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I played a game on Frontline last night with a friend. We lost as the attackers, mainly because people are just sat there farming damage, rather then attempting to get the objectives. Essentially for the majority of players, objectives are too hard to reach, or it does not help them farm their wn8. We left WoT after that game and went to play something better balanced. (Not not Tetris, even though it is).
I think Frontline is a step forward for wargaming. If nothing else it allows tier 8 tanks something to do other than being farmed by tier 10 tanks.

But, what I'd really like to see is a game mode that doesn't depend so much on winning or losing in determining how well an individual Player does.

For me the most frustrating element of both Frontline and random battles is playing really well and still losing the game.

Maybe giving the top five players on the losing team and the top 10 players on the winning team the same winning bonus would help. That way playing well and losing would still be rewarded.

As for the argument raging over the preferential matchmaking premium tanks, I'm speechless. How on Earth they plan to balance tanks such as the e25 is beyond me.

I guess we'll find out!
LOL - just got called a "cheating bot scumbag cancer" by a player in a O-Ho that I side-hugged to death from full health in my LTG. Cos, that's what bots are well known for right?

Love rage messages after the game - makes my feel I played really well !
It makes the game worth playing when you get rage messages !

Finally unlocked the top gun for the tier IX Prototipo Standard B which so far is one of the best tanks I've played. That new semi-auto-all-the-time-reloading mechanic is brilliant.

The tank plays like the Leopard PT, another great medium and fave, fast and maneuverable with shells that fire at near 1500 m/s velocity.

Really hope they keep 'Frontline' mode a permanent feature, at least it's a place you can take your tier XIII prem's and actually have some fun whilst not having to worry about WN8 or any stats.
OK. I can prove the MM is "fixed".
Last night I lost 10 battles, all of them similar. I in my tier 6 finishing top on damage (2000+ on the P43 bis) and XP even in tier 8 battles. Someone could say "common". But decided to look at the stats of everyone on my team.

All my team was bellow the 4000 rating the majority between 2000 and 3000. Now I am not the best player in the WOT (7710 rating only) but it was pitting me with these teams all night.
Same applies to today. My team second best was a Lowe with 2049 rating!!!!!!! Everyone else in their 1000-2000 mark, in tier 8 tanks, myself still in P43bis.
From the opponents team, the worst player was above 6000!!!!

(I took the time to take screenshots to provide proof if needed).
I wouldn't give MM that much credit to call it fixed, it's nowhere near programmed to such an intelligent level. It's just pure randomness and like spinning the roulette wheel you can get really bad streaks. One of the now many problems with this game.

It's ok though it's preferential matchmaking tanks breaking MM and they are going to save us all by removing their status ;)

Aging Jedi/MarkGFL is my new hero after Foch since posting that video, pretty much how I feel.
I wouldn't give MM that much credit to call it fixed, it's nowhere near programmed to such an intelligent level. It's just pure randomness and like spinning the roulette wheel you can get really bad streaks. One of the now many problems with this game.

It's ok though it's preferential matchmaking tanks breaking MM and they are going to save us all by removing their status ;)

Aging Jedi/MarkGFL is my new hero after Foch since posting that video, pretty much how I feel.

Jedi/MarkGFL raised some good points in that video.

Unfortunately WG are not going to change, their customer service originally was pretty good (back in 2011-12), but is now terrible. All the good developers seem to have moved over to other projects or left WG alltogether and the Sales/Marketing department has too much power. I decided to try WarThunder over the weekend and apart from the tanks feeling like they are ice skating, it actually gives me a different tank game approach to get my tank fix.
well, I gave it a few days to see what it performed like and well....... lets just say a day of 13 games and 1 win has convinced me to quit.
Game uninstalled.
I remain convinced that WG could rescue this very easily....

2) Make the MM template 5-10 preferred then all same tier i.e. 1 tier spread max - facing T10s in T8s just gets very old, very very fast
3) Share out the idiots - balance the teams for skill - I had 4 games today where one team had 5+ 54%+ players and we had none. When the best player on a team is me, we are in trouble. I've never suicided, but I cam very close today.

Job done - no need to rebalance any tanks. Prem MM is taken care of as all tanks are now +1 tier max.

4) For the icing on the cake - come down HARD on bots (captcha before every other game?) and toxic chat. Just spend a month recording chat. Filter on use of certain words and phrases and give out bans. Any bot use = 4 week ban.
I remain convinced that WG could rescue this very easily....

2) Make the MM template 5-10 preferred then all same tier i.e. 1 tier spread max - facing T10s in T8s just gets very old, very very fast
3) Share out the idiots - balance the teams for skill - I had 4 games today where one team had 5+ 54%+ players and we had none. When the best player on a team is me, we are in trouble. I've never suicided, but I cam very close today.

Job done - no need to rebalance any tanks. Prem MM is taken care of as all tanks are now +1 tier max.

4) For the icing on the cake - come down HARD on bots (captcha before every other game?) and toxic chat. Just spend a month recording chat. Filter on use of certain words and phrases and give out bans. Any bot use = 4 week ban.

RE: point 4, will never happen unfortunately :( time and time again they have always bottled it when they promised to clamp down.
They could have fixed many issues easily in the past but the whole debacle the game is in is simply an indictment on them as a company. Very very bad, very very greedy company.

There's no money for them to implement 1 tier spread MM as it doesn't create as much mismatch so particularly in case of tier 8 MM, people wouldn't be as inclined to buy OP premiums or fire gold ammo at basically all tiers.

Skill based MM is basically a pipe dream too and no chance of any meaningful apology, the company culture just seems rotten.
I'm to lazy to start playing anything else.

My WR was never good, but had plummeted over the last 4 months especially at Tier 8. So I've stopped playing at that tier and just play my tanks with the highest WR. Basically I've stopped trying to grind to higher tiers, or other tanks, or buying or using Prems or gold.

Has made a big difference to my WR and I have more enjoyable games. WG have constantly fine tuned the game so that all progress is eye wateringly expensive.

QB has basically said this in last video. Encouraging people to spend to get to the latest OP tank only to nerf it afterwards. They are basically gouging their player base.

Overall I don't play it much. So I'll never put the time in to progress or maintain expensive tanks and tiers.

Maybe I should try some retro gaming...
My fave tank at the moment is the T67 - its fast, has a punchy high rof gun and insane camo. On an open map, it's fab. It's also T5 :)

It just feels like I get consistently good games in it. If you understand how camo and spotting works you can really mess people up.
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