****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

Which have you drawn? I wouldn't bother about noobmeter; its ESL format. There are loads of outstanding players with pretty average stats who are amazing at 7v7.

I don't have the time to play ESL anymore (not that I was ever any good at it). There should be loads of vids for ensk. The first few minutes is manouvering, scouting and then a mad cap rush. You need to control one side of the tracks ideally and spot their rush. A static spotter covers the other.

2 x Loltraktor or T1
1 x T69 or 50 100 (the t69 is prefered now afaik);
2 or 3 Heavies. Its flat so the T32s don't more advantage over IS3s. dpm of vk45 may be worth looking at.
1 or 2 13 90s.

2 13 90s and a three tank 'group' is probably preffered. Some teams will bring a 155 51; its fine if you can justify the damage. one tier 1 is then upgraded to a bison. No one uses tier 6s or 7s. Tier ones generally get chosen as static spotters; its not an arty map so tier 5 scouts are not any use.
have been looking at all the available tanks tier 8 and under and for 7 players i feel our best loadout would be 5 x is-2's a tier 4 arty and a T-15 for scouting which would make our 42 points.

6 players would be 5 x is-2's and a tier 6 arty for the 41 points and 5 players would be 5 x tier 8's of our choice for the 40 points.

with the gold ammo armor means nothing and the 300 pen of the is-2's gold shells and better rate of fire than bl-9 armed is-3's more than makes up for the 100 or so less hp and make them the obvious choice in my eyes ?
I'm out Friday afternoon/evening so unlikely to be able to make it at that time.

You could maybe go 5 is 2s, 1 su26, 1 T50? Fire arc on the SU26 might help to hit stuff on Ensk another arty might not be able to and you will be all gold shells anyway.
Do you guys have a tank companies channel, my clan don't do things like that so would be good to get a game or 2 with a UK clan in TC.
4x IS3s, 1 ISU-152 and a Tetrach (for scouting?)?

I think premium ammo might negate any armour you think you might have with IS3s. Good as they are. I'd be inclined to go DPS rather than armour. I'd say it was all about focus fire and killing them before they kill you. At this tier 99% of shots are going to pen, whether they do damage or not is another matter...The BL10 could probably one shot a lot of tanks though! :)
4x IS3s, 1 ISU-152 and a Tetrach (for scouting?)?

if we only have 6 players then we would loose a point of our 42 so would only have 41 points to use so couldn't do that line up.

If people need a standby player and trust me and I'm around at the time (ask Link to get in touch with me), I'm happy to jump on someones account if they become unavailable - I promise not to sell all your tanks!!!

we have special accounts for the tournament with every tank ingame so you couldn't affect anyone's real account :)

i've been looking at all the tanks a lot today at work and the is-2 really does seem the best compromise between hp, dps, pen and mobility over any of the tier 8's :)

we could do 5 x is-2, 1 x t-150 or kv-2 with the 107mm and a tier 1 for scouting as arty may not be the best option on ensk.
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I think premium ammo might negate any armour you think you might have with IS3s. Good as they are. I'd be inclined to go DPS rather than armour. I'd say it was all about focus fire and killing them before they kill you. At this tier 99% of shots are going to pen, whether they do damage or not is another matter...The BL10 could probably one shot a lot of tanks though! :)

Having thought about this a little more, the auto-loaders are definitely looking like being an important part of any loadout. I'm not sure if going with IS2's instead of IS3's gives you any advantage as in theory if you have 3 heavy tanks, you only gain 3 points (which I suppose could upgrade a T1 to T4.....)....What jms198 says makes sense, thinking 5 x T8 (mixture of IS3's & auto-loaders) and 2 x T1 is best, not sure arty is of much use really.
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Having thought about this a little more, the auto-loaders are definitely looking like being an important part of any loadout. I'm not sure if going with IS2's instead of IS3's gives you any advantage as in theory if you have 3 heavy tanks, you only gain 3 points (which I suppose could upgrade a T1 to T4.....)....What jms198 says makes sense, thinking 5 x T8 (mixture of IS3's & auto-loaders) and 2 x T1 is best, not sure arty is of much use really.

we'll need to test is-2's against the tier 8's in a training room, we're gonna be corner fighting in ensk which wont suit is -3's or auto loaders really, we need to bring as many big guns to the fight as possible i think so 5 is-2, a tier 6 of some sort (m6 has 243 pen with gold, 107 zis of kv-2 or t-150 has 219) and a tier 1 for the same points would give us an extra decent gun :)
it may sound silly but maybe at 1400 hp and 239 pen with gold and over 1800 dpm the tog might actually be a decent choice for a tier 6 on ensk :eek:
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Guys, We might not even get Ensk. As I understand it each team picks a map. You then do best of 3 (i think), swapping sides on that map. So you play each teams map, if there is no winner after that you then use Ensk as the decider. Or atleast thats how I thought it worked. We need to decide which map we want to play on.
Guys, We might not even get Ensk. As I understand it each team picks a map. You then do best of 3 (i think), swapping sides on that map. So you play each teams map, if there is no winner after that you then use Ensk as the decider. Or atleast thats how I thought it worked. We need to decide which map we want to play on.

They pick a map, then we pick a map, then Ensk is used if it is 1-1...

Match Hosting Information and Requirements.

• The Training Room should be created by the home team captain or a designated replacement player on the HOME team.
• The HOME team will pick the first map, the AWAY team will pick the second map, and the third map (if necessary) will be listed on the match page.
• When selecting a map, teams may not select the pre-selected tiebreaker map listed on the match page.
• After a draw, teams will have 3 minutes to prepare before they replay the map.
• Between maps, teams have 5 minutes to prepare before the next map begins.

Seeding for position and map
• Map 1: The HOME team picks starting position and map (from available map pool)
• Map 2: The AWAY team picks starting position and map (from remaining map pool)
• Map 3 (if necessary): HOME team picks starting position, tiebreaker map is pre-selected and listed on match page.
They pick a map, then we pick a map, then Ensk is used if it is 1-1...

Looks liek the case.....Map pool as stated on the rules page is....

13.2. Map Pool:

• Ensk
• Himmelsdorf
• Ruinberg
• Steppes
• Prokhorovka
• Lakeville
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