****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

The gw panther seemed a lot better than the hummel from when i played it at the end of the beta. I only had it a few days but aiming seemed a lot easier, as it has a turret so gun traverse is pretty big.
The gw panther seemed a lot better than the hummel from when i played it at the end of the beta. I only had it a few days but aiming seemed a lot easier, as it has a turret so gun traverse is pretty big.

I'm not too worried about the gun traverse angle. The Grille's was pitifully small while the Hummels is normally plenty big enough and doesn't become an issue that much.

I'm thinking more along the lines of rate of fire than anything. Dropping down to a 20-25s reload time. Especially since arty shells are notorious for going wide, though hopefully the slightly better accuracy should help.

...and then the GW Tigers accuracy can become even worse by a large margin :p
I'm not too worried about the gun traverse angle. The Grille's was pitifully small while the Hummels is normally plenty big enough and doesn't become an issue that much.

I'm thinking more along the lines of rate of fire than anything. Dropping down to a 20-25s reload time. Especially since arty shells are notorious for going wide, though hopefully the slightly better accuracy should help.

...and then the GW Tigers accuracy can become even worse by a large margin :p

The upgraded gun on the gw panther in beta used to be same damage, more accurate and faster firing but they have changed it now. I think its slightly slower firing but more damage and accuracy.
The upgraded gun on the gw panther in beta used to be same damage, more accurate and faster firing but they have changed it now. I think its slightly slower firing but more damage and accuracy.

It is, thats what I meant. Accuracy is only slightly better, damage is about 33% better but reload speed is about 50% longer. Have to see what the splash is like as its supposed to be far better for higher tier arty so I'd at least get damage if I just missed.
Got the Grille, which I'm finding doesnt seem to do bugger all damage... maybe gets better with upgrades.

Got the KV, which at stock really really sucks bad :eek: however I've put the 122mm gun on and at least I can kill something with it now. Saving xp for the 107mm which is supposed to be really nice (pity the turret looks so damn awefull)

Also picked up a Hetzer which I've yet to try out, but I'm looking forward to doing some bush wacking! :D
The Grille has the same gun as the previous 2 to begin with so it really isn't that impressive at all. Its only once you get its upgraded gun you start dishing out some real damage (and don't have a limitation on range). It still really pales in comparison to the Hummel though thanks to the far bigger turret angle.

Hetzer is such a bad tank. Part of the problem is that it constantly ends up in matches against higher tier units that you can barely damage. But its slow as hell and isn't particularly strong either. It can only really take out lower tier units effectively, anything bigger and they kill you before you kill it and there really isn't any hope of getting camouflage on your crew to make you better at ambushing unless you actually spend real money on training to 100%.
Hetz is great just make sure you stay about 3 squares away from the heavy your following and stay hidden always.

The grille, i liked it, had good most of the map coverage when i had it in beta, had a good run with 8 kills once in it. Just have to be lucky you have good defenders (td) to help you out.
Hetz is great just make sure you stay about 3 squares away from the heavy your following and stay hidden always.

The grille, i liked it, had good most of the map coverage when i had it in beta, had a good run with 8 kills once in it. Just have to be lucky you have good defenders (td) to help you out.

Well yeah its got the range of the map like I think all the artillery have from mid-tier onwards (not sure how it goes for Russian/US arty but I think they're similar).

All there really is to say about it is that its better than the Bison and Stpz II once you get the upgraded gun. But the Hummel is such a gigantic improvement over the Grille in every way. Its way more agile. Its turret angle is several times larger. Its bigger gun can 1 shot KVs and quite a few other things that aren't heavies. My record so far for kills is 6 on the Grille, Hummel and Leopard. With premium you can make some serious money with the Hummel though, my last round earlier I got 1700xp and 62k credits so a good 48k profit after ammo.

I just can't seem to do anything with Hetzer. I get the odd match where I kill a few enemies (mostly ones that are in stupid places) but normally I just get owned or do very little all game.
I just got this game yesterday, im enjoying it quite a bit, might get premium.
Im going down the US tree at the moment, not got too far though ;P

Will apply for clan :)

Edit: cant sign up right now, as the site is blocked in work :(
Grille I'm finding a bit mixed atm, much much better with the upgraded gun since you can do almost full map. on lower tier fights things tend to move to quick for the long aiming time, can mean quite a few misses which can actually end up losing you money (ammo is 500 each shot :eek:). I've got all upgrades so far bar the FuG12 Radio, then its the 42k grind to Hummel.

Still struggling with the Hetzer a bit, getting a lot of bounced shots. Thinking I might just make a push for the StuG. I've put on the 10,5 gun and will give it a try with some HE ammo.

Sold my bt-2 and working up a different tree to the leopard (its a dead end tree, but I'm just doing it for the fun of it), currently on the Pz Luchs atm which started out dire. 140hp engine the thing crawled along at stock with pretty much everything else zooming past it :( however with the upgraded engine 360hp and tracks it's a totally different tank and zips about well. I'm starting to really enjoy running rings around other tanks.

KV is now upgraded to the 107 sniping platform :p damn slow but can be fun. I think I may give the 152 lolcannon a try though as that sounds pretty crazy for the high tier fights. Had a nice run on the KV last night, personal best I think, seems its the slowest scout in the field too with 6 detects :p

Its so stupid when you get KVs in low tier matches. Once it gets to the final stages the KV will just roll over everything taking minuscule amounts of damage.

The Hetzer is so bad... it'll take an eternity to reach the Stug III...

Had some really badly matched games earlier. In total, 9 artillery in 2 games, 8 in another. The first one was a bad arty map but we got steamrolled because they had all heavy tanks we had half med tanks. Second and third maps... you got spotted, you got hit with 4/5 arty shells.
The Hetzer been giving me good xp today, first win gave me over 1k xp inc double bonus, then I had a nice battle in ensk and netted another 715xp. Still 7k till the StuG assuming I do no more upgrades.

The matchmaking could certainly do with some improvements, had some really poor games lately.
The ocuk channel only now is available once ur in the clan.

What clan site? Dont think i see you on the clans forums we have. Which the link is only given to ppl when they join so i cant post it here.

Whats ur ingame name and have u applied (see first post in this thread) on how to do it.
Jeez I dunno if people have suddenly got worse, I've become very unlucky, or the fact the GW Tiger has the mobility of a house has made it more obvious, but I seem to get teamed with complete morons so much now. Getting killed early on because my team doesn't bother to defend and leaves huge gaps, normally with the GW Panther or Hummel I could just relocate but the GW Tiger moves so damn slowly!

Its a VERY long road to the Type E...
Seems to go through periods of crap games sometimes, can be frustrating.

I'm finding it a long road to the Hummel... think the grind has kicked in for me on Tier V (IV for SPG). I'm not enjoying the Grille that much atm, and its getting less attention.

Current line up:-
KV - 100% KV3 researched, just not taken the plunge yet, might upgrade TD first
Stug III - 10k xp left for the JgdIV
Grille. - still need about 30k xp for Hummel, and seem to be getting not much xp per run.

Starting to feel like you need Premium to go much higher, or just to be really dedicated :p I can see myself struggling to get past Tier 6 (or Hummel for SPG) unless I am really enjoying the tank :D
To increase my loving of the Grille I just played a couple of games in it and never hit one tank :eek:

Everytime I got a target, they either:-
were not in a position I could hit
were destroyed just before my aim zero'd in, or just as I pressed fire.
were not visible long enough and did not have a good enough movement to make a good guestimate of where they were to fire blindly.
or were moving so much my aim reset, and one of the above applied...

"Your Grille love has decreased by 10"

and I keep getting the city/half city landscapes...:(
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