****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

Thats the retards for you. :eek:
Sadly all PUG type games are full of them

yea tier 8-10 game to.. (I was tier 8 jpanther2)

one thing I did notice is when I play a tier 9 tank I'm almost always with high rated players and very few players with low ratings if any on either team.

where as when I play my tier 8 tank there can be people anywhere from 300-1500 rating and very imbalanced teams..

I guess the not so good players got hammered in tier9/10 games and decided tier 8 is their limit lol
Hey guys have started playing wot again and have Is 6. Casual player but have a good few sessions a week, looking for a clan.

Any chance of being added?

Find the clan and put in an application. Someone should then accept it. :)

WG have got to stop bots/afk being a valid way of grinding. Just make it a condition of buying the next tank that you have to have a win rate (over the last 50 games) in the current one better than 50% of the other drivers of that tank.

Or don't rewards xp or money to tanks that drive 0.0Km (or below a certain distance travelled) and/or check shots fired/on target. If it falls below the minimum, then no XP or credits for them, they will often still have to repair their tank so will not gain any credits, infact they will lose credits. This will be for both a win and a loss.
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sometimes I hate this game and want to murder the devs...

Prokhorovka - encounter battle.

Starting on the south side of the map , about 8 of the team head into the small strip on the west side of the map you know completely the opposite direction to where the cap is on the encounter battle.

theres so few of us going to where the actual cap will be fought over that I decide to just drive into the cap and try to stay alive for as long as possible.

I manage to stay in the cap for about 5 minutes hiding behind buildings. (3 other enemy tanks are in there with me)

I'm clearly the only thing denying the enemy team a really fast win without me doing that we would have easily lost the game....

I die and then not long after the rest of the team that decided to take the scenic route finally get to the cap and manage to win,.

I clearly did more than anyone else on my team and was the only thing stopping the enemy from getting a quick win.

the game does not recognise this because you get no cap points etc for dieing which imo is a huge flaw so I end up with a crappy 1k exp game and that's after the 3k bonus.....

I know it's my own fault but you shouldn't be punished for doing the smart thing whilst all the other cowards run off and hide as far from the cap as possible

you should switch off assault and encounter, anything other than standard battle just totally confuses half the muppets playing and they have even less of a clue how to play than normal.

yea tier 8-10 game to.. (I was tier 8 jpanther2)

one thing I did notice is when I play a tier 9 tank I'm almost always with high rated players and very few players with low ratings if any on either team.

where as when I play my tier 8 tank there can be people anywhere from 300-1500 rating and very imbalanced teams..

I guess the not so good players got hammered in tier9/10 games and decided tier 8 is their limit lol

i find just as many bad players in tier 9 and 10 games as i do in any other tier.
you should switch off assault and encounter, anything other than standard battle just totally confuses half the muppets playing and they have even less of a clue how to play than normal.

Sound advice there. :)

I find just as many bad players in tier 9 and 10 games as I do in any other tier.


But yeah, they aren't any worse at tier 9 and 10, it's just their idiocy shows itself more as they have more impact than at the lower tiers.

I also have no time for idiots at the top two tiers (even by tier 7 you should know roughly what to do) as you should know how the game works by now, otherwise, don't play the big tanks!
lol bet his team couldn't believe it :P

He knew I was there as well so could have just popped the car I was hiding behind and then interrupted my cap but thought he would get close instead :D
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lol bet his team couldn't believe it :P

He knew I was there as well so could have just popped the car I was hiding behind and then interrupted my cap but thought he would get close instead :D

so much fail from that centurion there :eek:

it is a perfect example of how someone could affect a game by doing the right thing though as he had 3 options there that could have stopped you capping and could have won the game for his team.

1. he could have shot the car as you said and penned your lower front plate from where he was.

2. he could have rammed you at speed and stopped the cap.

3. he could have loaded a he shell and stopped the cap.

any of those three would have stopped the cap and gave him time for his team mate that appeared at the end to come and help him kill you.
^ or tracked you and gone around the side. I mean who tries to take on a JT that close from the front, jeez. Basically he did everything he could to lose that match.

p.s. just noticed his stats are yellow, makes perfect sense now.
I am becoming increasingly convinced that they have changed the MM.

I have been getting seriously bad teams for the last few days. Far worse than can be explained by averages. I'm talking 3 to 5 players that are deep red and with effs below 200 or so often with 20k+ games - basically the bots and afks that haven't been banned.

The result is the following daily win rates going back in time:

38% 21 battles
50% 34
48% 33
54% 24 (My avg win rate is 53% so this is what an average day should look like)
41% 17
57% 35 (A good day)
51% 41
51% 31
54% 24
47% 55
28% 39 (the worst day I can remember in a very very long time)

Basically in the last 11 days of playing I have had 8 days with a much lower win rate than average. The way I play has not changed, the tanks I drive have not changed. What has changed is the teams. I am being put with mouth breathing idiots that will lose the game given the tiniest chance of doing so.

Has anybody else noticed anything since the last patch came out. Is teh MM having a go at the better players in order to make having decent stats harder ?
Oh and one more thing - Just had a match with a platoon: One E75 and 2 loltracktors

WG have GOT to do something about that it just wrecks the game. We were 2 tanks down before the game even started.
Oh and one more thing - Just had a match with a platoon: One E75 and 2 loltracktors

WG have GOT to do something about that it just wrecks the game. We were 2 tanks down before the game even started.

Annoying this is it wouldn't be hard to implement, as you just limit platoons to the same tier spread that tanks get in game. I.e. you can only team a tier 8 tank with as low as tier 6. (Or maybe same tier only.)
Annoying this is it wouldn't be hard to implement, as you just limit platoons to the same tier spread that tanks get in game. I.e. you can only team a tier 8 tank with as low as tier 6. (Or maybe same tier only.)

platoons should be limited to + or - 1 tier of the platoon leader with the exception of scouts.

simples :)

they won't do it though :(

just as they do nothing when you report the troll platoons for unfair play.
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Oh and one more thing - Just had a match with a platoon: One E75 and 2 loltracktors

WG have GOT to do something about that it just wrecks the game. We were 2 tanks down before the game even started.

Yeah I have seen this too had the tracktors in a few t6/7 games. I've also seen the Trackor get kills too believe it or not. I've also seen the M5 stuarts in T8/9/10 when I was in IS3. Quite often they dive off a cliff.

I also seem to have had a bad run of rubbish teams right after the patch but then it got a lot better for me although on the team chat window in the garage I did see several conversations about the same thing being put in a bad team.
I just tk them lol. I've seen a fair few others that do the same as well

I don't, I just ignore them and leave them as a wasted/exposing shot for an enemy team member.

There do seem to be more idiots around these days, WG need to seriously rewrite the MM, so it matches teams on skill (near enough) as well as properly on tier.

Platoons leaders should be unable to click battle if they have a tank in their platoon below their tier spread. (+/- 1 is fine, whatever chipps, but there needs to be something!)
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