****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

Finally got round to buying the E-75, only played 5 games but it's been fun so far. Lost the first match in it, finished top though with 4k damage and nearly 4k potential damage so a fun match. Won the second match and the third is straight into T10. Not that I mind but I thought you were supposed to get a few matches as top tier with a new tank! I've managed a first class badge and a steel wall already :)
Finally got round to buying the E-75, only played 5 games but it's been fun so far. Lost the first match in it, finished top though with 4k damage and nearly 4k potential damage so a fun match. Won the second match and the third is straight into T10. Not that I mind but I thought you were supposed to get a few matches as top tier with a new tank! I've managed a first class badge and a steel wall already :)

The E75 is a great tank. I still have mine in my garage! :D
not sure whether anyone has seen the golden joystick thread but one of the categories has WOT in it to vote for.


and you get a free game just for voting, Mafia II or CIV 5

<actually its a bit poor I voted, submitted, filled in another set of details and I get an email from Golden Joysticks saying I have voted then I get one saying I cant have the free game cos I havent voted!)
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The E75 is a great tank. I still have mine in my garage! :D

I'm having great fun with it, lots of steel walls :D I struggled last night though, I kept making poor choices and ending up away from the action. It's too slow to relocate effectively so I kept getting low damage rounds which is disappointing.

Now I'm much nearer the front line in the E-75 I need to better learn the weak spots ASAP, although when you can only see the front of an E-100 there doesn't appear to be much you can do!?! A dug in 704 or JgT8.8 seem to be a pain as well.
17th Tier 10. Thought I'd finish off the Object 268. Also picked up an ISU-152 again and shifted the BL10 over from the Object 704. Going to wait until the Object Line is no longer the tank of the week, then I'll sell the 704.

So next I think it's the FV215b 183.
I like my F155 and T57 heavy.
Surely after playing the new German T10 TD they can't be still thinking of nerfing Foch and T57. That new TD is a beast.
I like my F155 and T57 heavy.
Surely after playing the new German T10 TD they can't be still thinking of nerfing Foch and T57. That new TD is a beast.

Yep, they are still thinking of nerfing them and quite right too, especially in the Foch 155s case.

If the new td is OP (which it may well be) they will leave it like that until a few patches time, then they'll nerf that too.
The new German one certainly feels OP on the test server both driving it and being on the receiving end, it's 6 shot autoloader is insane combined with it's decent speed. I'm sure it'll feel different on live but i can't help feel it would have been more balanced if it were a bit slower.

Back to grinding for the T54 on live again but i really can't be arsed doing it in the T44 as i'm really starting to hate that tank, so have been doing it in the JT88 and normal tanks that are elite. Just using the gold from selling the super pershing to trade xp over.
I just feel like paper in the T44 and get no enjoyment driving it at all, weird as i thoroughly enjoyed the Pershing when i was going for the Patton.
The Foch is too strong in almost every aspect. Nerf its armour or mobility and its much more balanced.

The WFT-E100 or whatever its called is insane. With some luck with damage rolls it can 3 shot a foch 155 in 4 seconds of actual firing time. You can add 1.5s for aiming time, but then the foch has a 3s? aiming time + 5s inter shot reload. Its also laser accurate and the shell velocity its crazy.

Me and Chipps were playing it yesterday and its stupid how fast you can kill things. I raped a T57 heavy and was firing while moving and still hitting him dead on thanks to the JT's gun. I don't care how much armour or mobility something has or doesn't have, it cannot balance that gun in autoloader form. Not to mention it has 420m view range so will probably spot things before its spotted. Atleast with the Foch you have a long aiming time, longish intershot time and cannot hit a barn without being fully aimed. The new TD can fire all 6 shots off in 10 seconds and do 3360 damage. It can clip a Maus in 10 seconds.....
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Yep, they are still thinking of nerfing them and quite right too, especially in the Foch 155s case.

If the new td is OP (which it may well be) they will leave it like that until a few patches time, then they'll nerf that too.

Foch is not accurate and has 5 secs between shots.
IMO foch is not OP
The strong point is the auto loader, but to use it you need to be sat in view (90% of the time) for 10 seconds. This is enough time to take some serious damage if you have no armour. Without armour the foch will need to remain hidden & snipe from afar, but the bad accuracy this isn't really viable.
And everybody get ready for the gold rush towards the new T10 german TD. It's almost pathetic how transparent it is. Release new OP tank, watch gold get spent, nerf it, repeat.

Still it does look fun !
Foch is not accurate and has 5 secs between shots.
IMO foch is not OP
The strong point is the auto loader, but to use it you need to be sat in view (90% of the time) for 10 seconds. This is enough time to take some serious damage if you have no armour. Without armour the foch will need to remain hidden & snipe from afar, but the bad accuracy this isn't really viable.

If you are talking about the Foch (Tier 9) it is a bit more of an argument, but considering everyone knows the Foch 155 is OP, you're clutching at straws.

-It's turn rate is far too quick, most tier 9 and 10 mediums have a hard job flanking it. They're mediums...
-It's frontal armour is ridiculously hard to penetrate. The "weak spot" doesn't even appear to exist either
-It can get from one end of the map to the other pretty quickly. The mobility is really good.
-It's an autoloader, which are inherently overpowered as it is. All you need to do is blast off shots and go and hide for 40 seconds (depending on the autoload speed), come back, trash whatever you meet and vanish again.

Nerf the turn rate a little, so it can be flanked and make the weak spot into an actual weak spot and it'll be much better, but right now it is certainly overpowered.

The new TD looks to be the same thing, as Hodders says, watch gold spent to get to it, then nerf later. Rinse and repeat. Kind of losing faith in Wargaming's "balance" abilities. :(
If you are talking about the Foch (Tier 9) it is a bit more of an argument, but considering everyone knows the Foch 155 is OP, you're clutching at straws.

-It's turn rate is far too quick, most tier 9 and 10 mediums have a hard job flanking it. They're mediums...
-It's frontal armour is ridiculously hard to penetrate. The "weak spot" doesn't even appear to exist either
-It can get from one end of the map to the other pretty quickly. The mobility is really good.
-It's an autoloader, which are inherently overpowered as it is. All you need to do is blast off shots and go and hide for 40 seconds (depending on the autoload speed), come back, trash whatever you meet and vanish again.

Nerf the turn rate a little, so it can be flanked and make the weak spot into an actual weak spot and it'll be much better, but right now it is certainly overpowered.

The new TD looks to be the same thing, as Hodders says, watch gold spent to get to it, then nerf later. Rinse and repeat. Kind of losing faith in Wargaming's "balance" abilities. :(

It's only slightly quicker then Obj.268
Has less camo than Obj.268
Less DPM than Obj.268

Strong point - auto-loader. But the fact you have to retreat for 45 seconds completely defenceless balances this out.

The armour is weird. It's very hit & miss. Sometimes you get penned constantly, other times you seem to bounce even other TDs.

I've taken one on in my 121 and killed it without losing any health.
I think the problem with it is people either don't know how to take on auto-loaders, don't know how to take on TDs, or both.
It's only slightly quicker then Obj.268
Has less camo than Obj.268
Less DPM than Obj.268

Strong point - auto-loader. But the fact you have to retreat for 45 seconds completely defenceless balances this out.

Have you seen how much damage everyone does in a Foch 155 compared to their other tanks? I'll let Puppet and Nuttah answer that one.

Camo of all TDs is now overpowered, including the 268, DPM means nothing when one is an autoloader. And although only slightly, it's still quicker (and speed is not what should be nerfed anyway so I don't know why you brought that up).

I've taken one on in my 121 and killed it without losing any health.
I think the problem with it is people either don't know how to take on auto-loaders, don't know how to take on TDs, or both

He must have either been preoccupied or a bit special, unless you surprised him in town? At range, there is very little you can do in a 121 against a competent Foch 155 player.

I've taken out a Foch 155 with a T-54 before, somehow he massively messed up, but this was at close range.

So how would you go about taking one out? I am genuinely interested on how you can enlighten me on that point. Generally it only works out for me to go at one preoccupied with something else (or to surprise him, but with his TD camo advantage, this often does not work).
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It's getting to the point where everyone will be playing Autoloaders with the amount of them being added to the game. It used to be unique but now its getting more and more the norm to have a couple of them per team i fear this trend is only going to continue.
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