****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

its a perk? I just thought it was for everyone. I downloaded Aslains mod pack, saw the sixth sense options and thought it automatically gave the warning when you were spotted.

Just looked, I need bonds to get it!! :eek::mad:

You need crew skill to get it. :)
When ever you are online search for "Fediuld" :D
My contract ends in Bristol on Thursday and next one is in Barnsley so I will be back again every night :D
say it costs me 6 bonds. My crew are 116% skill

To train Sixth Sense? You sure we you do not mean anything else?
Also don't use mods. I haven't used any the last 5 1/2 years, they aren't needed.

Are you online right now?

Edit : Sent you an invitation for friendship.
Hmm you have Personal Rating 3157... Challenge accepted to make you a better player if you want :D
As I have trained dozens of people over the last 7 years
@Panos Sixth Sense is a perk to go in one of the slots, it says it costs me 6 bonds to enable it. It's to be selected in the "directives" slot right?

And im online, but no invite. Whats your in game name?
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@Panos Sixth Sense is a perk to go in one of the slots, it says it costs me 6 bonds to enable it. It's to be selected in the "directives" slot right?

And im online, but no invite. Whats your in game name?


Is a commander skill.

See the lightbulb there

YES YES YES - finally finished the TVP-VTU grind. Flipping horrible tank.

To be fair I never bothered with upgrading the engines just the bare minimum to get to the Skoda T50. Need to get a feel for how bad it is stock or whether to burn some free xp on it.

Gun rng seemed awful so many fully aimed misses - it reminded me of my golf shots slicing off. No armour and 3/5/7 bottom tier MM seemingly all of the time.

Overall stats weren't too bad...... But bleeuugghhhh so glad it's gone. Thank you WG for the 15k xp missions over the last week or so.

Only played 4 games with Skoda t50 and I love it. Still basically stock. Only upgraded turret to get the hp, dpm and view range. But so far everything is just so much better. Gun handling especially feels nicer. Can't wait to get the autoloader.
Only played 4 games with Skoda t50 and I love it. Still basically stock. Only upgraded turret to get the hp, dpm and view range. But so far everything is just so much better. Gun handling especially feels nicer. Can't wait to get the autoloader.

IMHO after you play Italian autoloader, the Czech ones feel lacking. Even sold the T50/51.
Don't you DARE say that just after I have ground my way through the T7 and T8 Czech tanks :-)

Its the intra-shot time of just 1.8secs that I want to play with.
Wow proper session last night. Wanted to do the Czech mission (40 games top 10) in my pretty well stock T50 Skoda.

Finished at 2.45am.

But ran some personal reserves and had the twitch account link bonus (Inc 2 days premium) plus the Halloween green stuff at level 2. Made a shed load of cash and xp.

Playing one tank heavily doors improve your understanding of it a lot. Now fully upgraded bar top engine. Really like it the assassinating potential is just huge. Had an amazing battle when I killed 5 tanks in 2 clips. Felt like the matrix.

Summary. Really fun tank. Know your clip damage and be really careful with other auto loaders.
HAHAHAHA - just played Mountain Pass in my Type4 heavy as top tier no arty.

Went to cover the bridge angled carefully and waited. ended up facing off against another Type4 firing using the non-derp gun and a Tortoise.

Angled nicely took precisely ZERO damaging hits. Type4 fired AP all game, Tortoise swithced to APCR after his first 3 shots did nothing, he pressed '2' for extra skill. His next TWENTY APCR shells all bounced or only tracked.

All the time I was derping them in the face.

Tortoise spend 88000 credits on 20 bounces - he must have been sooooooo cross - LOL.
HAHAHAHA - just played Mountain Pass in my Type4 heavy as top tier no arty.

Went to cover the bridge angled carefully and waited. ended up facing off against another Type4 firing using the non-derp gun and a Tortoise.

Angled nicely took precisely ZERO damaging hits. Type4 fired AP all game, Tortoise swithced to APCR after his first 3 shots did nothing, he pressed '2' for extra skill. His next TWENTY APCR shells all bounced or only tracked.

All the time I was derping them in the face.

Tortoise spend 88000 credits on 20 bounces - he must have been sooooooo cross - LOL.

The 14cm is very underrated gun. I am using it on the Type 5 also. 15cm is for clanwars only.
I use the type4 as an antidote to frustration. I do occasionally play with the 14cm, but the satisfaction of one shotting a skorpian-G or the occasional light tank just never gets old. Plus wiping the smug smile of the face of a hull down s-conq love it.
Nope. I'm enjoying the T-59 ltwt . The lt100 looks like a great tank.

I've promised myself that I will never ever give WG any more money ever. OP premiums, goll ammo, money grabbing missions. Plus the way they have allowed the community to become so so toxic.

Great game, crap company.
Plus the way they have allowed the community to become so so toxic.

Great game, crap company.

I returned after a few years away. My god I realised why I left, seriously toxic made LOL look positvely tame!!

Still not sure I want to stay long term, everyone just seems angry all the time.
I played a few games the other night and there seemed to be gold getting fired from everywhere.

Enjoyed the grand battles with tier 8, had a few great games.

The new LT-432 looks pretty good but not sure if i can stomach giving them more money when i have a load of gold on my account. Would be good if you could buy the specials with in game gold.
Suppose need to download again to play a game so can get the Twitch benefits, in case I come back in the future. Asia server did get a news article about dropping the crappy MM format and improving it in general.
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