I have created a team for the Geforce World of Tanks Tournament. By the looks of it matches are Mondays and Thursday (I think 7PM). We need 7 people for each game + a few backups. Need to have a mix of tanks so no IS-3 spam. I don't want to be elitist or anything here, but I really want decent players who will pick whichever tank is needed, load premium ammo etc and do as they are told
I was thinking people like Danuttah, Panther, Silent, Link, Thomas, Skdav etc. If you want an invite trust me your email and I can send one out. Have to join the team by end of tomorrow as that is the last day.
Team name: Overclockers UK
Password: ocuk
Registration for this has been extended to Sunday. We currently have 8 players registered, I think we could probably do with a few more as back-up so we have a decent pool of players to choose from. Perhaps we can work on that before registration closes on Sunday.