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Actually the Caernavon isn't bad these days

I hear claims that it's better than it should be.

On the other hand I've yet to see people actually back this up by demonstrating that they are willing to play it over the usual IS3 spam at tier 8 or in competitive games.

Suspect it's drama queens who got butthurt when it got into a good position and nailed them but at the same time they don't want to live with its downsides.

Crawling around at low speed in the Caernarvon is not enjoyable and the armour is not on the sides or large lower plate. I'm sure people know this and also know that the DPM doesn't make up for it.
Well it never did nor ever will play like a true heavy, it's essentially a Tiger like, second line support heavy that can also work a ridgeline.

I just felt like I was playing slower but better armoured Centurion 1 and it worked for me but wouldn't go as far as recommend it to others as it's a very acquired taste. Then again I even somehow managed to work Black Prince and I've nothing good to say about it.

Struggling to like the Pershing which isn't a great surprise seeing how I never enjoyed T25 Pilot. Just seems meh and a tank that doesn't excel at anything. It's not quite a brawler or a ridgeline warrior so just has some kind of weird in between role that isn't particularly effective.
There will be plenty of Soviet heavy tanks after this patch!

Everyone is probably busy chasing other meta lines like the Chinese 5A and Japanese Godzilla things. Also just noticed you can buy the Pudel from inside the client store with gold, has that always been available?
That Object 257 is utterly broken (in a good way) so might re-buy T-10, wouldn't even mind playing that again to build up XP for whatever gets added to T10 down the line. Object 430U looks insanely OP as well, going to have to see if that gets a nerf stick before live server, if not I'm jumping back to T-44.

I didn't get on too well with the T-10 other than my final few games where everything seemed to fall in to place, but for some reason I quite regularly have a really good final game in a tank before I can research the next one. I'll re-buy the T-10 because free tank and depending on what the Tier 10 on that branch will be I may or may not play the T-10 again, still much prefer playing the ST-1 despite the gun. Don't think I'll go for the 430U though, I pretty much decided a few months ago that I'm going to go for the T-62A because I feel like bucking the trend by not having a Object 140 and I got on quite well with the T-62A on the test server a while back.

Actually kind of looking forward to the IS grind again (probably speaking too soon), can't remember what it was like the first time around, but I distinctly remember the KV-85 annoyed me more because of the lack of gun depression so at least I don't have to play that again.
Well I already have Object 140 but 430U is basically the latest meta tank and alpha medium with insane armour. As of right now it's so OP it hurts so expecting some nerfs before live server.

Was thinking of grinding IS for the other new heavies, I do enjoy rear turret tanks like FV215B but I don't remember enjoying that tank much. Much preferred Tiger and T29 to it, no idea what it's like nowadays since it has been absolute years since I've played it.
I'm pretty much done with the IS grind for the new line already. Didn't take as long as I thought, but also not as enjoyable as I thought it would be either.

As for the FV215b, it likes being set on fire for fun some days, but on the whole I played it a lot better than the Super Conqueror (work that one out) and I kind of like the FV215b more because I'm weird. For me it has been resigned to being played very rarely though, but that goes for the Super Conqueror as well.
Funny you mention that, I think I may just prefer FV215B myself, it just so mobile and love sidescraping in it.

Is the 100mm gun a viable option for IS? Armour looks garbage on it so could play it like a pseudo medium with better handling gun.
I wish I was recording my games today. My RNG is taking the mickey. Cannot hit a cows arse with a banjo. Got out sniped in my STRV by a ******* IS-3!
PzB2 - I know you see a load more of them after the xmas boxes. But I've had mine for ages. It really is a great de-stress tank. Pew-pew with daft armour if used properly. Great fun (if a little dirty).

Is the 100mm gun a viable option for IS? Armour looks garbage on it so could play it like a pseudo medium with better handling gun.

I use the 100mm gun. It has same pen but lower alpha dmg, but rate of fire almost twice as fast as the 122mm which matches the effective alpha dmg. The 100mm is also a quicker to aim and more accurate unit.
Personally I would rather miss or fail to pen on a 6 second reload than an 11 or 12 second reload.
I really don't get wg. They continue to chuck in OP Russian fictional tanks yet won't instate some tanks that actually existed.
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