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i haven't played the jagpanther 2 on the live server yet as i have a few tanks unlocked at the same time that i am grinding the cash for one by one.

i have played it on the test server and it is fairly mobile but has a fairly weak lower plate.

the ferdi's armor should not be underestimated, with a bit of wiggling it can still bounce tier 10 guns from less than 100m. you just have to make sure to not give a clear shot at the weakspots which can be penned with even 120 - 130 mm pen if you give them a clean shot.

grr you might have convinced me but I hate uber slow tanks
grr you might have convinced me but I hate uber slow tanks

if you want something like a jagdpanther on steroids get the jagdpanther 2, if you want a better armored gun platform go for the ferdi.

they are both really good td's it's just mobility or armor you have to choose.
Both TD's have their Pros & Cons.

I chose the Jagdpanther 2 and it is very fast (45km) which is fantastic for manoeuvrability and getting out of trouble.

The Ferdi is very slow and is prime arty bait, maybe not so much post patch but all same it has a big red bullseye on the roof.

Both are weak from the sides and rear and will be torn apart easily on that score.

Jagdpanther 2 tier X gun is a great boom stick and will do loads of damage, sixth sense is a must as you have a very high profile and can be spotted easily.

The Ferdi is probably the better tank overall due to its better armor as you can soak up more damage hence stay in the fight longer to do more damage. In a TD your gonna be hanging back and sniping so you usually won't have to do much running about in the battle space anyway. Also as you progress onto the JagdTiger and beyond you can forget about speed so a Ferdi will ensure you get used to it!
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but some people actually think they mean something and prove how good a player you are in some way.

Check efficiencies and number of Ace tanker badges on the higher efficiency players. The better players generally have more Ace Tanker badges, so it obviously does mean something.

I'm not saying the system couldn't be better, but as it stands it does have some meaning. :)

I have a Ferdi btw and I love it.
I chose the JPII because I prefer agility but what I will say is that the Ferdi will train a full compliment of crew needed for the JT where as the JPII doesn't. So you will be 1 crew member short if transferring them to the JT.
Check efficiencies and number of Ace tanker badges on the higher efficiency players. The better players generally have more Ace Tanker badges, so it obviously does mean something.

I'm not saying the system couldn't be better, but as it stands it does have some meaning. :)

guess which one doesn't have the ace tanker badge ?

it's not the one with the lowest maximum xp in the tank.

it's not the one with the lowest average xp in the tank.

it's not the one with the lowest efficiency in the tank.

it's not the one with the lowest average damage in the tank.

it's the one with the highest efficiency, highest average xp and the average damage only 228 under the top average damage in the EU player base who only has class 1.

hmmmm that's a great system ain't it lol :p

it is all about that one great game at the right time.
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I chose the JPII because I prefer agility but what I will say is that the Ferdi will train a full compliment of crew needed for the JT where as the JPII doesn't. So you will be 1 crew member short if transferring them to the JT.

oh thanks! that's sealed it then I will go for the ferdi !
just need another 30k exp and about 1mil

BTW do you guys train camo perk on TD's or is it not worth it with how big they become?
i go sixth sense on the commander and repairs on the rest first then various others like safe stowage/clutch breaking and other useful stuff before camo on td's.

always have a camo net though.
i go sixth sense on the commander and repairs on the rest first then various others like safe stowage/clutch breaking and other useful stuff before camo on td's.

always have a camo net though.

yea I have rammer , vents , camo
training sixth sense and camo perk but reckon i will drop the cammo and get repairs.

probably only lose 5% as it's the first skill

I guess I should get enough free exp for the top gun? or I will struggle to pen with the tiers ferdi will get?
oh wait that would be a lot of free exp lol
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guess which one doesn't have the ace tanker badge ?

it's not the one with the lowest maximum xp in the tank.

it's not the one with the lowest average xp in the tank.

it's not the one with the lowest efficiency in the tank.

it's not the one with the lowest average damage in the tank.

it's the one with the highest efficiency, highest average xp and the average damage only 228 under the top average damage in the EU player base who only has class 1.

hmmmm that's a great system ain't it lol :p

it is all about that one great game at the right time.

Like the vast majority the mastery medal award system is based off individual match results, every one knows that. You have the full stats to look at for the info you want? That's what the stats are there for. It wouldn't bother me if the whole medal/stats system didn't exist at all though tbh!
just looked at my stats on noobmeter, really dissapointing :(

Av dmg gone up steadily, as has exp so I would have assumed im doing ok, win rate on its backside though :(
Nice matchmaking .....


guess which one doesn't have the ace tanker badge ?

it's not the one with the lowest maximum xp in the tank.

it's not the one with the lowest average xp in the tank.

it's not the one with the lowest efficiency in the tank.

it's not the one with the lowest average damage in the tank.

it's the one with the highest efficiency, highest average xp and the average damage only 228 under the top average damage in the EU player base who only has class 1.

hmmmm that's a great system ain't it lol :p

it is all about that one great game at the right time.

Both players which I can see have 1350ish overall efficiencies, thus proving my point. Show me someone with a 44% winrate with the same number of Ace Tankers as someone with 56% win rate.

You have to play well to get an Ace Tanker, especially several.

Trust me chipps, this is not going to work out in your favour as I'll always argue when I'm right, which I am! Maybe we'll have to agree to disagree. :p
Both players which I can see have 1350ish overall efficiencies, thus proving my point. Show me someone with a 44% winrate with the same number of Ace Tankers as someone with 56% win rate.

You have to play well to get an Ace Tanker, especially several.

Trust me chipps, this is not going to work out in your favour as I'll always argue when I'm right, which I am! Maybe we'll have to agree to disagree. :p

Actually if your someone who never sells tanks vs someone who does, you will likely have more Acer Tankers (if you owned the tanks prio to the medals being introduced) because most people wont buy back tanks. a lot of my Ace Tankers are because I never sell tanks, so I had quite a lot left over from before they introduced the medals.
My account has a good example of masteries being backwards


check my is2 rating and it's got mastery.
check my arty rating and only first class

my avg rating is skewed from me playing tanks I hate btw such as that IS2 and pretty much every heavy tank in the game :S Don't think I have a good rating in any heavy at all lol

if you look at my ratings for Td's and arty and the chinese light tank line upto wz-132 I have 1000-1200 rating in them.

my winrate is pretty crap but it should be above 50% soon

52.67% from my last 200 odd battles I was down to like 44% at one point lol
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Both players which I can see have 1350ish overall efficiencies, thus proving my point. Show me someone with a 44% winrate with the same number of Ace Tankers as someone with 56% win rate.

You have to play well to get an Ace Tanker, especially several.

Trust me chipps, this is not going to work out in your favour as I'll always argue when I'm right, which I am! Maybe we'll have to agree to disagree. :p

no idea why you cant see that there are the stats of four players there Link, but i can assure you there are.

and here is your 44% player with more ace tankers than either of us -


but wait a minute, your a 56% win rate player and i'm a 59% win rate player and both of us are much better players than him with almost triple his WN6 rating so how can that be ??? :eek:

play enough games and that one good game comes no matter how good or bad you are.
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Some of the ace tanker badges are very difficult to get too; my t-54 and t69 don't have them yet. It's difficult when the tanks have very good gold rounds that can be spammed to get results.

I do seem to have quite a collection though!
OMFG! I just had the worst game possible and all thanks to the match making system...
look how many tank destroyers... and it was "el halluf" AKA massive camper map

no fun at all
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