****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

hi fellow tankers I just signed up !
I have been playing wot from beta played over 8k games & still love it!!
look forward to some cw :-D
Just had such an epic round on Mines as GW Tiger. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1152344/20120224_2355_germany-G_Tiger_hills.wotreplay

One of those rare matches where the whole team does an epic job and its not just the enemy failing miserably.

2 T8 and 1 T7 arty each. 2 T10s, lots of other high tier tanks. 5 minutes in we'd taken out a couple of tanks and hadn't lost any. Everyone was being really cautious (as you do when the enemy has 2 T8 arty, 3 T9 TDs and 2 T10 heavies). Mediums on the left eventually made a great push and we tore through them.
Saved chipps' life last night in his is-7 with my pro arty skills :p

Edit: Meh doesnt seem to be working, il try to fix that when I get home.

Edit: Thanks LeJosh :)
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Lol talk about a complete fluke.

I had one of those on my GW Tiger a couple of days ago. The Swamps map, on the other side of the map was a Jagdtiger against our IS-4 both on critical, on my side of the map was my GW Tiger and a VK45 approaching my position and the flag.

I'm reloading an AP round as it turns up, shoots me, I survive, turn and point at him just as I reload, fully open aiming circle, AP round hits it square in the side and blows it up in 1 shot, then the IS-4 finishes the JT and we won the round.
I've got 2 code for EU server that give 3 day premium and 300 gold. All in all equivalent to 950gold each. Only one per account so if interested in buying please Trust me for details :)
I've got 2 code for EU server that give 3 day premium and 300 gold. All in all equivalent to 950gold each. Only one per account so if interested in buying please Trust me for details :)

Had a look about and i can get the full retail game for £7.00 which comes with an bonus code for 2000 Gold,1 week premium,50000 credits & a PzKpfw 38H735 (f) which i already have so i get another 750 gold.
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I didn't take this game seriously, I thought the premise was a bit silly.

But I've been playing it solidly for the last few days and enjoying it, I was wondering if someone could tell me if these stats are good...

Battles played 38, tanks killed 19

And individual stats for PZKPFW 35

Battles played 19, tanks killed 15

...am I doing well because I think I am. I seem to be getting 1 kill at least per game lately, surely thats good?

Don't rate yourself on kills imo. Win % and medals are more important than kills. I judge myself on getting 1k xp/game with premium. 1.5k; I'm happy and with 2k I know I have had a good game. IIRC this harder to get at lower levels mainly due to lower damage/shot.

Efficiency as stated earlier in the thread is an okay indicator but can be grossly abused as cap points skew it. The game only really gets serious at tier 8.

PZKPFW 35 is a pfw 38H735 (f)? You should be able to pull off some outrageous games in that.
I think win/loss % is utterly meaningless in this game. I mean you can be the best player in the world (of tanks!) but if you constantly get stuck with 14 idiots....yes I am speaking from experience here...you don't stand a chance.

A fair percentage of players don't speak english, camp back and get taken out one by one or rush in before help can arrive. Then proceed to call you a noob for not helping/killing the arty etc etc. I prefer to look at averge damage per game, this is a more realistic number to judge players on IMO.
Meh, you can't really take any single stat and base something off it. As you say, win/loss means nothing. T4-T6, aka, the cannon fodder tiers for many tech trees, have almost no chance of effecting the outcome of a battle weighted towards T7-10s. Marder II can sway the game in your favour because its a devastatingly powerful tank in any tier it can play it but its not impossible to get Top Gun and still lose because your team were lemmings on the other front.

As for damage/game. If you look on a tank by tank basis then maybe (though knowing what 'average' is for each tank is difficult) but it still doesn't really take into account playstyles and matchmaking.
Arguments against the anti win% lobby:-
Don't forget the other team is made up of 15 morons too!
Everyone else goes through t4-6 as well. Unless of course you pay to play.

Win % is not the be all and end all but at the end of the day the aim of the game is to win. Damage is not a bad indicator but is so variable per tank, it penalises scout tanks and the MM has shifted upwards as far as I have seen (or am imagining it).
Try playing an artillery and say that with a straight face. My GW Type E has won 1 round out of 8, most of them were complete roflstomps. GW Tiger is also below 50% victories with 453 played 220 won, yet my GW Panther has won about 60% battles because I could actually reposition to avoid weak spots in the defence.

Doesn't matter how many morons are on the other team, your team always has more, you notice that a lot when playing artillery and people leave gigantic gaps in the defence which the enemy scouts/T-50-2 artillery destroyer always find. The only reason my Marder II has won such a high % of battles is because its got a damn powerful gun for its tier and coupled with some decent camouflage and allies spotting you can hold a side very easily. Moment you get spotted its all over.
Although weak in armour, I'm quite liking the French line both heavy and medium at the moment. Quick, Agile and able to pack a real punch given half a chance with support from your team in some shape they are great fun to play with and a different play style to the other nations tanks.

Quite often get between 4 and 8 kills a round in my AMX50 120.

The guns are accurate and the 50 120 has a 120mm 4 round magazine which packs around 300-400 damage per hit, lovely :)
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Dang that was some serious rape. You just didn't seem to be getting shot at at all early on despite there being tanks everywhere, then after that you just came and finished everyone off while they shot at other people, ya vulture :p
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