****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

For the Russians I'm trying to head down the TD line to the Object 704.
Germans I'm trying to head for the MAUS or E-100 and also the SPGs for Germany tree as well.

I haven't played WOT for several weeks since BF3 etc came out. Got a bit bored with it after putting in way too many hours over the last 7 months.

My WOT game name is Snubber_UK

Pretty well advanced through light, medium, heavy, and TD trees for all 3 nations. Haven't touched arty :D

Current tanks in garage:

Lowe (Premium) - for farming credits!
Tiger I

Might take advantage of the x3 XP over the weekend.

What's the latest on the 7.0 patch? Lack of a clear development path from the Devs was another reason I lost a bit of interest...plus they seem to be getting more and more cynical in the way they do things to extract more cash from the players.

Can't criticise too much...at the end of the day the game is 'free' if you want (and are prepared for the grind!). I have spent about £60 on it over the last 7 months. I don't regret that spend - generally enjoyed it for 99% of the time.

Will send out an invite to platoon-up. Can anyone else who's interested post their ingame name.

I have plenty of ingame credits to buy similar some lower tier tanks so that we are running a balanced platoon. Also got Mumble working a couple of days ago and notice there is a OcUK WOT channel - haven't tried VoIP yet on this game but reckon that it would make it much easier to coordinate strategies.

Hey guys,

Sorry i havent been around much, but see SetterUK and Chips have been doing a good job with invites.

Work for me has been manic!!
No invite for me :(

FYI, we also have mumble and a WoT channel if anyone is interested. It's normally where Bios. Link and I hang out when playing (I'm admin there and can boot/ban idiots should they come into the channel and start screaming profanities - which I can't do on other mumbler servers!)
We havent done anything with Clanwars to be honest as the matches always seem to take place at silly times :( well certainly for me.

I have an hours commute each way for work and often working long hours now lol.

Anyways i will be looking to Chipps and Skeeteruk for recommendations for any other clan members they may feel would be deserving of promotion and looking for other who maybe more geared towards running the clanwars side of things.
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I have not been playing this much. What with the release of MW3 and BF3 coupled with my ever growing coh addiction, i just dont feel the urge to play it much. I think im sort of burnt out after so much beta action.
this game infuriates me some times.
some games, i do really well, some games i can be one shot killed in the first 30 seconds :o

but then thats what is so good about this game
Wish I had tried this game when it first came out. Was too engrossed in EVE at the time, but really enjoying it now. Very frustrating starting off. Tanks are paper thin and seem to die almost instantly....but now beginning to understand game play + tactics :D
It would be interesting to play this over voice comms, with an FC like in EVE. Would make for some pretty interesting games I imagine :)
Yeah it is much better on voice comms. We use mumble but unfortunately it is limited to 3 people per platoon (the game, not mumble!) which is a bit annoying. Perhaps we ought to try a clan battle/practice sometime. :)
Yeah it is much better on voice comms. We use mumble but unfortunately it is limited to 3 people per platoon (the game, not mumble!) which is a bit annoying. Perhaps we ought to try a clan battle/practice sometime. :)

With the upcoming patch, company battles are being tiered (4/6/max), so this could possibly be a way to all play together. It was a bit pointless before as the companies all consisted of T10s.
We tend to setup 2 or 3 platoons, and someone gives the countdown on mumble and try and join each others games, sometimes it works great, i'd say 50/50.
not sure if anyone is interested but a german site is giving away a free T-127 (only tier 3) inc. parking space.
if you want, you have to sign up and then go here

under the 3 little pics you will see this link
» World of Tanks: Code für Kampfpanzer anfordern
click on it and they will send you a code.
then go to the Wot site, log in and click on your name, then enter the code in the bonus code box :D
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