****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

I've also seen the Trackor get kills too believe it or not.

quite a few of us saw Nuttah get killed by a T1 cunningham in his amx 50 100 :D

Platoons leaders should be unable to click battle if they have a tank in their platoon below their tier spread. (+/- 1 is fine, whatever chipps, but there needs to be something!)

+ or - 2 just leaves to much room for idiots as a tier 6 platoon leader could bring a tier 8 heavy and something like a M3 Lee and end up in a tier 10 battle so i would have the + or - 1 as the limit.

they have said multiple times that they are not going to do anything about it though :(
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Can't see it working very well in the the live server at all to be honest.

It's just a different type of company battle really but you need fewer guys per team, any shortfall can be easily filled with randoms too by the sounds of it.
I think the biggest benefit of the new battle mode will be how it can more or less bypass MM. Yes you can do that with company battles but its a bit tricky to get 15 people, 7 seems attainable most nights and with the ability to fill in 2 spaces from a pool of solo players should avoid much of the whining about the MM being rigged.

I can see myself playing this mode a lot and not bothering with the public random games
Can't see it working very well in the the live server at all to be honest.

How would you know? You never play anymore :p

quite a few of us saw Nuttah get killed by a T1 cunningham in his amx 50 100 :D

After the rest of the noobs in my team had been slaughtered without doing any damage....:p

Yep, was quite a moment. :D

I'll happily lead some 7v7 battles. We will be more able to run one than a Company battle if the sheer numbers of non-turnouts from last time I tried to host a Company is anything to go by... :rolleyes:

I'm no longer convinced regarding your leadership skills Link - your recent performances have left a lot to be desired..:p
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It's just a different type of company battle really but you need fewer guys per team, any shortfall can be easily filled with randoms too by the sounds of it.

But the problem is that 2 people have to play in pretty much worthless tanks unless you want to gimp your team. I played in the geforce tournament and at least in that you could plan where to put the t1s to semi scout as you knew the map beforehand but even then it was damn boring playing them. Its basically 5 on 5
I now have an Object 140! :D

Means I now have 16 tier 10s I believe. Will have to count later. Next one will probably be the Object 268. 100K to go on the Object 704.

Then it'll be the FV215b 183, still a long way to go, on the AT15 at on about 10k, 6K off the 2nd Tier 8 gun, then on to the Tortoise!
I only have 15 :( (not sure M60 counts)

Still need to buy 50B, 215, 50M, 268, 113 and 121. Never very good with saving cash and playing without premium for long spells doesn't help. I just wish last months 15 wins for 250k and 25k (?) for 5k damage was still on.

But with 20k to leotard, 100k to Maus and 140 and all the other tanks half way through tier 8 except two arty lines its not too shabby. Only bad news is I still have to play the Uralmash
Anyone on tonight? I don't know if I cba to get up and set the PC up especially as Under Siege has just started... :D
Just let you guys know I left the clan as quit WoT for good, thanks for the platoons everyone have fun.
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