*** Official Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Thread***

After playing the beta the game is good but it has one major flaw the melee combat its very boring and i found myself yawning a lot:(
i'm gonna be rolling a ranged dps class upon release.

yeah i was in beta and found the combat pretty sucky :mad:

One of the main gripes is the slow pace of combat making it really dull. I think mythic have stated it as one of their top priorities though so hopefully it'll be much more fluid

Have you tried it since the recent "combat speed upgrade"? Its made a fair bit of difference to my melee classes feel. Especially my marauder.

How do people think this game is going to do when it's released? Based upon the current information we have, beta feedback etc, do you think it will be a big hit or a flop like pretty much every MMO released in the past 2 or 3 years.

It wont be a flop, how "big" a hit it will be depends on how you define "big" :)
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the game so far is superb, the fighting is balanced and there isnt speed problem like its been mentioned... RvR is superb and the questing mixed with 'public' quests and such is a great touch..

ive a lifetime Lotro sub, i play MvP every night and love it, but i think once WAAAAAAGH! is released my creeps may well get parked up for a bit ..
Yeah it is. LOTRO has a naff sort of "PvP" mode where you can become a monster and then fight against other players in a special area. I found it really boring, it's nothing like how PvP should be tbh.

sounds rather stupid...

So has the speed of combat increased quite a bit in WAR ? some of the vids i have seen the combat did seem a tad slow.
sounds rather stupid...

So has the speed of combat increased quite a bit in WAR ? some of the vids i have seen the combat did seem a tad slow.

Yeah, they've changed the way combat works slightly, I notice it a lot more on my meleers than my casters. I dont know if its truly "faster" , but it feels faster to me
Yeah it is. LOTRO has a naff sort of "PvP" mode where you can become a monster and then fight against other players in a special area. I found it really boring, it's nothing like how PvP should be tbh.

its not everyones cup of tea, but its extremely addictive if you have a PC capable of giving you a decent framerate (the gfx are outstanding in detail) ... i referenced it to this WAAARGH thread because RvR is what im most interested in... fighting NPC's is plain boring thats why im totally sold on the 'Ettenmoors MvP' in lotro, and im happy to say WAAARGHs 'PvP' is so far really good also..

soon the NDA is lifted and we'll be able to lob up some screenies of the game in action!!
Yeah it is. LOTRO has a naff sort of "PvP" mode where you can become a monster and then fight against other players in a special area. I found it really boring, it's nothing like how PvP should be tbh.

At least tell it like it is :rolleyes:

The special area is a huge zone with keeps that can be captured and defended, and the monster players have different classes - spiders, wargs, orcs. 50 of them storming a keep is the best fun I've had since DaoC. You monster character is persistent and can gain additional skills and traits as you kill people.

It beats the bejeesus out of Wow's battlegrounds at any rate.

I do think Turbine missed the boat big time in not having a full good vs evil world in lotro where you can start as an evil character, but what they've put in is still good fun.
At least tell it like it is :rolleyes:

The special area is a huge zone with keeps that can be captured and defended, and the monster players have different classes - spiders, wargs, orcs. 50 of them storming a keep is the best fun I've had since DaoC. You monster character is persistent and can gain additional skills and traits as you kill people.

It beats the bejeesus out of Wow's battlegrounds at any rate.

I do think Turbine missed the boat big time in not having a full good vs evil world in lotro where you can start as an evil character, but what they've put in is still good fun.

Dreaded rolleyes right back at you :rolleyes:

I did tell it exactly as it is. It's a crappy, bolted on "PvP" mode that many people that have no idea what PvP should be like actually find enjoyable. How is running around as a spider attacking other players enjoyable? WoW's battlegrounds aren't that great either, as they're another afterthought, but at least they are proper PvP rather than a player vs some monster controlled by another player scenario which barely counts as PvP.

Anyway, thread derailment over with. Warhammer has a full scale RvR mode that has been built from the ground up to be a part of the entire game world from the very start, with every action you take having an impact on the war effort for your faction. I'm pretty sure it won't disappoint.
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Dreaded rolleyes right back at you :rolleyes:

I did tell it exactly as it is. It's a crappy, bolted on "PvP" mode that many people that have no idea what PvP should be like actually find enjoyable. How is running around as a spider attacking other players enjoyable? WoW's battlegrounds aren't that great either, as they're another afterthought, but at least they are proper PvP rather than a player vs some monster controlled by another player scenario which barely counts as PvP.

Anyway, thread derailment over with. Warhammer has a full scale RvR mode that has been built from the ground up to be a part of the entire game world from the very start, with every action you take having an impact on the war effort for your faction. I'm pretty sure it won't disappoint.

LotRO is a strongly based PvE game so it's not going to have an amazing PvP system, this is what people tend to forget. MvP is a nice change from the MMO norm in my opinion and should be taken how it was intended, as something to do if you want a rest from PvE.
For those doubting the speed of combat, take a look at this video of the Marauder melee class. The speed of combat looks bang on there compared to some of the earlier videos. Can't wait for this game:D
Holy NDA breach Batman!
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The main doubt now comes as GOA are still not answering questions about if/when Open beta happens and if EA's details are right.

Still want to know if its worth ordering with D2D since they also say no refunds.
Quick, hide, the NDA police are here :rolleyes:

NDA Police see all! Unless of course you wear a tinfoil hat.

Loosecannon said:
The main doubt now comes as GOA are still not answering questions about if/when Open beta happens and if EA's details are right.

Still want to know if its worth ordering with D2D since they also say no refunds.
Yep, GOA are being exceptionally quiet in terms of everything. I have my concerns over GOA in general, there's a long list of questions on the Warhammer Alliance site which are apparantly going to be answered by GOA so I'm looking forward to hearing some of them.
The main doubt now comes as GOA are still not answering questions about if/when Open beta happens and if EA's details are right.

Still want to know if its worth ordering with D2D since they also say no refunds.

I made the mistake of buying STALKER from D2D, the download speed was so heavily capped that it took a friggin age to download.
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