******Official War Thunder Thread*******

Dunno if this works, but found this on the official forums which may address FPS drops since patch 1.41.744

Ok DEV check audio files on source of last patch... the trouble is there...

for solve it unchecked flag : sound effect .

No audio in the game and no FPS drops.
You called? :eek: :D Always happy to oblige.

Yeah I've been getting that, only since the last patch though so hopefully they'll fix it shortly.

I haven't been flying my BR 5.0 - 5.3 stuff much of late if I'm honest, I just fancied some massive firepower fights, which I find ends up a bit of a trading 1-for-1 kills a lot of the time. Might get better once I get stealth ammo for everything that needs it, and a few more upgrades.

The Griffon Spitfire Mk22 is epic, currently working on unlocking the Mk24 and getting upgrades for the Mk22. Perhaps after last night's "pour la France" themed realistic fun I should give it a bash in realistic!

I found the Mk V's poo in RB, and the IX. For me they are just too unstable, speed gets anywhere below 140mph and you have to handle them really carefully (this is full controls, no instructors). On the other hand, I've been flying the Spit XVI in RB lately and its lovely to fly, it's still poor sub 140mph but its good everywhere else. I'd love to try the griffon XIV.

I forgot to add last night, I also tend to fly the Mustang Mk 1A a lot in RB.
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I think youll find most spitfires are 'unstable' with full controls on (Dont get me started on the germans), though I've not flown the XVI much yet so cant really comment on that. IMO the mk IX is perfectly balanced in terms of firepower/BR and whilst i like the mkVc, the latest patches have caused to to overheat too fast and the 20k repair bill puts me off a lot.
Leet skills ahead, beware!


The OCUK French Flying Circus
Moeks, you know the edit function on here? Could you pop into that first post of yours and change it to "I was tooling around like a baller in my Zero when this noob, [OcUK]Matt_FSR, comes limping past into my gun sights. After I served him a plate of hot Lead, I Teabagged his home airfield and proceeded to question his sexuality in ALL chat." ?
Thanks. Coz otherwise he will be unbearable ;)
Not played in a few days - mainly cause of restarting my social life from scratch - RL takes up so much time

(Says the person posting on works net when he is working <eye rolling insert please>

As for FPS issues - well I play on min any way and get over 70-80 FPS now it seems (or 50 in tanks for some reason?)

So yet to see what the impact is for me - no dount I'll discover this weekend

Though Sunday is ruled out as its a important family core members 80th birthday
Moeks, you know the edit function on here? Could you pop into that first post of yours and change it to "I was tooling around like a baller in my Zero when this noob, [OcUK]Matt_FSR, comes limping past into my gun sights. After I served him a plate of hot Lead, I Teabagged his home airfield and proceeded to question his sexuality in ALL chat." ?
Thanks. Coz otherwise he will be even more unbearable ;)

edited for you there ;)
Played this abit and it's very fun, but is it pay2win? I can't tell because I haven't looked into it much but as a tank I was getting one shotted and as a plane I was hitting people 10+ times only for them to drop out of range and get me in sights and kill me in 2.
It is just a matter of getting your stuff upgraded to make it more effective. I played for a year before getting a premium account, and seemed to do relatively fine with the planes. I suck with tanks, no amount of throwing money at the game will help that.

You need to get your planes upgraded and then you are ready to kill, getting the different ammo types, particularly stealth, seems to really make you a lot more lethal overall.

If your not with the squadron already, feel free to request to join and we shall get you approved. We are always happy to drop down to the lower ranks and help out new members. (not just because it makes us look like we almost know what we are doing)
Coz otherwise he will be unbearable ;)

It's almost like you know me...

Played this abit and it's very fun, but is it pay2win? I can't tell because I haven't looked into it much but as a tank I was getting one shotted and as a plane I was hitting people 10+ times only for them to drop out of range and get me in sights and kill me in 2.

That's largely because the tanks are pretty new to most players, and the matchmaking is horrendously out-of-whack at the moment. You're probably shooting a 37mm or 45mm pop-gun at well armoured German tanks, whose own 75mm guns are making insta-kill hits on your paper-thin armoured tanks.

I'm struggling to feel much love for the tanks at the moment. I feel like the planes are fun because you've a 3 dimensional space to work with, and a variety of tactics and armaments to use. Plus, I can't be bothered in grinding through unlocking the tanks to get something worthwhile to fight with.
Played this abit and it's very fun, but is it pay2win? I can't tell because I haven't looked into it much but as a tank I was getting one shotted and as a plane I was hitting people 10+ times only for them to drop out of range and get me in sights and kill me in 2.

my take on it is this......

yes you can throw money into the game to buy golden eagles which can be used to upgrade your plane much more quickly, but there are no plane upgrades that can't be earned through flying time.
with this game throwing money at it is no substitute for throwing time into it. you can pay to upgrade your planes as much as possible but if you haven't mastered your tactics you're pretty much wasting your time.

if you've hit a plane 10+ times and he drops out of range get out of there and keep your distance. chances are you'll have done critical damage to him so unless someone swoops in and steals your kill or they get to a friendly base to repair they will eventually go into the ground and you'll get the kill.

you have to know your enemy in this game and know their capabilities. eg, most of the spits can turn on a sixpence so are great for turn to turn dogfighting, yak9's are great boom and zoomers due to their daft cannons, and the list goes on!

have a look back through the thread for delboy's vids, pretty useful for pointers. always try to have a height advantage on your opponent where possible and don't get suckered into chasing an enemy plane into their territory.

the only thing I've really spent any serious amount of money on is crew points but again they can be earned simply by flying and getting kills in.

with the tanks, matt is pretty much spot on. it needs a lot of refinement/patching at the minute. they're lining up russki tanks with 35 and 40mm turret armour against 75mm jerry cannons - only 1 outcome there!

definitely apply to the squad, always helps having friendly eyes in the skies when you're in a dogfight, someone will usually tell you when to bail or if you're about to get pounced on. and failing that, the banter can make even the most stressful rage inducing evening so much fun!
Dunno if this works, but found this on the official forums which may address FPS drops since patch 1.41.744

Ok DEV check audio files on source of last patch... the trouble is there...

for solve it unchecked flag : sound effect .

No audio in the game and no FPS drops.

not sure if I'm understanding that, but are they saying disabling in game audio will sort the fps drops??

not sure I wanna play a game with no audio! also we noted last night that everyone was experiencing the fps/lag at pretty much the same time so that would seem to indicate that the issue is server side surely?
Moeks, you know the edit function on here? Could you pop into that first post of yours and change it to "I was tooling around like a baller in my Zero when this noob, [OcUK]Matt_FSR, comes limping past into my gun sights. After I served him a plate of hot Lead, I Teabagged his home airfield and proceeded to question his sexuality in ALL chat." ?
Thanks. Coz otherwise he will be unbearable ;)

Lol ...that's 'exactly' how it happened, I was just trying to save face for him a bit in my first post :p

I got my Ki-84 last-night, it's quite impressive without any upgrades so it should be a mighty fine aircraft when it's fully upgraded. It's nice to finally have some speed, I keep ending up in battles with Tier 4 aircraft ...even though I don't have any and while the Zero is a hell of a dog-fighter it feels rather slow and frankly over-matched in that bracket, the Ki-84 so far (the tier 3 one still) seems better able to handle it's self by virtue of a lot more speed and much better climb rate. I'm not sure why I keep finding all these tier 4 planes in the arcade battles I go into, the same thing happens to me when I got to the later tier 3 British planes like the Spitfire MK VC and Typhoon IB/L.

I don't mind flying against prop planes from the next tier/rank, I see it as a challenge really, I'm just not sure why it's happening although I suspect battle rating has more effect on this than the aircraft tier, reason I say this is for the Japanese as soon as I comissioned the KI-61-I Hei Hien which has a battle rating of 4.7 I've basically been in tier 4 heavy games.
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Ok so I applied for the OcUK squadron as suggested earlier, not sure what that means exactly but it sounds like fun, my in-game name is Cpt_Proton.
Ok so I applied for the OcUK squadron as suggested earlier, not sure what that means exactly but it sounds like fun, my in-game name is Cpt_Proton.

that's you accepted :D

what it means is that you can now see who all from the squadron is online. you can squad up (teams of 4 max) and use in game comms though we usually use ts
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