Difference is the alpha damage on the E100, and lots of them can take out an is7 very very quickly, especially with the higher pen from the premium shells. Also the premium shells will now be available to more people, as you don't HAVE to have gold for them anymore, so don't see the pay to win for that...
I would have preferred it being removed alltogether though.
Don't argue Evil, you'll lose!
Regarding the E75, the engine makes a difference, but firstly I would always go gun.
Except you need premium vehicles and premium to have any chance of affording to stock gold ammo. It is completely out of reach for anyone without a premium tank. High tier battles will probably see a lot of gold rounds making position your tank an exercise in futility and I wouldn't be surprised if lower tier tanks stocked a few of them to use against anything with armour.
If thats not pay to win I don't know what is. It is completely unsustainable without pumping money into the game. They should've been removed completely. But then WG have been steadily increasing the penetration values of gold ammo vs regular rounds so its hardly unsurprising they don't give a flying **** about the balance
If you are serious enough about the game to play in clan wars, chances are you have a premium tank anyway. I have refused on principle to have too many gold shells in my tanks, because it costs gold to fire each shot, with it costing credits I am more inclined to use those instead, in clanwars (rarely randoms). Surely this removes pay to play so much, you aren't paying for each shot?
Btw i got a asus DG soundcard and wanted to try the dolby headphones on this game. I tried the proper way to setup for dolby headphones i.e 8 channel in the asus controls, pcm 44, analogue out is headphones with amp set to pro gamer mode and Dolby headphones set to on with dh2 room ref.
Yet ingame it sounds like its 1 channel even worse than normal 2 channel mode without dolby headphones. Any ideas how to get this dolby stuff working on the soundcard for this game? I would like to hear it the way i think it should be with it on.
Well you don't really need gold ammo for type vs type combat most of the time. Everything goes through the commanders hatch as long as you're close enough to actually hit the thing.
Point is.... nobody is gonna be able to use this ammo all the time. If you earn 50-70K with the type on an average round, firing between 10 and 20 shells....... that's not gonna work if your shells suddenly change from costing next to nothing to 4000 a pop.
A good player "might" be able to run their type exclusively on premium ammo, but they certainly won't have any credits left over to buy other tanks with.
Chances are this is just gonna increase the divide between good players and **** ones. **** players already don't buy repair kits and medipacks, so chances are they're not gonna buy premium ammo either.
I expect the smart players will use standard ammo most of the time, and then switch to premium when they encounter something that's particularly difficult to penetrate. The same as what players with lots of gold do at the moment. It'll just be another tool we use to play better, and something the "siemas" ignore, making them even worse.
You can't really aim at a types commander hatch when both of you are moving to try and outflank each other. Most likely people will just use premium rounds when they come up against something with armour, but that still means 'pay to win'. Tank has good armour? I'll just use these premium rounds so I can pen it easily. Tank is angling himself well so I keep bouncing? Swap to premium rounds. It wasn't so bad in the days that Premium Ammo meant 20-40mm more penetration but lately it seems everything is getting 50-100mm or more extra penetration so angling is absolutely useless.
Will probably have to wait forever knowing wargaming. They don't seem very interested in fixing stuff like that. They haven't even removed South Coast from the map rotation despite the fact its absolutely borked
Another fellow Manchester Tanker
Out of interest what graphics card are you using?
I had problems with an HD 7950, it's fine with a GTX 660 Ti
I can't say i'm very impressed with the IS.
I have resorted to using the 100mm gun as it has the same penetration as the 122mm but better accuracy and much faster reload.
The 122mm drives me nuts! re-load, pop out from cover, aim (for about 4 secs) FIRE!
Penetration! Then nothing??
What the hell is that all about?
World of Tanks Website said:Bonus code, which will give you 3 days of Premium Account and additional premium consumables!
Price reduction on high tier tanks. These tanks will be discounted to the price of their predecessors in the Tech Tree.
The tanks being reduced are as follows:
Tier IX Medium Tanks
Tier IX Tank Destroyers
Tier IX Heavy Tanks
Tier VII Self-Propelled Guns
Tier VIII Premium Vehicles will receive a 15% discount!
x5 XP for first victory
50% Discounts on equipment
50% Discounts on garage slots
50% Discounts on crew (re)training
I can't say i'm very impressed with the IS.
I have resorted to using the 100mm gun as it has the same penetration as the 122mm but better accuracy and much faster reload.
The 122mm drives me nuts! re-load, pop out from cover, aim (for about 4 secs) FIRE!
Penetration! Then nothing??
What the hell is that all about?