****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

Ooo the top panther gun is fun.. it's funny to see OI worried. 198 pen normal shells although 135 dmg and fast reload mean most shells will go through at the same tier :D

5 kills and top of the game so it works nicely :D
Recently 'free xp'd' to the new Ruski medium K-91, great fun with it's ridiculous OP shell velocity of 1700m/s and 5sec reload time. Only downside is the crappy 320 dmg per shell, that and I can't win a game in it :D
I *know* how to play mediums and lights - grinding through AMX13/90 and Cent 7/1 at tier 9, but I always end up back in TDs. Even Heavies aren't as much fun, although I've only got the Lowe and the IS-4 to my name just now. I've got a Skorp G (why not!), Grille 15, Waffle Toaster, T30, Strv103B, JPanz E100 (Hello, ELC Even 90. Boom, bye!!), T67, and am working up towards a Sh*tbarn on the British line, as I fancy me some HESH...

So why the hell can't I get on with mediums and lights? I play a few games, then find myself back in my TD's. Grumble mutter grumble... Short of selling everything, what else can I do to stay focused?
Just been thinking - if it's OK to have 'gold' ammo. Why not have an 'extra armour' consumable that gives you 30% more armour?

Just been owned in my type 4 by an M103. His first 2 shots bounced, he loaded gold and the next 4 went through like butter. 258mm to 340mm pen. That's an extra 30% skill just be pressing 2.

Why can't I up my frontal armour by the same to compensate ?

It's such an old gripe, but the game balance has just gone out of the window recently.

If you are using the 15cm gun, that is your mistake. Imho is only for clan wars and shooting gold.
Use the 14cm. It reloads faster, can pen anything, and your extra height allows for vertical shots on "punny" size vehicles like the IS7 even the 268V4 if they facehug you.
600dmg per shot is not to ignore. I personally use the 14cm even on the Type 5.

Yup I am 6k XP away from unlocking the Type 4 for that exact reason.

See above.
I personally feel the 14cm gun is not as reliable. Sure it should pen every shot but it's hardly accurate and when trying to use it I found it almost worthless in any battle that ended up with an opponent hull down. The 15cm gun may have worse dpm but it guarantees damage and generally means less exposing of yourself to hit enemies because there's no need to aim for weak spots.

Both guns have their up sides but the 15cm is much more dependable on the massive chassis of the type 4/5 in my opinion.
Just tried to fire this up and got a 'unable to connect to the update service" error - just me or everybody ?

Working again as of 13:11
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Panther now fully kitted out, with upgraded turret too, works nicely :)
Next step will be Panther II (->E50) and Tiger II (->E100) I'm thinking of concentrating on the E50 route.
So installing this on an SSD (other games on it run fine I should add) I either get a crash to desktop with no error message immediately after connecting to server or play 1 battle crash and then crash on login thereafter. Checking files fixed it once but now nothing seems to. Have launched in safe mode, launched without graphics settings reinstalled ... nothing. Anyone else had anything similar?
No mods and already have latest drivers - only happening in this no other programs have any issues. But thanks anyway.
Weird thing is i have two tank's
one is a t9 t-10 heavy which plays like a medium (heavium)
and the other one t-9 is object 430 which is a medium that plays like a heavy.
So i just play them both medium support
18k to get my first tier 10 430u
But i get the most fun from the t-10 cause of the gun

Also all wood helps on tonk
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