****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

HAHAHA - you know a tank is rubbish when 215 damage/399 assistance is worth a 3rd class mastery.

Yes TVT/VTU I'm looking at you !

It still feels better than the T-34/100 that was awful.
I didnt understand the free xp thing over the weekend

I got to 14/15 then had to go out and died to finish the game I was in, never saw the final result. I just thought I would finish the task tomorrow

logged in the next day and the damn counter as reset to 0/15 so I wrongly assumed that it was cumulative over the whole even, and got real mad..I had totally failed to notice I had actually got a win in the last game the night before and it had applied 30, 000 xp to the tank crew!
I didnt understand the free xp thing over the weekend

I got to 14/15 then had to go out and died to finish the game I was in, never saw the final result. I just thought I would finish the task tomorrow

logged in the next day and the damn counter as reset to 0/15 so I wrongly assumed that it was cumulative over the whole even, and got real mad..I had totally failed to notice I had actually got a win in the last game the night before and it had applied 30, 000 xp to the tank crew!

Don't stress, it looks like a premium tank, xp thing. Basically, you can (at best) use it to train crew. But you cannot use it as free-xp unless you pay the gold to convert it (which amazingly there is a discount on).

It's almost as though there is a whole department at WG working on ways to get people to spend gold. - No, surely not....
Two of those games tonight.

1st - ended up 1v1 as me (in enemy cap) in my PzB2 vs a Pz1c. He ended up emptying his ammo into me for bascially zero damage. He ended up ramming me and killing himself. Had a look in tanks.gg and basically the way I was angling he simply could not hurt me - just no where. That's a T3 vs a T4. I sent him a message after saying I felt his frustration. He was cool about it but still a LOL moment.

2nd - me in my Type4 and a LTTB vs 2 Skorpian-G and an FV3405 arty. I pushed their base, took over 6k damage, dealt 5k damage. Lttb played the perfect support harassing the TDs whenever they looked at me. Again he thanked me in chat afterwards.

So nice when you get a team rather than a group of idiots. So rare as well!
I see that WG are finally admitting the whole 3/5/7 thing is fubar and preferential tank thing was also a bad way of masking the bigger problem with matchmaking.

Guess even they can only bull **** so far before realising they are digging a deeper hole.
Shame it's taken so long for them to listen to the community. I wonder if they're finally seeing a big drop in numbers
I haven't played the game properly a couple of months now and haven't had a premium account for longer than that. Fired it up last week for one game to see how it worked after I moved it on to my new SSD, but no real urge to play it at the moment and must say I've been having a much better time working my way through some single player games. I was trying to persevere with this game and I've no real interest in it at the moment, so if there are other people like me then a drop in numbers is a certainty.

How many people do you need uploading videos to YouTube, streaming and posting on your own forums complaining about numerous different aspects of your game before you realise you're doing something wrong? Too many in this case.
I may come back for a few games to try it again once they actually implement changes on their typical WG schedule, so 12 to 18 months.
I like it more after i played around a bit and found the tanks that i like to play like the t-10 ,obj460u,
Panzer 4 t34-85m, a43, churchill an is.
But damn its hard for a new person starting out in this game least they get a t6 tonk of choice i guess
I was thinking earlier that this thread seems to be getting quieter and quieter. I'm I'm wondering if it's down to the number of ocuk players dropping or the number of players worldwide dropping.

Any way of finding out the number of players active worldwide?
I was thinking earlier that this thread seems to be getting quieter and quieter. I'm I'm wondering if it's down to the number of ocuk players dropping or the number of players worldwide dropping.

Any way of finding out the number of players active worldwide?

There was a news article showing a big drop in WOT recently.
Personally I am fed up. WG powecreeps the game with new premium ships (look at 50TP) all the time.
I rather play elite dangerous, or something else.

They killed also WoWs with all this radar fest.
I was thinking earlier that this thread seems to be getting quieter and quieter. I'm I'm wondering if it's down to the number of ocuk players dropping or the number of players worldwide dropping.

Any way of finding out the number of players active worldwide?

Personally do not really feel like playing it much anymore. Occasionally I will jump in for a game or two, but often leave due to having had enough.

Only really fun playing with other people and most people I know have stopped playing.
I played a few games last night using tier 8 and strangely wasnt bottom all the time. Even had a few that was all the same tier.
Saw a load of the new 50TP Prototypes though.
Get an inkling to play an odd game here and there, but overall happy I quit and got to experience so many more games since leaving. Also have nothing but contempt for WG and their practices at this point, willing to stand by my principles and not play the game, even for free without putting money into it.
Personally do not really feel like playing it much anymore. Occasionally I will jump in for a game or two, but often leave due to having had enough.

Only really fun playing with other people and most people I know have stopped playing.

Hold the phone.....I might be back online soon. Stay tuned!! :D :D
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