****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

It's not about your game and team contribution, it's just your stats for the game. 1050XP wasn't enough I guess?

yea I'm saying it's a poor system and big numbers = big points regardless of how much of a percentage of the damage you were responsible for..
they seem to use a stupidly simple system for calculating your worth during a match

even people on here saying it was only 3k dmg just a good match.

how often are you guys responsible for around 40% of the total damage your team does? (not counting utter fails where nearly all your team only does 0-3 shots worth of damage) I'm sure it's more than just a good match for you.
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First game - it's OP Puppet ;)
yea I'm saying it's a poor system and big numbers = big points regardless of how much of a percentage of the damage you were responsible for..
they seem to use a stupidly simple system for calculating your worth during a match

even people on here saying it was only 3k dmg just a good match.

how often are you guys responsible for around 40% of the total damage your team does? (not counting utter fails where nearly all your team only does 0-3 shots worth of damage) I'm sure it's more than just a good match for you.

You only did ~25% damage. 1050 XP is not that high. Go and look at noob meter for good games in the Jagdpanther: http://www.noobmeter.com/tank/eu/JagdPanther

Apparently I've got mastery in my Jagdpanther, I have no idea with what stats though.

Mastery is all about comparison to other players, a value is set that you have to beat. It's nothing to do with your performance within a match, it's how you do compared to other Jagdpanther drivers across WoT.

Edit: Your 50% 10k/20k comparison also just doesn't hold water. How can being up against tanks with twice the HP (and as a result much more dangerous and difficult to stop) require the same effort as tanks which are far less able with half the HP? I wish playing the Jagdpanther in a T9 match required the same effort as being top tier in a T7 but that sure isn't the case for me! :D

I have loads of games where I work hard but get nowhere in the end results, it is annoying but that's the nature of the game.
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yea I'm saying it's a poor system and big numbers = big points regardless of how much of a percentage of the damage you were responsible for..
they seem to use a stupidly simple system for calculating your worth during a match

even people on here saying it was only 3k dmg just a good match.

how often are you guys responsible for around 40% of the total damage your team does? (not counting utter fails where nearly all your team only does 0-3 shots worth of damage) I'm sure it's more than just a good match for you.

i agree it's a very poor system and have said before i place very little value on the badges.

fact is 1% of the people playing the Jagdpanther had a better game than you in the week proceeding your game.

as it is probably one of the best tier 7's lots of people have kept it after they have gotten the next tanks and still play it so it will be very difficult to get that one great game you need to get the mastery badge.

i have said it before and will say again now, the badges should be based on your average xp in a vehicle after a certain amount of matches (say 20), after those matches you should be awarded a badge and then get higher badges if you manage to get your average xp higher.

as they stand now they only mean you have had one good game and have nothing to do with how good you actually are in a vehicle.

i got the mastery badge in my Excelsior and my SU 100Y in my first games ffs, does that mean i am in any way a master in them ? that is how stupid the system is as it stands lol :D
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been playin a couple of months now on and off. all xp in british tanks and now im up to matilda and hate the damn thing. its soooo slow. love the light tanks up to covenator, but find im usually in match with lvl5's which i just get nailed.

have i picked the wrong skill tree? do they get better past matilda?
You know that jagdpanther mastery I was wanting :D


I still say the game where I got 1st class tanker was a far greater performance than this one.

I pretty much just rushed around like a medium tank with a death wish and kept stumbling upon people busy trying to kill someone else or to stupid to realise where I was shooting from, my 1st class game was a really hard fought win that took skill and not just luck

Beast of a TD though had a 54.76% winrate with it yesterday and that was including grinding the guns :O
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Try Russian heavies if you think the Brit stuff is slow

My KV-3 is dire

Hopefully get on tonight for a while here's hoping I need my fix
Ace tanker badges are a strange fish. I got ace tanker with 1.5k XP in bat chat arty at tier 10; 261 was 1.8k when tier 8. On T71 I got first class on a >2.3k and needed more than 2.4k for ace tanker.

The JP ist stronk tenk.

I don't like that avg. XP idea. P2W would be rewarded and non premium accounts would be punished doubly (stock games and lower avg. xp).
I don't like that avg. XP idea. P2W would be rewarded and non premium accounts would be punished doubly (stock games and lower avg. xp).

obviously the xp would be base xp with no multipliers as it is now so it is an even playing field for everyone.

and with the average xp idea you would actually know the requirements needed rather than just waiting for that 1 good game where you get the badge.

as they stand now the badges mean nothing in my opinion.
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I've got the Ferdinand, Jagdpanther II and E-75 all researched. I'm not buying any of them though until after the next patch with the German tank line tweaks...
obviously the xp would be base xp with no multipliers as it is now so it is an even playing field for everyone.

and with the average xp idea you would actually know the requirements needed rather than just waiting for that 1 good game where you get the badge.

as they stand now the badges mean nothing in my opinion.

It is base XP now for Ace tanker but average xp includes premium.

I assume you'll still need to set the standard per tank as percentage of players performance and the ranking system would last longer than a week and presumably then be permanent. Players who have finished their tanks could suddenly find themselves losing or gaining an ace tanker badge. Similarly to what happens now; buffing and nerfing tanks will lead to players either getting badges more easily or finding it harder. Late takers are usually the worst of the player base. When would the 20 games come into effect? You don't need to play 20 games total in mostof the low tier tanks.

How would you go about nulifying players who FU as soon as they buy the tank? Grinding can take 1/2 of the required xp needed in each tank.

If ace tanker is useless you could just compare DPB and WR and not worry about badges; more important than XP and an entry requirement for most top clans. Lights are different but then again no one actively recruits light drivers.
It is base XP now for Ace tanker but average xp includes premium.

I assume you'll still need to set the standard per tank as percentage of players performance and the ranking system would last longer than a week and presumably then be permanent. Players who have finished their tanks could suddenly find themselves losing or gaining an ace tanker badge. Similarly to what happens now; buffing and nerfing tanks will lead to players either getting badges more easily or finding it harder. Late takers are usually the worst of the player base. When would the 20 games come into effect? You don't need to play 20 games total in mostof the low tier tanks.

How would you go about nulifying players who FU as soon as they buy the tank? Grinding can take 1/2 of the required xp needed in each tank.

If ace tanker is useless you could just compare DPB and WR and not worry about badges; more important than XP and an entry requirement for most top clans. Lights are different but then again no one actively recruits light drivers.

i don't worry about badges at all as i think they have no merit as to how you perform in any tank overall, i was just giving an opinion on how they could make them more meaningful.

as far as i am concerned they could take them out today and i wouldn't care.

but some people actually think they mean something and prove how good a player you are in some way.
but is it better than the jgpanthII ? and so many people use gold ammo these days the front armor is useless?

i haven't played the jagpanther 2 on the live server yet as i have a few tanks unlocked at the same time that i am grinding the cash for one by one.

i have played it on the test server and it is fairly mobile but has a fairly weak lower plate.

the ferdi's armor should not be underestimated, with a bit of wiggling it can still bounce tier 10 guns from less than 100m. you just have to make sure to not give a clear shot at the weakspots which can be penned with even 120 - 130 mm pen if you give them a clean shot.
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