******Official War Thunder Thread*******

Out of interest how are people getting on with world if warplanes? it seems to have come on a long way from the early betas although I only had a quick look.
just wondering how they compare now things have moved on somewhat from the early betas

Last time I played it (which admittedly was a few months ago now) it was beyond terrible; I don't see how anything other than a complete remake on a new engine can fix it, it's just too broken for any amount of patching to fix.
The free PCG aircraft is tucks gladiator mk1

Beast of a plane, up there with jets!

Good night last night with Tim & Boycey, my internet decided to go full retard and boot me out of everything ever. My plane was bouncing off land, then I could not get online through the browser, WT would not start, my phone would not connect to the net either.

Was very strange. Was some good games though.
A little general info on the squadron and squad play for people just joined or thinking of joining.

You don't need to be an ace pilot to be part of the squadron and if you do not wish to take part in the squads we form then it is no issue.
All members stats count towards the squadron ranking so you can help in that way even if you never join a squad.

Our usual level of squad play is ranks 6-7 or 8-9 where we tear up the skies with our spitfires and other favourite Brit planes.
But we do have great fun dropping back to the starter ranks and messing around in biplanes etc, so if someone would like some squad play but feels their ranking is too low don't worry there will be players willing to join you.

Just come into the squadron chat and say hello nothing bad can happen.. unless Spangles starts singing!
Cheers Tim......****

I have decided that The Hurricane Mk II is the best plane in the game. I am going to be hitting up more and more enemies at the low level area for a while I think. Played a few games this morning, 12 kills 0 deaths, 9 kills 1 death, 9 kills 1 death.

Hurricane power baby!
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