*** Official Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Thread***

You are 100% getting open beta spot if pre-ordering from Direct2Drive.
The code should been sent to you right away after clicking the "Download" button on their site.
Can somebody explain to me how to get access to the open beta ? I read somewhere that it starts on the 15th but in this thread i keep hearing that you cant access open beta unless you order the game on 25th or after. Im very confused.

Believe your not the only one ! ;)

i guess more details will arrive when they have offically announced Open Beta
What details? everything have been said already except the open beta date!


For those who didn't get their CE copy yet, the chance is low to none that they will manage to get in the open beta... although they will be able to take a part in the 3 days head-start of the game...

From the 28th August, the regular edition of the game can be pre-ordered at 5€ (£3.97), and this special pre-order pack will entitle players to a key for ‘Live Game Head Start’ access ahead of the full commercial release on the 18th September, as well as bonus in-game items.
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£10 a month is average for a MMO these days. Mind you the SOE station pass was great value when I used to play Planetside/SWG & EQ2.

Plenty of copies of the CE preorder pack in the highstreet retailer was at least 10 on the shelf in MK.

I just wish GAO would sort out the website to I can registar the things I've paid for. TBH its getting very very annoying now.
Think I will go the D2D route, never used and keep meaning to try it out. I always lose *** game boxes anyway.

£10 a month is not bad if you play the game a lot, and don't intend on buying other games every month.

I thought that was the main point of playing mmos you kinda just stick to it alone maybe the odd other game here and there. That way you are getting you moneys worth.
Well thats the way i feel about it :D no point paying tenner a month for a game i might play couple times a month :cool:
Sub model can draw you into the "i've paid for it so I'm playing every night", I'll admit I used to be like that when I was younger, but TBH the way I look at it now is I pay for Sky TV and dont watch it every night why should a game be diffrent.
Its cheaper than going to the movies once a month really if you think about it so as long as you get a few hours a month enjoyment its not a big spend.

If I can spend £50 going to a footy match then I can spend £10 a month on a game.
Sub model can draw you into the "i've paid for it so I'm playing every night"

aye I dont mean it in that respect, I just mean i dont see the point in paying for mmo, but still buy other games everyother week at 20-30quid a pop.

Couple of my mates who are gamer mad, buy a new game regardless of PC, PS3 Xbox nearly every week thats like 20quid a week thats 80quid a month and thats just assuming they are 20quid (which lets be honest most are not)

Insane :rolleyes:

Thing I like with mmos is you can stick to one casually (or hardcore) play when suits you and for what 10quid a month lovely :D
The £10 is the same price as Age of Conan. I imagine if AoC wasnt priced at £10, WAR probably wouldnt be either.

I imagine Mythic sat down, looked at the prices of the latest MMOs, saw people were paying £10 a month for AoC (latest major MMO etc) and thought..right, if they are doing £10, we'll do it too.
Can somebody explain to me how to get access to the open beta ? I read somewhere that it starts on the 15th but in this thread i keep hearing that you cant access open beta unless you order the game on 25th or after. Im very confused.

Open beta starts early Sept. All CE pre-orders will get into it but regular pre-orders has not been confirmed yet - 28th August until that is confirmed.

The 15th is because in the US (and only in the US) they are having a "preview" weekend on the 15th August for all US CE pre-orders then after that CE's are getting invited to closed beta.

Nothing is confirmed for the EU on that side of things so probably CE pre-orders here will not get into clsoed beta and just have to wait until open beta starts.
A large proportion of my online friends are from the US (server merges ect) and seeing as it seems the DoAC people are saying GOA is fail would it be best for me and my real life friends just to get US copies of the game?

I play late night most of the time and the ping has been fine for other games... am I missing something?

Hope someone can enlighten me :)
Yeah it'll be fine, it's what I've done in every other MMO where there have been region locked versions.

Cheers :) Will have a look at around at some US stores and ebay now as I doubt the direct to drive service will let me get the US version. oh btw I emailed the war beta centre 3 times so far.. no reply yet but they will be getting a different email daily till I get a reply of some kind hehe:p
A large proportion of my online friends are from the US (server merges ect) and seeing as it seems the DoAC people are saying GOA is fail would it be best for me and my real life friends just to get US copies of the game?

I play late night most of the time and the ping has been fine for other games... am I missing something?

Hope someone can enlighten me :)

Yeah if you play late night anyway then there is no problems with playing on the US servers.

I played Daoc on the US servers, Warhammer though I will be playing on the EU servers. Simply because I am older now, and with wife and child to cater to, I simply cant be playing on the US servers and have RvR just getting going at midnight when I should be in bed. So for me its the EU servers so that I can see plenty of RvR action prior to 10pm.

But yeah, I had no issues playing US servers in Daoc. Just pick either US or EU depending on which best fits your playtime I say :)
Yeah if you play late night anyway then there is no problems with playing on the US servers.

I played Daoc on the US servers, Warhammer though I will be playing on the EU servers. Simply because I am older now, and with wife and child to cater to, I simply cant be playing on the US servers and have RvR just getting going at midnight when I should be in bed. So for me its the EU servers so that I can see plenty of RvR action prior to 10pm.

But yeah, I had no issues playing US servers in Daoc. Just pick either US or EU depending on which best fits your playtime I say :)

Most of my life I have been one of those people who does not normally need much sleep and uni/work is not that taxing so I guess in that respect it does fit in with my lifestyle...but then if WAR is going to be "the game" and I end up playing it for over a year from now I will be a qualified teacher and may find myself far more tired...going to bed earlier and stuck on the US servers...

Hmmm but then again I am one of those people that likes to use voip a lot and even though the euro players can type perfect english in my experience a lot have been pretty hard to understand over voip whereas this is not a problem playing on the US servers.

Decisions decisions :)
Most of my life I have been one of those people who does not normally need much sleep and uni/work is not that taxing so I guess in that respect it does fit in with my lifestyle...but then if WAR is going to be "the game" and I end up playing it for over a year from now I will be a qualified teacher and may find myself far more tired...going to bed earlier and stuck on the US servers...

Hmmm but then again I am one of those people that likes to use voip a lot and even though the euro players can type perfect english in my experience a lot have been pretty hard to understand over voip whereas this is not a problem playing on the US servers.

Decisions decisions :)

hehe, its a toughie certainly. If I could still stay up late I wouldnt mind playing on the US servers again. But these days, I just cant. I just know if I went to the US servers today, with my current lifestyle, then my guild would capture a keep, and someone would start sieging it at 1am...my guild would rush to defend the keep and I would have to say "sorry guys, cant help defend our guild keep, its time for me to get to bed, 1am here :("

As I say...several years ago, back in the early 2000s in Daoc, that wasnt a problem for me. But now...no chance :) . In EU beta all the sieges and keep attacks and defenses have happened at a nice time for me to be able to help my guild out and potter nicely into bed by 11pm ready for the next days work and stresses ! , luckily, the decision has been made for me :D
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