****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

somebody had some keys for world of warplanes, can´t remember who it was.
if someone had a spare one let me know. thx

Luka aka Pantherophis
Just goes to show that high-tier arty really is point and click.... ;)

Yep, not disagreeing with you at all. Being killed or badly damaged by arty is such an anti-climax when playing this game.

However, if you can't beat 'em...

Seriously I don't think arty needs to be nerfed much more (if at all), however it could do with being limited to 3 as an absolute maximum and 2 in most scenerios. (In random battles anyway.)
But then if your silly enough to sit there for the time it takes me to load a T92 round then thee shall be splarshed :)

When you're in a heavy, you can't exactly dart from cover to cover for the whole game - there will often be times when you're hiding behind the same rock/building for a while.

Anyway, my arty rages are becoming less frequent since I stopped playing my high tier heavies. Lights/Mediums & T7/8 heavies are where it's at now; at least in mediums and lights you have the ability to accelerate and move at a rate that makes you a semi-difficult target, and the tier7 monster that is the T29 rarely gets more then a couple of low tier arties to combat.....I fear they'll somehow try to ruin my fun in the next patch though....
Im not saying you do. But the problem on all maps, even for arty is that you play them so much you generally know where people will be. I have been killed countless times by people just aiming at the favourite "Booosh" or gap in the rock. Likesie I will sometimes blind shot a "booosh" i sit in, in a heavy. Sometimes I win, sometimes I dont. We are really limited somewhat by the mechanics of the game.
Tier 9 & 10 Toons - I think we need to do more. As much as I love scooting around in a Tier 5 - 8, I absolutely love 9 and 10 and I dont think we do enough of it.

I appreciate that not everyone has those types of tanks. They are expensive to run. But there are a core of people, me Don, Skdav, Tut Mgoozle Tut and others who want to play them. I'd actually like to see us do some T10 Companies just to see how we would get on.

I do however appreciate that we also have a responsibility to get people Tiered up. Trinidad for example. He is learning and coming on in leaps and bounds. I'd like to see more people on Team Speak, and maybe start breaking out into Tier specific channels if it gets really busy. We have a boat load of people in the clan who are not taking part in companies at any level. Its their choice but I think they are missing out on the chance to learn and progress faster.

Just my thoughts.

Sorry, forgot to sign off - Kim Jong Il
I used to play Tier 10 a lot, but I feel it has been ruined by the 300 different Tier 10 tanks around, silly amounts of T8 arty in games + general siemas driving around in IS-7's & E100's.

I would love to try a T10 company though.
I totally agree that there are nobs, but part of me feels you feel it more in your pocket at T10 because of the cost. If I solo I win and loose just as many T10's as I do T5.

I think if we started playing some regular toons and then companies out chances of winning more (like the lower Tiers) will vastly improve.
Playing a lorraine40t when there is arty usually makes me cry (which is most of the time). It's as big as a house and usually gets hit for full dmg = 1 shot death. I imagine arty players take on a mad grin when they see a lorraine :(

Plus every other tank likes to hit you first, since they know it is basically full dmg every shot = more xp for them.

On the other side of the coin, my gwpanther seems really poor to me. You get pulled into higher tier games a lot.
You can wait a long time just getting the chance to actually take a shot, aim... it goes wide or that was close and you do 20dmg lol, they're hit! 150dmg... wut! ? average dmg is supposed to be 1200, but it very rarely gets anywhere near that for me. My crew is about 99% atm with about 70% in camo, runing with GLD, Rammer and Camo Net.
I totally agree that there are nobs, but part of me feels you feel it more in your pocket at T10 because of the cost. If I solo I win and loose just as many T10's as I do T5.

I think if we started playing some regular toons and then companies out chances of winning more (like the lower Tiers) will vastly improve.

I'm up for tooning in tier 10s but for a tier 10 TC to work I think we need to improve our tier 8 winrate, part of that is having enough heavies another part is how we work as a team.

I love playing tier 9 most (T54 and ST1/E75 mainly) so I would be up for that too in toons.
I'm up for tooning in tier 10s but for a tier 10 TC to work I think we need to improve our tier 8 winrate, part of that is having enough heavies another part is how we work as a team.

I love playing tier 9 most (T54 and ST1/E75 mainly) so I would be up for that too in toons.

I agree link, and to help us have a better win rate we just need to be more organized at the start of matches. Not massively so because we are actually pretty good. Our win rate is not too bad. Some nights we completely boss the games.

We have great strategists, we have people who are amazing with stats on tanks, we have people who are good leaders, we have everything we need to be good. The problem, and its not really a problem, is finding a happy medium in our game play. By this i mean we love to mess about, we have a laugh, and thats why I enjoy being part of OCUK. I have not laughed so much in years and generally, throughout the laughter and the ****ing about we do tend to be bloody good, but i agree with you when you say we need to be better to play T10. Those T10'ers are a step or 3 above everything we do.

I reckon though, if we made a conscious effort to have a set of strategies for each map then we would improve no end.

Again just my thoughts but if you dont agree with them you and your family will be sent to the mines for eternity.

Kim Jon il
The thing is it take a while to figure out the best tactics for the maps. Some of them we've got pretty much sorted and have a standard plan that can destroy even the best teams but others we haven't really found a successful tactic that works more than 50%.

I think it'd help if people concentrated on getting the right tanks. It makes it a lot harder to co-ordinate tactics when we've only got a couple of people in heavies fast enough to take strategic points, and our scouts have no chance of killing their enemy counterparts when the standard is amx13 90's and we always bring weaker ones.

I'm up for high tiered platoons any time. I'm not hugely keen on most of the tier 10's i've unlocked, but I've got a crapload of tier 9s I want to play more. Vk4502p, E-50, centurion 7/1 and obj 704 all need to come out more often, and I'd much rather have one of you guys as the tier 10 than a random Polish donkey commander.
Agree with 'Our Dear Leader' over getting more clan members into companies.
Last i looked we had 98 clan members, and yet some nights we stuggle to have 12 members for a tier VIII company.
I used to be one that was hesitant in doing a company as i thought i was not good enough, and now i realise after playing companies, is that i am still not very good, but you do learn a lot more from a company game than a random and my stats etc... are getting better, and i feel i have a better understanding of the game, even with 4k+ battles.;)
And the regulars are really friendly, until the end where they will try to team kill you :p

oh and highest tiers i have is 8, so cant do tier 10 battles
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