****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

On a separate note, I'm complete rubbish at this game now after an extended break. It seems to take much sooner to get hit after getting spotted than it ever did, like tomatoes and bots have learned how to snap shot like demons.

Those missions for LT/MT/HT etc, am I wrong in thinking you didn't have to complete all categories to progress to the next reward tank? I'm sure I haven't done any of the arty missions and yet I'm on the T28 concept :confused:
Well depending how long ago your break was, guns are getting more accurate not to mention people had time to train up crews.

If you do four classes out of five with distinction then you can skip playing one class. Obviously miss out on rewards and potentially 4 crew members. Not that I think I'll ever get close to Object 260 final missions.
Cheers for jogging my memory. I'm not sure how long it is since I played, how long have the missions been going for the reward tanks? as I think I stopped just after that.

Not to mention loads of new tanks I don't know how to pen :(
What is a Panzer VII or something, had a bit of trouble with one of those last night, couldn't see it in the tech tree. Tried the obvious/usual places and didn't get much luck, even after pressing the pay to win 2 key
What is a Panzer VII or something, had a bit of trouble with one of those last night, couldn't see it in the tech tree. Tried the obvious/usual places and didn't get much luck, even after pressing the pay to win 2 key

Pz.Kpfw. VII, sure is a tough cookie and if it's face hugging you then may as well pull your pants down and make it quicker to less your suffering. There's a sliver of turret cheek you can hit just outside of the mantlet and it has an FB215B like weakness when sidescraping, aim for the bit where the hull meets cupola.
On reflection thought although the gameplay itself was especially poor over the holidays, the special itself was actually alright.
Treated myself to a 75 pack of modern boxes during the break and came away with 4 million silver, 2 months premium, 61000 gold, presumably because I dropped several vehicles I already own.
Aside from the CW vehicles (lack of time/schedule) the only one I'm really missing I'd had liked is that quirky low tier soviet TD that mistakenly went up on the premium shop for a few hours a couple years ago (you know the one)
Aside from the CW vehicles (lack of time/schedule) the only one I'm really missing I'd had liked is that quirky low tier soviet TD that mistakenly went up on the premium shop for a few hours a couple years ago (you know the one)

Ah you mean this little devil !! :D:p:D


it's served me well.

Steadily picking it back up after a few days at it, 68% w/r and 2800 wn8 for yesterday so that's a relief, I was about to abandon it.

The only sad thing is all the great players in my contacts list from previous clans and meeting in randoms don't seem to be active any more, had some great times about 4-5 years ago.
Well played Neoboy :p ^^

Currently having fun with my newish Leopard PT. Horrible tank when stock but fully upgraded it's quite a beast.
T-34-3 is a much sexier tank than Type since the HD update.

Really not a fan of that Chinese camo though :p

Think I've got enough decorations to do modern one now too but past that would have to buy loot crates to complete the albums which I'm definitely not doing.
Yep the T-34-3 looks awesome now.

The good thing about the camo is it can be removed and transferred to other tanks like the T-34-3 freely with no cost.
This is another reason I want T-55A, that thing looks awesome. Should probably ask if anyone wants to platoon as I'm on last few remaining missions for everything.
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