****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

Yeah depending on which it is, you can aim for the commanders hatch on top or the gun mantlet if they make the mistake of getting too close.

On the subject of TDs and weakspots; how are Ferdi's best tackled when up close? I tried the usual trick of aiming for lower glacis without success :( (bare in mind my IS-6 has naff all pen)
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Been playing WoT for a while and thought id have a quick post here.

Not sure if you guys/gals will find this interesting though i was doing some simple comparisons of various guns stats available in game at the moment and did a little spreadsheet for a quick reference, looks like WG balanced them quite well...

the score is a simple multiplication of the DamagePerMinute and the Penetration (divided by 10000 so the numbers arent huge). Will add more if your interested. score does not take accuracy/depression/aim time (yet), though i will try to weight these stats and incorporate them in a meaningful way if you are interested, accuracy is probably the most important stat to incorporate next...apologies if there are any mistakes.

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Gotta love the AMX OP-100 I mean 50-100 :p


Map: Cliff
Date: 17 August 2013 20:52:35
Vehicle: AMX 50 100
Exp: 7,383 (x3) + Credits: 84,788
Achievements: : Radley-Walters's Medal, Top Gun, Sniper, Sharpshooter, Reaper, Spartan, Mastery Badge: "Ace Tanker"
Gotta love the AMX OP-100 I mean 50-100 :p


Map: Cliff
Date: 17 August 2013 20:52:35
Vehicle: AMX 50 100
Exp: 7,383 (x3) + Credits: 84,788
Achievements: : Radley-Walters's Medal, Top Gun, Sniper, Sharpshooter, Reaper, Spartan, Mastery Badge: "Ace Tanker"

you wouldn't have got that though pup if i hadn't meat shielded for you :p

and i just noticed that 3 of our tier 8's did 100 between them that game :eek:

i remember the T32 was botting and didn't move till the end but the special pershing and IS-3 i didn't notice :(
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did this earlier and no mastery


I am disappoint lol

I guess for some tanks you either use gold ammo or you don't get mastery :| (dmg lost from bounces that would otherwise pen)

How much more damage can you really do in a tier 7 game, not one medal either :S
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i think i did over 4k in the Jagdpanther one game and it only got me first class, it's a great TD that a lot of people play so you will need a lot of xp for the mastery badge.
That looks like a good game to me, but not a great game. Never really been sure how mastery works but i wouldn't expect it for 1.5K xp fella.
Looks like i'll still be playing solo, OCUK clan doesn't talk.
I think they all talk on teamspeak.
for some reason I could ever connect to the server :S

all I ever seemed to do was grumble in the chat channel so thought I should probably leave lol.
most of them are much better than me as well so I didn't really feel like I could platoon with them
Most tanks from tier 7 upwards you need 1800+ for master tanker.

3K damage for a tier 7 is just a good game.

3k dmg + 1k spot
if you look at the tanks in the battle there were no high hp tanks so it wouldn't have been possible to do much more damage. adding up all the damage done by the team I was on we did just over 11k damage of which 4020 was either directly me or spotted by me which I think is a pretty large contribution and worthy of the ace badge
I guess the way it gets calculated it doesn't take into account your percentage of the damage done it just treats every game as the same
lets say someone does 50% of the teams damage and there is only 10k hp in enemy tanks.
then take another game where someone does 50% of the teams damage but there was 20k hp worth of tanks.

even though the effort and contribution is the same the game seems to give more reward because of higher numbers and all out of proportion to the effort needed.
you guys make out like you do 3k damage every game in tier7 which I don't see as being possible in match where there's only around 11-12k of hp to be had

3k damage might be "just a good game" but around 40% of the damage being in some way attributed to you is surely more than "just a good game" ?

don't tell me you get around 40% of the teams damage on a regular basis and for you that's just a regular game
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It's not about your game and team contribution, it's just your stats for the game. 1050XP wasn't enough I guess?
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