****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

Had totally forgot about this game since i built my new pc maybe i should download it again see how it plays now. My garage should still be there would hate to have to start from scratch.
Had totally forgot about this game since i built my new pc maybe i should download it again see how it plays now. My garage should still be there would hate to have to start from scratch.

It will still be there, u can log into any pc that has the game client.
Dont think i will bother sending a card, but i will probably not buy any tanks for a while as hopefully there will so decent discounts that weekend, so will hoard my hard earned credits.
First time since I got Comet, I had good fight...3180dmg, 5kills, 1980 potential damage, 980after spotting and confederate medal.
Run out of bullets and we lost :(
Last tank I have killed was type 58 by driving around it and slowly killing it with bumping in to it:) then last enemy-with ammo, killed me-i had less than 100 HP :)
There is skill in the game (as well as luck) but you just lack it! ;)

lol you know there is no skill just a good dice roll and MM.

How does the player skill impact crit no damage, a bounce, shell penetration stats and the damage percentage?

How can my skill decide if wargaming will allow me to do 400dmg or 411dmg and kill the tank?
lol you know there is no skill just a good dice roll and MM.

How does the player skill impact crit no damage, a bounce, shell penetration stats and the damage percentage?

How can my skill decide if wargaming will allow me to do 400dmg or 411dmg and kill the tank?

I can see your point, but if you are a bad player you'll bounce more often. Bouncing generally comes from missing weakspots. Crit 0 damage and damage roll, yeh they're luck, but at the same time positioning your tank and actually hitting the enemy tank in the first place generally do come down to skill.

In other news, tank company tomorrow night? I'm bringing at least one friend.
T6 TD's and T5 Arty on 50% special this weekend, at this rate the Hellcat's going to be my most profitable tank, it's already made me a few mil and i usually spend it as fast as i get it. Garage slots are half price too which i am sorely in need of.

Does anyone have both the T44 and T69 and have a preference? Trying to make my mind up which of those i want, T43 already has all its modules and halfway to the T44 but keep looking at the T69 and wondering whether i'd like it better. Only have the T21 unlocked in that tree though and don't like it much, not a fan of lights. Haven't played auto-loaders before.
The T71 is a gem, it has an auto loader; I would definately go for it. The tree then changes dramatically afterwards.

T69 and T54E1 are a bit quirky. They're slow, long aim times, poor pen with AP with no armour. Neither heavies or proper mediums. The low pen coupled with poor accuracy mean you will quickly be tempted to shoot a lot of gold. T69 is used in quite a few ESL teams now so it can't be bad for a Tier 8. I've almost got the T57; its meant to be really good.

Never played the T-44.
The T-57 is a nice tank, however in randoms its tough to get wins. Its an arty magnet, its armour while slightly better than the 50B is less than impressive and seems to be a major target for everyone on the opposite side - or at least I seem to be when I drive it. It's certainly not a sniper like the 50B where you can sit behind the front line and pick people off.
T57 is T10 and a heavy tank and i don't have any plans to play in T10, i seem to get the most enjoyment out of t6-8. Went to T9 on the German TD's and while i liked the tank i didn't like the T10 matches, they were boring with no one doing anything.

Really just looking at the meds as i've had a lot of fun on the Hellcat, i know it's not a medium but at times it plays like one so thought i'd give them a proper go, the panther and VK3002DB put me off them for a while with their crap damage. I suppose the sensible thing to do would be to finish off getting the T44 and just free xp past the T21 onto the T71 and go from there. I've a feeling that even if i don't like the T44 i'm going to be tempted by the T54 though lol.
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I was in the same dilemma NZB. I went for the T44 and not looked back. Great mobility, decent gun but a bit thin, but I truly love it. Very accurate on the move and stationary. The T54 is a beast. Bouncy as hell with good mobility and great gun also. My fave tanks both of them. Well worth the grind both of them. Once I have the T62A this week il get my T71 on the go again and find out if the T69 is any good when I get. One note about the T69 as mentioned. Seems it needs prem ammo to shine according to everything I read.




Not great, but not bad :)
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