****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

My 7970 and stock i5-3570k still see the FPS in the 40's with everything on high and a lot happening onscreen. (1920x1080)
3) Because you just aren't as good with some tanks as others?

I can't take your OP accusations seriously, considering the amount of tanks you throw it about with and the fact you denied that arty was OP before the 8.6 patch.

I never said arty wasnt overpowered. I said it was situationally overpowered, eg when people sit out in the open or camp in one spot expecting not to get shot. Several people (seems you are included in this) seem to think arty pre 8.6 could hit a tank whether it was stationary, moving or doing a backflip everytime without fail for 2000 + damage. In reality it is nothing like that. Sure sometimes you could do that but half the time that didnt happen. If arty was as overpowered as you claim then every arty every game would be topping the scoreboard with damage and kills. Sure sometimes they were at the top but not every game without fail. In general my T10 tanks have higher average damage than my t8 arty at the time. If your unable to adapt and persist in sitting in places where its easy for arty to hit you expecting to have god mode vs them, then the issue isnt the arty but with you.

Magic Russianness I can't say I've noticed all that much. It seems to me that most tanks seem to magically bounce shots when they are low on health and other factors tend to come into affect against Russians.

A russian bias has always existed in the game but you seem to want to deny it, I'm not sure why. Is it because you rely on this too much? A good example is a T-34-2 vs T44. I prefer the T-34-2 as a medium tank. Im not really a fan of the T44 but my stats in the T44 are much higher. On paper the T-34-2 has the better armor and does bounce more shots than the T44, but the T44 will often absorb shorts, causing 0 damage. Its an easy tank to play because of this because you effectively have a much higher chance of survival. A Few weeks ago on Arctic Region starting on the west, my self in a T44 and Nuttah in a T32 were the only tanks to go south so we sat in base to defend. I put my T44 covering the hull of his tank so he could hull down and hopefully win. For the most part, the side of my tank was showing to several T8 heavys and td's. I must have taken 15 shots before I died, because so many of them were "penetration" shots.

Then we can talk about HEAT. Most HEAT ammo was nerfed in 8.6, reducing its pen. This ranges from the 105mm guns that were used by the Pz IV and M4 as well as all the way up to tier 10. Interestingly tho the 152mm gun from the SU-152 didnt have its HEAT penetration reduced but instead BUFFED. It went from around 210? mm of penetration (enough to penetrate most t8 heavies frontally, especially considering the calibre of the round against sloping targets) to around 250mm which is enough to reliably pen T9 and T10 heavys. For a gun that I can say definatly wasnt bad in anyway (was capable of 1 shotting t7 tanks and 2 shotting t8 tanks) to get a buff is beyond stupid. But guess what, its a russian tank so its ok. Do you think its was underpowered pre 8.6 and needed that buff to bring it inline with other T7 TD's?

I can't say I've really noticed much of an accuracy buff since the patch, Russian tanks still miss at range a lot more than the British or German tanks do. The IS7's gun is not massively dependable, it does bounce even when you aim at the enemy weak spots, when it hits, it does hit hard, but the IS4's gun is a bit more dependable in a tight spot as is the T110E5's...

BL-10 as a gun may be very good, but the rest of the ISU isn't all that favourable, plus it has a very long reload, however I would say that the gun is arguably OP at Tier 8.

ISU to me is easily the best T8 TD and the easiest to play. Even more so into higher tiers. Sure it doesnt have bouncy armor, but then which does? The T28 has decent armor but its extremly slow. T28 prototype has resonable armor but the turret isnt that strong. Mle 48 on paper has decent armor, but everyone just aims for the weakspot and pens without fail. (This tank also had its penetration dropped in 8.6). Ferdy has ok ish armor, but with premium ammo around its very easy to pen it, as most t7/ t8 tanks have more than 200mm of penetration with premium ammo and can just penetrate the superstructure. I dont have any exprience of the SU101 or the british one (except it has a nice easy to pen weakspot on top).

The ISU again has the advantage of absorbing shots as well as decent camo and super high penetration coupled with high alpha. It has more penetration than t9 td's for god sake. Its no different to play it at t8 then at 9/10 because you can still easily pen everything in the game and you still absorb shots but get more xp for shooting tanks above your tier.

Ke? Is it the same IS7 we're driving? At the moment its barely use through CW as its so poor... Pen and gun is unreliable, eats gold shots almost everywhere...

If your basing it off clan war performance, isnt every tank weak when an Obj 268 can auto aim things with 'balanced' premium ammo with 450mm of penetration? If an IS-7 is weak / underpowered because of clan wars, what does that mean for the KV-1S and IS-3 that are always used in great numbers in company battles?

Of course in a random battle its a different story, but then there you get players who are trying to pen it with autoaim...

Plenty of tanks are strong if people are using autoim. I'm comparing the IS7 to the T110E5 in general performance and it feels to me like a better overall tank especially when you consider the penetration reduction on the american gun. When the T110 was first in the game it was a monster of a tank, easily better than the IS-7. It had its ROF reduced and it felt like a stealth nerf to the lower plate and commander hatch (both ceased to bounce a lot of shots compared to before.) T110 suffers from horrible side and rear armor on both the turret and hull, where as the IS-7 has one of the best turrets in the game and decent upper hull armor.

Ps. T69 seems to be great when you get a hang of it and know when to shoot without gold... With the promo Im averaging 1k xp with 20k+ profit after repairs and ammo! Just another 80k to the T9 ;)

Nice to see someone using regular ammo for a change in that. It felt like the tank had been balanced around using premium ammo as a lot of people said it wasnt great when using regular ammo. Looking foward to getting mine soon.

I recall Puppet calling the 50 100 OP aged ago, I think he considers every tank that Nuttah drives to be OP

Well the IS-4 @ Tier 9 was extremly strong if you had half a clue of how to play it, especially when premium ammo costed gold. The T29 is very strong at T7 and is over powered in a hull down environment. You of all people should be able to admit that. From what I have played of the 50 100 it is a very easy tank to play and do damage in.

He also kept saying before he got the T57 "I hope they dont nerf it before I get it" suggesting he thought the tank was perfoming above average, otherwise why would it get nerfed?
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Not really CPU limited with an i5 2500K.

Hybernate, maybe try dropping your settings to high (if on max). I don't think the GTX760 is an overly powerful card from what I've read, still I'd have thought you should be getting between 60 and 70 fps on high. What resolution you running and what graphics drivers?

If hes running it at stock it could be bottlenecking the system. If its overclocked I cant see it being an issue.

When crossfire worked pre 8.0 I found I was bottlenecked by my CPU (2600k @ 4.7ghz) as I had mostly getting 60 - 70% usage across both cards with 1 cpu core @ 100%. If I use AFR mode for crossfire it works but you get horrible texture flicker for the first 5 - 10 mins of a game and the garage is a bit buggy, but I get much better GPU usage than before so I guess gpu wise it was a lot more optimized than before.

wot only uses one thread so you will be cpu limited.
OC your cpu if you want more fps.

I get around 70fps min with a 4670k and a 7850.

What sort of CPU / GPU usage do you get with that setup and at what resolution?

My 7970 and stock i5-3570k still see the FPS in the 40's with everything on high and a lot happening onscreen. (1920x1080)

Same question, what kind of CPU and GPU use are you getting?
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I never said arty wasnt overpowered. I said it was situationally overpowered, eg when people sit out in the open or camp in one spot expecting not to get shot. Several people (seems you are included in this) seem to think arty pre 8.6 could hit a tank whether it was stationary, moving or doing a backflip everytime without fail for 2000 + damage. In reality it is nothing like that. Sure sometimes you could do that but half the time that didnt happen. If arty was as overpowered as you claim then every arty every game would be topping the scoreboard with damage and kills. Sure sometimes they were at the top but not every game without fail. In general my T10 tanks have higher average damage than my t8 arty at the time. If your unable to adapt and persist in sitting in places where its easy for arty to hit you expecting to have god mode vs them, then the issue isnt the arty but with you.
I got hit and double-tracked while moving far too often. Maybe I was just unlucky, but I'd be moving, changing directions and I'd still get slammed by arty, hence my OP belief. I still get hit now even when moving, just usually I am preoccupied fighting tanks, so I've not thinking about avoiding arty. And often arty were top of the scoreboard in regards to damage pre-8.6, more so than their same-tier tanks.
A russian bias has always existed in the game but you seem to want to deny it, I'm not sure why. Is it because you rely on this too much? A good example is a T-34-2 vs T44. I prefer the T-34-2 as a medium tank. Im not really a fan of the T44 but my stats in the T44 are much higher. On paper the T-34-2 has the better armor and does bounce more shots than the T44, but the T44 will often absorb shorts, causing 0 damage. Its an easy tank to play because of this because you effectively have a much higher chance of survival. A Few weeks ago on Arctic Region starting on the west, my self in a T44 and Nuttah in a T32 were the only tanks to go south so we sat in base to defend. I put my T44 covering the hull of his tank so he could hull down and hopefully win. For the most part, the side of my tank was showing to several T8 heavys and td's. I must have taken 15 shots before I died, because so many of them were "penetration" shots.
Well I don't tend to drive many Russian tanks that often these days, so I don't think it's anything to do with depending on the stats being in my favour. I never found the T44 to be a particularly good tank for absorbing shots, no more than any others.
Then we can talk about HEAT. Most HEAT ammo was nerfed in 8.6, reducing its pen. This ranges from the 105mm guns that were used by the Pz IV and M4 as well as all the way up to tier 10. Interestingly tho the 152mm gun from the SU-152 didnt have its HEAT penetration reduced but instead BUFFED. It went from around 210? mm of penetration (enough to penetrate most t8 heavies frontally, especially considering the calibre of the round against sloping targets) to around 250mm which is enough to reliably pen T9 and T10 heavys. For a gun that I can say definatly wasnt bad in anyway (was capable of 1 shotting t7 tanks and 2 shotting t8 tanks) to get a buff is beyond stupid. But guess what, its a russian tank so its ok. Do you think its was underpowered pre 8.6 and needed that buff to bring it inline with other T7 TD's?
I am not going to argue with you on this point. I have no idea why they did this for game balance, though I don't think it's a Russian bias particularly, just that WG see it as a chance to make people spend their free xp to get to this now OP tank (gold-wise), making WG more money.
ISU to me is easily the best T8 TD and the easiest to play. Even more so into higher tiers. Sure it doesnt have bouncy armor, but then which does? The T28 has decent armor but its extremly slow. T28 prototype has resonable armor but the turret isnt that strong. Mle 48 on paper has decent armor, but everyone just aims for the weakspot and pens without fail. (This tank also had its penetration dropped in 8.6). Ferdy has ok ish armor, but with premium ammo around its very easy to pen it, as most t7/ t8 tanks have more than 200mm of penetration with premium ammo and can just penetrate the superstructure. I dont have any exprience of the SU101 or the british one (except it has a nice easy to pen weakspot on top).

The ISU again has the advantage of absorbing shots as well as decent camo and super high penetration coupled with high alpha. It has more penetration than t9 td's for god sake. Its no different to play it at t8 then at 9/10 because you can still easily pen everything in the game and you still absorb shots but get more xp for shooting tanks above your tier.
I should probably rebuy mine at some point, but I don't remember it being all that awesome. I preferred my Ferdinand.
If your basing it off clan war performance, isnt every tank weak when an Obj 268 can auto aim things with 'balanced' premium ammo with 450mm of penetration? If an IS-7 is weak / underpowered because of clan wars, what does that mean for the KV-1S and IS-3 that are always used in great numbers in company battles?
With players playing a bit more intelligently, balance becomes more important. You don't get a huge number of TD's in clan wars, well not when I played. Generally T110E5s, IS7s and Batchats are what you see most often. Not just IS7s...
Plenty of tanks are strong if people are using autoim. I'm comparing the IS7 to the T110E5 in general performance and it feels to me like a better overall tank especially when you consider the penetration reduction on the american gun. When the T110 was first in the game it was a monster of a tank, easily better than the IS-7. It had its ROF reduced and it felt like a stealth nerf to the lower plate and commander hatch (both ceased to bounce a lot of shots compared to before.) T110 suffers from horrible side and rear armor on both the turret and hull, where as the IS-7 has one of the best turrets in the game and decent upper hull armor.
Again though, it falls back to the undependable gun on the IS7, while I don't have trouble hitting things at range with the T110E5...
Nice to see someone using regular ammo for a change in that. It felt like the tank had been balanced around using premium ammo as a lot of people said it wasnt great when using regular ammo. Looking foward to getting mine soon.
Not sure on this tank. Quite glad this particular autoloader isn't particularly good at penning things, but then I don't own it.

And the T57 is one tank I feel is pretty Overpowered, but then I don't own one so can't say for sure at the moment, so maybe there is a case for what you say about Nuttah... :p
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Not really CPU limited with an i5 2500K.

Hybernate, maybe try dropping your settings to high (if on max). I don't think the GTX760 is an overly powerful card from what I've read, still I'd have thought you should be getting between 60 and 70 fps on high. What resolution you running and what graphics drivers?

Latest drivers, 1920x1080 running most max and some high with constant 60FPS and temps are ok. It's a very good upgrade from a 460SLI o.O
Latest drivers, 1920x1080 running most max and some high with constant 60FPS and temps are ok. It's a very good upgrade from a 460SLI o.O

Yeh sounds quite good then. Maybe just try dropping some of the max setting (except view range) down to high and see what happens, if you want more fps. Otherwise leave as is, 40fps is still playable anyway. :)
Yeh sounds quite good then. Maybe just try dropping some of the max setting (except view range) down to high and see what happens, if you want more fps. Otherwise leave as is, 40fps is still playable anyway. :)

Yup it was solid 40. :)

Edit: Yes it's stock I don't dare to fry it :p I know it's criminal but meh I had it at like 4.6 at one point.
If your basing it off clan war performance, isnt every tank weak when an Obj 268 can auto aim things with 'balanced' premium ammo with 450mm of penetration? If an IS-7 is weak / underpowered because of clan wars, what does that mean for the KV-1S and IS-3 that are always used in great numbers in company battles?
268 has very limited use as when spotted its wiped off after it managed to shoot once as it has such a poor armor.
Having said that - I agree - the prem ammo pen on some tanks is just a joke...
IS3 is not as popular anymore, I dont remember when was the last time Ive used it for a T8 company battle.
Of course it all depends on your tactics.

Nice to see someone using regular ammo for a change in that. It felt like the tank had been balanced around using premium ammo as a lot of people said it wasnt great when using regular ammo. Looking foward to getting mine soon.

As long as you get used to occasional dings and know where to aim to pen with lousy 175mm then its nice.
After the latest patch it does bounce some shots too and I got a Steel Wall with it lol!
With gold ammo it is a killer machine, but you can easily be out of pocket even on good battle and with premm acc.
If hes running it at stock it could be bottlenecking the system. If its overclocked I cant see it being an issue.

Same question, what kind of CPU and GPU use are you getting?

I have no idea, I'm not that fussed but I'm pretty sure the CPU is bottlenecking. I will get around to over clocking it, but have only just built it and haven't even had much time for gaming!
I installed this yesterday, well there goes a lot of my time! I'm really loving the Cruiser Mk. IV with the 40mm Bofors. The medium line is a struggle though, the Medium III is such a slow lumbering tower block. However the little German LTractor is a hoot and makes me XP :)

I'm good with all the equipment but the crew, training, perks and stuff is all a bit strange to me and it's probably quite simple to understand if I stopped to learn. :p

The OcUK clan is pretty casual right? I've never joined a clan in any game before as from the outside they seemed too serious which is against the point of playing games for me.
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The OcUK clan is pretty casual right? I've never joined a clan in any game before as from the outside they seemed too serious which is against the point of playing games for me.

Yes it's pretty casual. It only gets semi-serious when we play tank companies where you are expected to join TS and at least attempt to follow orders, but then that's only if you want to play TCs (need tier 4, 6 and 8 tanks first!) Feel free to join and one of us Deputy Commanders can accept you in. :)

You should enjoy both British lines, especially when you get to Tier 4 and above, though the light (later medium) British line is better to start with on most counts. For the medium/heavy line aim for the Matilda at level 4 rather than the Valentine, as the reports for it are generally more popular. After that you will get to the Churchill Mk 1, which has a fantastic top gun and decent speed. The later Churchill's sacrifice the speed for good armour so you should enjoy that too.

I'm good with all the equipment but the crew, training, perks and stuff is all a bit strange to me and it's probably quite simple to understand if I stopped to learn.

Best perks to start with are Repairs and Camouflage. These are self explanatory in that the repairs allow you to repair damaged modules such as tracks faster and camouflage allows you to refrain from being spotted for longer. The other skills all explain what they do if you read through them.

You need an 100% crew to do this so if your just starting out I wouldn't bother, just get a 50% crew (or retrain your 100% crew from your tier 1 tanks). Once you get to Tier 6 or 7 it may be worth getting 75% crews and 8 may be worth spending gold on 100% crews, depending on how much you want to spend and how much you are enjoying the game. At Tier 10 it would be silly not to go 100% crew imo...
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That's sounds reasonable, I have a while to go yet but hopefully I can pick up tips, it's all very much a learning experience at the moment :)

I bought 2500 gold once I'd played for a good few hours and was sure I'll keep on playing, is there anything I should focus on using it for as a beginner? I've used a little bit to convert experience to use on other tanks but is it worth getting a premium tank this early on?
the tier 5 and lower premium tanks are more fun tanks and crew trainers rather than money makers so at this point i'd keep a hold of your gold.

get a good grounding in the lower tiers (4-6 are some of the most fun tiers with a great choice of vehicles) before you climb the tree's. there are far too many people in the higher tiers who have rushed to the biggest tank they can get and have no idea how to play.

try out different vehicle types like td's (stay away from the british td's if you don't like slow things, and i can highly recommend the american T82 and german stug as they are both great td's) and lights as knowing how they play will help you fight against them.

get a tank you like and grind it until you have 100% crew and get some crew skills so you can see what a difference they make and which ones suit your playstyle and you can transfer highly trained crews onto your next vehicle with your gold or lose a little bit of training and use credits.

just because you have ground the xp and credits for the next tier doesn't mean you should jump to the next one as soon as you can.
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That's sounds reasonable, I have a while to go yet but hopefully I can pick up tips, it's all very much a learning experience at the moment :)

I bought 2500 gold once I'd played for a good few hours and was sure I'll keep on playing, is there anything I should focus on using it for as a beginner? I've used a little bit to convert experience to use on other tanks but is it worth getting a premium tank this early on?

I would say its worth getting a premium tank early on, as you can earn a lot of credits in a short space of time with them. Credits may not be a problem now but as you go up the tiers, you need a fair chunk more. They can also be used to train up other crews of the same nation and tank type. Some can be pretty fun as well. I would say to avoid buying any high tier premium tanks (Probably Tier 7 / 8) until you have more experience in the game.
In my experience for low tier tanks try the MS-1 as its a T1 but has a T2 gun when upgraded. I had the premium German Pz.Kpfw. S35 739 (f) T3 which looks a real weedy tank but I found it quite fun as quite often it went unnoticed because of its size but has rapid fire.

French premium TD FCM 36 Pak 40 T3 is good too it has a big view range and good weapon but its a bit slow. Try the French (non premium) Renault UE 57 its like a little gnat buzzing round but it can quite often one shot an unexpecting enemy.

I had a lot of good fun in the Russian T26, try the BT line for fast tanks and also the T28 is worth a look and can be popular.

Just my low tier opinion.

Have you tried the delights of arty's yet ?

The French Renault FT 75 BS is a good place to start ?!
That's a fair bit of info to process, thanks guys, I'll need to read it again over a coffee with the wiki open so I can check out all the tanks.
Have you tried the delights of arty's yet ?
lol the one thing I have learnt so far is arty is evil, on a number of occasions it has appeared from the sky like magic and killed me.

I've applied to the clan btw, I'm Sausagethrower :)
lol the one thing I have learnt so far is arty is evil, on a number of occasions it has appeared from the sky like magic and killed me.

I've applied to the clan btw, I'm Sausagethrower :)

Yep, that's arty, even after the recent nerf the good players have generally relearnt that they can still hit you when moving. I still am not keen on the idea that snipers you have no chance of seeing can kill you with their hand of god, but meh, at least there aren't loads of them in each game anymore.

I'll look at your clan application when I get home from work tonight, if another Dep doesn't beat me to it. :)
Had a great evening last night with these back to back wins:

Battle: Sand River 22 July 2013 22:44:50
Vehicle: Black Prince
Experience received: 3,144 (x2)
Credits received: 49,111
Battle Achievements: Confederate, Sniper, Master Gunner, Sharpshooter, Mastery Badge: "2nd Class"

Followed by my next match:

Battle: Fjords 22 July 2013 22:54:12
Vehicle: Cromwell
Experience received: 3,326 (x2)
Credits received: 42,003
Battle Achievements: Top Gun, Reaper, Mastery Badge: "1st Class"

I feel I have gotten into things now with the Brits that ive passed Tier 5 so I've stuck an application in to the clan as I think i can now pull my own weight in platoons and the likes :)
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