****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

So far I've found the new Progetto M35, Rhm Skorp and FV4202 or Lorr 40t to be the best premium's to take in.

Special mention must go to the British Charioteer as it can zip around the map unleashing hell!!

Hope they keep this mode as a permanent feature, so much more fun than fighting Tier X's with your T XIII.
Well I have not played the game for a week or two, last game was during the Itallian special event where I managed to get 30% off an over priced tank.....err no thanks WG.

I must say with 25k battles I think I am done, I no longer feel the urge to play a game which frustrates more than entertains. It looks nice but still the same core game with the same issues.
You defo need to play Frontline it's a game changer, massive battles tons of cash 7 million net made in 2days and loads of crew xp.
The VK 30.02 M was a a nice little medium (once fully upgraded - naturally) when I ground through it, I'm fairly sure it has had a buff since then as well. Can't say I really remember the Tiger I grind, was more interested to see the Tiger II and E75 personally. Funnily enough since getting the E100 I've played it less than ten times in total (must be about 6 months or more I've had it). I know the E100 can do some work, but in a world where the Super Conqueror/Type 5 Heavy/WZ-111 5A are a thing I can't help but think I'm putting the team at a deficit when I enter the battle in the E100.

Oh, and I haven't long started the grind for the Obj. 268 V4 and they now plan to nerf it apparently (don't know how much), but I half expected that to happen. I am enjoying the SU-100M1 at the moment though and wouldn't mind trying the Obj. 263 eventually regardless of what happens to the 268 V4.

Haven't played the game at all this weekend, just haven't felt like it, but my premium time ran out a couple of weeks ago and I've just been on the Frontlines mode when I have played the game. Might have a game or two on it later on, but not a session lasting 5+ hours as is normally the case on a Sunday. Probably won't renew the premium time for at least a month now because I've got a couple of weekends away from the computer coming up.
So all of that is basically fancy talk about how their solution to preferential matchmaking is to take away preferential matchmaking from the tanks? When they have been freely selling such tanks left right and centre, including cash grabbing Christmas calendar sales and pushing Christmas boxes with Type 59 as a carrot on a stick. Not to mention continued sale of pref tanks in the tech tree, they definitely knew what they were going to do with those already before selling them.

Absolute scumbag company truly is scumbag, zero reservations about leaving the game and sorry for the money I've given them. Bet if they are only doing this to T8 tanks they will also continue sales of E-25 knowing that people will buy it because it won't be getting the nerf stick unlike the higher tiers.

EDIT: Also if you're not happy with the current upgrade you have an option to trade the tank in at a possible cost of 2000 gold or £6.92 to you at the time of writing.
Most of my Pref mm tanks I don't play, so a buff and removing pref mm is a good idea.

The only ones I don't want it to happen to are my Type 59, T23E3 and my E-25
well a revelation for a tier 6

I hated the t34-85..I just couldnt get on with it, not quite mobile enough, not quite enough armour, decent gun...it just was always a nearly tank for me and so I hated the grind, even more so as things lile the rudy or the t34-85m seem that little bit better, but I hate paying money!

started a new crew in the t29 and then moved them onto the a43 with brother in arms assigned for them..and what a pleasant suprise. it feels faster and more sprightly...sure the armour isnt really any better but you are screwed against tier 7 or 8 anyway in either tank

but the gun...the 57mm might have way less power...but with a 100% crew its 1 shot every 2 seconds and once you find those gaps you just hammer away like a little woodpecker

it just seems much more fun
I just see it as another revenue stream. The so called "exclusive" part just means either premium accounts/vehicle owners will likely get "early access" on the revamped vehicles before they hit the premium store/mass market.
They stand to make a fortune from the collectors alone or any experienced player that has most of the vehicles.
Knew there was a reason for them throwing type 59's in the xmas bundle though :D

Tier 9 is still the place to be :)
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I honestly hope the NA server goes class action lawsuit on these clowns for selling virtual goods not as described.

There are a lot of premium tanks which are not as described, or at least aren't since time of purchase. I am watching WG'ing and hoping they are made an example of. Especially once they shut down the Wot servers.

Regarding WoT, I am taking a bit of a break at the moment, only playing occasionally at weekend. I have found other games to play...
There are a lot of premium tanks which are not as described, or at least aren't since time of purchase. I am watching WG'ing and hoping they are made an example of. Especially once they shut down the Wot servers.

Regarding WoT, I am taking a bit of a break at the moment, only playing occasionally at weekend. I have found other games to play...

I saw you in a platoon a couple of days ago and said "hi", I was also in a platoon.
My WoT username is different though (xtram3x), you guys said "hi" back but I doubt you knew who it was :)
I saw you in a platoon a couple of days ago and said "hi", I was also in a platoon.
My WoT username is different though (xtram3x), you guys said "hi" back but I doubt you knew who it was :)

That's cool, I do still play from time to time with friends. Who else was in the platoon? Chipps and Nuttah? I was probably pretty drunk by then... ;)
That's cool, I do still play from time to time with friends. Who else was in the platoon? Chipps and Nuttah? I was probably pretty drunk by then... ;)

I think so yea.
One of you was in the WZ-111 or WZ-112 IIRC. We were on Westfield.

I too had been drinking. Polishing off some JD is a must nowadays when playing WoT. It suppresses the rage :D
just gave it another go this evening.
FL is tortuous if your team is poor...you can be as good as you like it makes little difference it is just a slower more costly loss. I let my premium expire and on 5 games of FL I lost almost 20K credits each time even doing 8-10K dmg and only destroying 2 of my vehicles.
I also played a couple of random games at tier 8 and was top tier both times, both games lost as team was awful and bots.
Perhaps the invention of a tier 8 only game (FL) has put a plaster over the match maker deficiencies, which were there for all to see.
I just wonder how Tier 9 and 10 games are now with so few lower tiers in?

I hesitate to uninstall given the level I have got to and the time and premium tanks I have invested real money in (silly me) , but I loath the game now and it is not enjoyable at all.

1.0 (graphics update) was the lip stick on the pig and Frontline is the blonde wig, but hey...kiss it and even in the dark you can tell is still a pig.
RIP WG you deserve nothing.
I hesitate to uninstall given the level I have got to and the time and premium tanks I have invested real money in (silly me) , but I loath the game now and it is not enjoyable at all.

I was in the same boat, hoping things would improve since I felt I invested too much time and money into it to leave. Zero qualms though and do not miss it now that the addiction (only way to describe this game) worn off, in fact feeling angry at myself for sticking around for as long as I did.

DIscovering a whole world of wonderful games and developers who actually deserve the money since then. There's even multiplayer games out there involving real teamwork and communities that are nowhere near as toxic as this :eek:
What disgusts me is they are basically saying the state of the MM is the fault of those that actually supported the game and bought vehicles over the years when in reality it is the developers own short shortsightedness.
Also that they go on about trading in the kv5 (even with 2k gold on the side) for a new vehicle being a "deal" on the basis of its old pricing of 7500 for the tier 8 premium heavy.

Except they've not sold it for nearly 6 years for in-game gold, only premium store bundle deals/events so the logic is a bit outdated. Infact it was the same patch they introduced some of the tier X TD's IIRC... which caused another massive problem of folks stacking up free xp to exploit recently released vehicles with balance issues, still goes on today (object)

If this was about balance they'd had gone the +1-1 route already. This is about making money and feeding tier X dog food in the form of the former pref MM vehicles

Ofc they need to make money, would be senseless to suggest otherwise.. its a buyers market though and they surely cannot continue to treat the long term users who actually support the product like something they just trod in.
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