****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

the only time i use HE, i when i am defending our base from a capper, i dont want to risk a ricochet when the clock is running out,
the only time i use HE, i when i am defending our base from a capper, i dont want to risk a ricochet when the clock is running out,

The sad thing is, hitting the tank for a zero damage track shot counts as damage and resets it with AP rounds so long as you detrack the enemy ><

Has HE been nerfed though?

It was nerfed months ago and has been almost useless ever since. I tend to keep 5 in stock on every tank for those last hit/base defence situations.
I've not used HE much.
The only tank I have ever used it in is the M4 with the 105mm and that can be fun.

One of my favourite tanks was the Russian T34 with the 57mm, rapid rate of fire, superb penetration but low damage.

This is exactly the reason I like the VK3601H with the konish gun.
Sorry Skoda, but the IS is fantastic, yes with the 122. You just haven't learnt to use it properly yet. I can beat most other Tier 7 heavy drivers at close quarters in my IS. I'll repeat an earlier post of mine when I said that if you don't like the 122 on the IS, due to "long reload" you are seriously going to hate the higher up russian heavy tanks!

And for the no damage pen, try aiming elsewhere on the tank you are shooting at maybe?
BONUS CODE: GGWP (capital letters only)

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BONUS CODE: GGWP (capital letters only)

After inputting the bonus code you will receive all of the following:

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5x Case of Cola
5x Chocolate
5x Improved Combat Rations
5x Strong coffee
5x Pudding and Tea

nice one just used it !

Also note on the news pages discount on high tier tanks, 50% off equipment etc again from today.
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still using the 100mm skoda?
i still think the 122mm is better, i know its slower reload, but it doeas awsome damage (when it pens lol)
i have played 109 games in the IS with 63 wins all with the 122mm


What stat tracker are you using there?


What stat tracker are you using there?


during installation, iirc at the end, it will ask you to navigate to the %appdata% folder on your C:\ drive\Users\your account name\AppData\Roaming\Wot statistics (u have to show hidden files/folders in folder options in windows explorer)
just select User XML abd that should be it.
if not then read below.

"Q: My application won's startup and give me a error. What can I do? (App giving the following error message "Problem Event Name: CLR20r3")
A: Possible causes can be that when you installed the app the security on the pc didn't allow the folder creation in the application folder.

Check the if the following file exists. "%appdata%\WOT Statistics\User.xml". If this file doesn't exists, create the folder. Then from the installation folder copy the users.xml file into the folder. Also create a new folder within and call it "Temp".

Should the "%appdata%\WOT Statistics\User.xml" file exists please run the "WOTStats.Reset.exe" file from the installation folder to reset the user.xml file, as the user.xml file could have been corrupted/.

basically it reads the WOT Statistics\User.xml file, which has all the stats stored in it for wargaming.
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