Damn, US get a great special this weekend. 30% discount and 30% credit increase on a bunch of tier 8 heavy tanks plus x3 crew xp for every battle. Even if our bonus ends up only for lower tiers i hope we get the x3 crew xp too.
Any of you seen what's in the pipeline for 8.5?
Bloody Leopard 1!
That's a 70s era MBT! What next? T-72? Reactive armour?
As if that wasn't enough of a FUBAR, it's being classed as a medium.
Holy mother of... way to make premium HESH ammo OP lol
Sounds like the tank has some down sides but still.
10k damage in 7 shots. Thats an average of 1420 per shot with HESH rounds. RIghto.......WG have finally lost the plot.
Our St Paddys weekend is up on the site.
Same as the US one with the x3 crew xp and T8 heavy discount+bonus but 25k credits for patrol duty medal, 50% off equipment and crew skill resets too.
Not a 2 tier game as such, just a seperate game mode. Allowing all players to play wot as it is, or the better players to play another mode when they want to.
M103 = Rammer, enhanced gld and Vents i'd suggest. Though I have Rammer, toolbox and Vents.
I was reading that the loaders/ammo rack are soft on this tank, do u have any crew trained with safe storage?
I dont, but i may just retrain 1 skill for it.