****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

Looks like the santa loot boxes are up on the store now, if you get lucky there is a few good gifts inside, ie Defender, E25 and Scorpion G.
Don't give them you money! The last thing we need is more flipping premium tanks in the game.

Teach WG that we want paid for cosmetic content - give people reindeer antlers for their tanks, not Skrop-Gs and Defenders
Last year during the Christmas event, the decoration levels gave an XP & money bonus for the duration of the event for all battles.
Seems this year they give nothing just the certain level tank discounts and crew members. Pathetic.

Seems the overlay wasn't working yesterday. There is a bonus.
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Even Quickybaby is calling it gambling which is what it is and for a teen rated game. Regulation might catch up by next year but at least they are not dangling Type 59 this year.
Even Quickybaby is calling it gambling which is what it is and for a teen rated game. Regulation might catch up by next year but at least they are not dangling Type 59 this year.

Type 59 as it has become, is a pile of poo since 2012. I have mine since Nov 2011 with more than 3000 battles.
T54Mod and T-44-100 are far superior tanks in all aspects.

Hell, Panther 8.8 is superior tank also.
Wasn't it buffed pretty significantly later? Quite a few people rave about it and with the way MM is preferential status must help. I was still playing when it had the gun handling buff and it brought it back into life, now with better mobility must be a decent proposition.

Of course I haven't played close to a year now so who knows :D
yeah it's been buffed and also has pref matchmaking so still one of the best mediums in it's tier. If they do introduce the +-1 MM then the buffed premiums will be super strong.

Lots of vids up about the gambling season with some strong words from QB. The reddit section is also pretty funny atm, lots of posts showing what you can expect to get for X boxes.

Only really play this game a few times per year now, xmas being one of them. I'm willing to put in some money each year, heck I get a lot more enjoyment out of it than most AAA games for a good few weeks each year.

Purchased a couple of the 11 box packs
- cheer level 10 with all the freebies from it
- gold
- premium time
- 2 x T10 skins
- Defender
- IS3A
- KV220-2
- bunch of other stuff

I feel really dirty but smug with the luck :p
I already have all the tanks bar the Turan(sp) so I'll pass on the loot boxes this year.

Think I spent about £30-40 last year and I did get a Type 59 so I was made up. In patch 1.2 iirc, it was buffed substantially, some may say a little too much as it's quite OP and I love it :D
just watched QB opening up 200 boxes, really funny, he's getting really wound up there. The thing with these lootboxes is they are just a bit of fun for an occasional casual like me, brings me back in, but they are horrible for say a long term player or tank collector.

He got 3 defenders, but because he has all of the T8 tanks they just turned in to gold. If he didn't have the IS3A already then it would have transferred in to it.
He's got a point about younger people as well though, EU already making waves with regulations for all these loot box things and illegal in Belgium now which is just the start.

Saying that, I did dabble last year when I played and did get lucky as got a Skorpion within about the first 10 boxes.

These T10 skins though is exactly how this F2P model should have been funded from the start, not OP premiums. Been talking about it for years but after last 2 years particularly they have really screwed the balance of tanks with ridiculous premiums across all tiers. Then again this company has the moral compass of EA and Ubisoft with a cherry on top, hell I'd argue those two are vastly superior to WG.
oh yeah totally agree, I play warframe as well which gets the f2p model with cash for extras/faster progression really good
So glad I already had an IS3A in the garage as it's totally broke it's that OP. Who thought it was a good idea to let it have 3 free shots then load a new shell every 11 secs? hahaha!
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