you can kill a single pillbox before a 109 or Airacobra or one of those twin engine Japanese things with the 37mm cannon of death (which for some unknown reason starts at the bomber spawn point rather than the fighter spawn point, GG Gaijin!) pounces on you and tears you a new one.

Bombers are basically a slow moving piñata full of xp and credits, no wonder they attract fighters like flies to ****.
Had a few good games last night before I bailed, defrag you were rocking consistently!

Really need to get some kind of proximity sensor if kwango is on server, I think that's the 3rd time we have crashed mid air lol

Oii!! Our last in air tango is all yours!!! Imagine using free look in the middle of a dog fight!! :p
Yeah our squadron is very special Nurple, it has some very special people in it as well. Some can't fly straight, some can't shoot straight and some are just so blind they can't tell who hit who :p, when we all get together we spend most of our time taking avoiding action either from other team rammers or just other squad members.

Rev I've noticed I'm having trouble with packet loss sometimes and have been suffering with plane warping and hits not being recognised, I'm putting yesterdays nightmare down to connection issues :D I changed servers and had a much better time of it.
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Yeah our squadron is very special Nurple, it has some very special people in it as well. Some can't fly straight, some can't shoot straight and some are just so blind they can't tell who hit who :p, when we all get together we spend most of our time taking avoiding action either from other team rammers or just other squad members.

Lol, I think Ill fit in rather well :)
RevBillyG & Spangles = Maverick & Goose!

It wasn't all smooth


But it worked out okay in the end.

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