****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

Having a look at the change list, decided to research the T40 now rather than get guns first. They're increasing its research cost by over 1000 which is a lot considering its only 2270 atm. Also gonna lay off researching KV-3/1S as they're dropping down, though it seems the KV-1S is going to cost 200k more to buy...

And looking at the M3 Lee, every tank it unlocks is increasing in exp cost. Didn't they say they were aiming to reduce grind a little more?
Having a look at the change list, decided to research the T40 now rather than get guns first. They're increasing its research cost by over 1000 which is a lot considering its only 2270 atm. Also gonna lay off researching KV-3/1S as they're dropping down, though it seems the KV-1S is going to cost 200k more to buy...

KV-3 and KV are going up a tier, if ive read it right, if you have them in your garage when 7.3 hits, you get the tanks in their new tiers AND their replacements, meaning you get extra slots for free as well
KV-3 and KV are going up a tier, if ive read it right, if you have them in your garage when 7.3 hits, you get the tanks in their new tiers AND their replacements, meaning you get extra slots for free as well

Not what I've heard. KV-3 is going up to tier 7 but the KV is been split into KV and KV-2. Going by the USSR full tree on the wiki, both of them will T5 which seems odd. KV-2 is a completely isolated tank which leads to the S-51 only. It really depends how they balance them since the KV-2 turret clearly has the superior guns on it.
Not what I've heard. KV-3 is going up to tier 7 but the KV is been split into KV and KV-2. Going by the USSR full tree on the wiki, both of them will T5 which seems odd. KV-2 is a completely isolated tank which leads to the S-51 only. It really depends how they balance them since the KV-2 turret clearly has the superior guns on it.

Yeah I think the KV-2 being tier six is the only change from the wiki tree according to the devs

you ask we reply said:
KV will be split on 2 tanks. The KV and the KV-2 The Kv-2 will be tier 6

At the end the Tank Tree will be more or less similar to this one:

The only difference will be that the KV-2 will be a Tier 6 tank.


I suspect KV will basically lose 107mm which will be on KV-2 with a little more armour and hp than kv
Well its gonna lose the KV-2 turret entirely I'd assume which means no derpgun, no 107mm and no 100 health boost so it might be pretty weak after that (not really looked at the other 2 guns you can unlock but I don't think they're much good). And of course the KV-2 will get them which will lower credit gain a bit if its now T6.

Wish I had a T34. Would be nice to get a free premium T8 premium tank, though looking at the comments on the forum it seems the tank is ****.
D: I was trying to get the KV so I could use the fun 152mm gun, hope I don't need to do even more grinding now :(

Ah well, applied to join the clan :)
Argh, I am seriously considering selling the GW Type E. The tank is doing my head in. Compared to the GW Tiger it isn't noticeably better at all and without the new engine/tracks its even less manoeuvrable which takes some doing. I get crap teams almost every single game with it and get killed easily.
Argh, I am seriously considering selling the GW Type E. The tank is doing my head in. Compared to the GW Tiger it isn't noticeably better at all and without the new engine/tracks its even less manoeuvrable which takes some doing. I get crap teams almost every single game with it and get killed easily.

You must have the engines by now from the E50 or E75?
The T34 is an awesome tank in tier 9. Love it, just very unforgiving if you do something stupid.

You must have the engines by now from the E50 or E75?

Don't have either of those tech trees. As far as Germany goes I've done SPGs, TDs and Scouts (VK28 is crap too). Can't see the tank been much better even with the engine though.

There are a number of comments about the test server where the T34 has been nerfed to be a T8 Premium and apparently it is now terrible. Though a free premium tank would've been nice but I'm only up to the M3 Lee ><
7.2 Is here, once again be prepared to see a lot of premium T34's, normal M103's and T110's, plus most of the new TD tree including the T30 in your games, As normal always go for the hull, forget the turrets, although the M103 is quite soft on the turret, the T110 has a big commanders hatch which is easily hit, and all the TD's apart from the T30 can be hit in the turret.

Side note - patch is 617mb in size.

Side note 2 - New crew skills based on what we tested on the test, the most useful of which being the commanders skill to alert you when your spotted, i urge anyone to get this first, as its only active once it reaches 100% and doesnt work till then, its not a vocal message, its a light bulb that appears above your crosshairs which signals they can see you. The rest of them are going to be mainly down to personal choice and the type of tactics you employ, but a couple i found helped was clutch braking (increases turning speed on the spot) handy for a TD or a big heavy, theres a couple that increase view range and radio range, quite usefull for a scout or say an AMX 13-75/90 type thing.
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That was from a couple of days ago. It wasn't working for some reason.

Thanks for the link, the launcher is being painfully slow with the dl.
Whats wot likes these days for non premium. Is it still half the speed of premium (felt like half) or is it better and can get more xp now and whats the situation with credits, any better for high tiers yet?

What made me quit the game was when i stopped with premium the game felt 10x more grindy for the high tiers equipment i needed for my e75 and other tanks and credits were pretty crap. If this has changed somewhat then i might return to the game.
Don't count on it. With the 50% boost to credits/exp its always going to be much faster, more so if you pump in money for free exp conversion. I regularly profit on my Ferdinand if I don't screw up and get myself killed and T9 might be bearable. T10 you probably lose out frequently if you don't do very well. As for the exp required to research modules so your new tanks aren't ****... its just as high as it always was and that won't change.

I've just started pushing up the USSR Heavy and French Light trees and the AMX12t and KV are generating a reasonable amount of money for me but it'll probably feel like a grind once again when the profit goes down and the tank/equipment costs start to pile on. I hope this patch somewhat addresses the stupidity of having the KV cost ~200k and adding vents on it costs you 600k but I can't see it happening.
still getting good profits from the amx 13 90, i suspect it will change as soon as i go to the 40t tho. its usually around level 7 profits take a turn for the worse.

something was mentioned about module cost but i dont know what if anything will be done. this patch has made lower tiers less of a grind and more profitable tho.
I've played most of my time without premium. Much more difficult although its 50% more xp the 50% credits effectively doubles your profit/game.

T9 is doable with a KV or similar (I don't have a premium T8 and the low tier ones make peanuts) to make sure you have enough credits to play. You need decent to good games to break even. T7 is fine and T8 is actually not bad at all but don't expect to make much money.

I did dailys for E75 and T34 until FU. Couldn't afford ammo anymore for my Patton so it was unplayable for months. CW gets tricky, you will lose money with repairs the real killer. Tier 5 lights are not really playable either; you will lose money and need to make even more cash.

wrt equipment, always try to save a bit of money for the 1/2 price sales. Buy too much and you can sell once the sale ends to break even. Oh and if consumables are on special, try not to buy 100 removed speed governors!
Ah so still the same basically, just with reading overlords latest blog i thought things were changing in them 2 regards to xp and credits so there wasnt much of a grind as it used to be.

Ah well, looks like you guys are still having fun, thats nice. Would play but without premium it just isnt fun for me and i couldnt keep shelling out for premium per month as i used to.
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