******Official War Thunder Thread*******

Bah, looks like the competition is between us 2 defrag! :D

But yeah, I seem to have had nothing but retard teams for the past several nights. Idiots not guarding airfields in domination, and just generally ignoring objectives. At one point I thought 4 people was sufficient to take out 1 enemy plane and re-capture our airbase, but no - I had to fly in, kill him, turn and land and capture the field back. :(
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there seems to be a lot of muppets playing this lately, even by our standards. Keep geeting rammed within 5 seconds of starting the game. :(
there seems to be a lot of muppets playing this lately, even by our standards. Keep geeting rammed within 5 seconds of starting the game. :(

Yea was playing late last night/early this morning and ended up rage quitting quite a few times. Even got rammed twice in a row seconds into a spawn by team mates. Grrrr
Level 1 is where it's at mate. Seems like the higher the tier, the fewer braincells owned by players.

Maybe it's all that high-octane fuel they're sniffing.
So fancied trying it again today after landing on this thread.

MM is still cack, the whole layout and researching really, really irritates/alienates me to this game and I have been playing this since patch 1.25.
So fancied trying it again today after landing on this thread.

MM is still cack, the whole layout and researching really, really irritates/alienates me to this game and I have been playing this since patch 1.25.

What kind of planes have you got unlocked? I find the planes that are most fun are the tier 2 stuff, like the LA-5. Ignore the grind, its become ludicrous of late.

Saw something like this on a program the other day, but the guy ended up going out onto the wing with the crew holding his parachute cord, they then got shot up again after he put the fire out and he ended up falling off the wing with his parachute on fire. Both him and the crew survived and ended up in a POW camp for the rest of the war.

Amazing what they did back then.
Just gone and tripped over my headset wire and pulled apart the USB fitting, i have sound but the mic isn't working. Yet another set of headphones destroyed :(
1x Decal reading either "You can't catch me" or "I"m the GingerBread Man!" for immediate fitment to a DeHavilland Vampire.
Must fit to plane in such a way to be clearly legible from the rear at speeds exceeding 1000kph.

Please send completed designs to:
The Mother ******* GingerBread Man,
DeHavilland Vampire house,
Tier 5 Battle Lane,
Your Mum ;D
Well I have been having some screen shot fun tonight :D Just had a quick blast in historical in my mossie, and well, I have a whole mission to report on! Watch this space :)
Take Off & Climb Mossie!


Enemy Focke Spotted! Attack!


Keep With Him!


Stuck On Like Glue!


Holy Hit!


Bonjuer Rodney, Bonjuer!


He had a friend, Fritz was his name!


You cannot escape the Mosquito of doom Fritz, get back here!


Fine, I will shoot you from .85km away then!


They see us rollin, they hatin!


Enemy bomber sighted, rearming at their base. Pedal to the metal!


Go Go Go!




Job done, head for home!


Flak me, that was close



And there you have it, the story of Spangles & Co-Pilot Tarquin :D
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That was a really great little story, Spangles mate.
I particularly enjoyed your .84k kill, and the last-but-one shot is wonderful. Might background that...
I'll be stuck in a hotel tonight with sod all to do, so will be on for a play. Might give something similar a go.

I had a horrible time lastnight. Had 1 great jet battle (2 kills, tons of other damage done to about 5 other planes), then thought I would try a second. At which point my net went dodgy. At one point I was flying my Mozzy at 2000m trying to catch a Mig 9 on the enemy runway. Then my ping went to 3000 (yep, 3k!) when I was 0.8k from the Mig, and my Mozzy glitch-belly-flopped into the floor.
My rage was long lasting and vehement.
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