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There's a lot of great tanks at T4 like Matilda, SU-85B, Luchs, Hetzer, etc. I also got the AC1 Sentinel and T28E F30 this year from lootboxes to go with the Pz. B2 740 from last. I just feel too damn guilty firing them up, I draw my seal clubbing line at T67 :p

Rest of my 'fun' tanks are at T6+ like KV-2, Bromwell and what's quite possibly one of my favourite tanks, T-34-85M.

Actually started platooning here and there and also realise I'm packing in variety of tanks for that so may start buying back some of the old favourites. Also looking at T28 HTC as I've never touched it but actually looks pretty solid since HD update.
Wow - Love the honesty of the name but still !

He was in a platoon with 2 other PzB2 kind of roflstomped one flank.


Ive come across this muppet before aswell, he was in a platoon of 3 B2's and we lost big time so he took it on himself to blame me for it! I did more dmg than the 3 of them and i was in a Valentine 2.
Had a complete 15-0 kerb stomp game esrlier. First time I've ever been on the winning end. It was...crazy. seeing how the idiots play from the opposite end was a hell of a new experience!
Had a complete 15-0 kerb stomp game esrlier. First time I've ever been on the winning end. It was...crazy. seeing how the idiots play from the opposite end was a hell of a new experience!
when it happens I am usually a tank destroyer who wins..but doesnt get to fire a shot because the enemy fold in 1 big clump somewhere else!
when it happens I am usually a tank destroyer who wins..but doesnt get to fire a shot because the enemy fold in 1 big clump somewhere else!

Was in my 7/1. Didn't make a huge contribution as I held a flank along with 2 heavies whilst the rest of our team took them from behind (oh my!). Had something stupid like 4k damage bounced!
If you want to be a damage farmer you need to play mediums.

Turretless TDs are so situational on todays barely bushed maps with 6th sense, directional damage indicators and lots and lots of bumpy terrain to vanish behind.

Originally maps were very flat, had many bushes and TDs had a good view range plus no 6th sense, or damage direction arrows to betray them.
World of Meta Tanks, majority of my current collection is now medium tanks with some fast moving hybrid heavies and turreted TDs thrown in.

Back playing this morning and seems a little better. Still hating on the Ikv 90 B, no idea what it's suppose to have going for it bar useless camo once you fire your inaccurate, low rate of fire, unexciting alpha gun. T-54 LT is a beast on the other hand, only used free xp for the top gun but it still shifts alright and had a monster first game which would have been even more so. Unfortunately it seems an SU-152 had somehow managed to hit me twice in a row through the smallest bit of shown armour, from over 500 metres away, while I was moving too. Ho hey, RNG!


Soviet camo for completing the whole album sure looks trippy though!
Event ends 15th so should be 2 more mission refreshes? One on 5th and one on 12th?

I've crafted nothing yet, got thousands of shards, going to do all the missions, stack the shards and once all missions are done I'll look at crafting the gaps.
Definitely a reset on the 5th but not sure if there will be one more after that.

I looted 11 Soviet boxes so was just too impatient not to complete few last decorations, should get the Traditional ones done at the very least as well and maybe Modern too.
Well I was down to 40 gold when I bought them and got Skorpion G along with 2 T4 tanks so can't complain. That's me done spending money on this for next 12 months, feel filthy enough as it is.
This whole event thing has blown my mind, I've no idea what it's all about but I've put V decorations in all the slots and now it shows me 38% bonus or something. Am I doing it right?
Basically there's 4 albums, Soviet and Chinese tanks have one each and other two cover the remaining nations. If you have collect more than 55 put of 63 decorations of levels 1 to 5, you get the max 48% bonus. Next level down is 38% bonus, for a certain number of decorations.
If you complete an album you are granted a free garish "christmas" skin and there are 4 albums so 4 skins.

Open the album to find what you are missing and hope for RNG in boxes, craft the ones you need or buy boxes for cash.
Certainly wouldn't pay for boxes just for the camos, definitely not a worthwhile venture. Besides they may be "unique" looking but they are non-historical so not many people will see them anyway if you fancy showing off.

Just something to do now though since majority of people would have unlocked all the tier rewards now.

Also just me or WG have been rather stingy with discounts this year? Sure they have an event on, but where's the big 50% T5 premium discounts, 30% for T6, etc? Most of all (one I need desperately) where the hell is the equipment sale? Wonder if they are saving it for last weekend in January for when Holiday Ops are over and they are expecting a lot of people to go on a break.
Hang on I'm confused, I've filled all the spaces for all the decorations but I can't see where it says it's for a specific nation or what have you?

FFS why they have to make it so convoluted, just give free stuff in the boxes and be done with it instead of having to pratt around with this crap.
You've decorated the main bits but if you look at the right side there's albums. Four of them and once you open one you can see which decorations you have and don't.
yeah there like a neon blue rectangle on right of screen which takes you the albums/collections
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