** Official World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Thread **

Open command prompt.

cd "C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns"
dir /b > addonlist.txt

Or you can look in your profile folder for addons.txt.
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Open command prompt.

cd "C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns"
dir /b > addonlist.txt

Or you can look in your profile folder for addons.txt.

Yeah its just he wanted to know which was present onscreen, not all my addons

Anyway its LUI, Prat 3.0, Class Timers, Vuhdo, Shadowed Unit Frames and Sexy Map

Full list of addons below

VuhDo: enabled
_NPCScan: enabled
Auctionator: enabled
BankStack: enabled
Carbonite: enabled
CarboniteItems: enabled
CarboniteNodes: enabled
CarboniteTransfer: enabled
MagicRunes: enabled
MagicRunes_IconDisplay: enabled
MagicRunes_RuneBars: enabled
Postal: enabled
Recount: enabled
VuhDoOptions: enabled
DBM-Core: enabled
DBM-GUI: enabled
DBM-BaradinHold: enabled
DBM-BastionTwilight: enabled
DBM-BlackwingDescent: enabled
DBM-Firelands: enabled
DBM-Party-Cataclysm: enabled
DBM-PvP: enabled
DBM-ThroneFourWinds: enabled
DBM-WorldEvents: enabled
AtlasLoot: enabled
AtlasLoot_BurningCrusade: enabled
AtlasLoot_Cataclysm: enabled
AtlasLoot_ClassicWoW: enabled
AtlasLoot_Crafting: enabled
AtlasLoot_Loader: enabled
AtlasLoot_WorldEvents: enabled
AtlasLoot_WrathoftheLichKing: enabled
Auc-Advanced: enabled
Auc-Filter-Basic: enabled
Auc-ScanData: enabled
Auc-Stat-Histogram: enabled
Auc-Stat-iLevel: enabled
Auc-Stat-Purchased: enabled
Auc-Stat-Simple: enabled
Auc-Stat-StdDev: enabled
Auc-Util-FixAH: enabled
BadBoy: enabled
BadBoy_Levels: enabled
Bagnon: enabled
Bagnon_Config: enabled
Bagnon_Forever: enabled
Bagnon_GuildBank: enabled
Bagnon_Tooltips: enabled
BeanCounter: enabled
ButtonForge: enabled
Currency: disabled
DoTimer: disabled
DoTimer_Options: disabled
GatherMate2: enabled
GatherMate2_Data: enabled
Informant: enabled
JPack: enabled
JPack_Broker: enabled
JPack_Ex: enabled
Lunij_Interrupted: enabled
MatheQuiz: disabled
PassLoot: enabled
PassLoot_ItemScales: enabled
Pawn: enabled
Quartz: enabled
Routes: enabled
SexyMap: enabled
SimpleILevel: enabled
Stubby: enabled
TipTac: enabled
TipTacItemRef: enabled
TipTacOptions: enabled
TipTacTalents: enabled
CombatMusic: enabled
DBM-DragonSoul: enabled
SnowfallKeyPress: disabled
Grid: disabled
LightHeaded_Data_QIDNames: enabled
LightHeaded_Data_NPC: enabled
LightHeaded_Data_E: enabled
LightHeaded_Data_D: enabled
LightHeaded_Data_B: enabled
LightHeaded: enabled
LightHeaded_Data_A: enabled
LightHeaded_Data_C: enabled
TycoonContent: enabled
Tycoon: enabled
ACP: enabled
Bartender4: enabled
ButtonFacade: enabled
ButtonFacade_Darion: enabled
Ellipsis: enabled
Ellipsis_Options: enabled
ErrorFilter: enabled
LUI: enabled
ManaCore: enabled
ManaCore_DataA: enabled
ManaCore_DataB: enabled
ManaCore_DataC: enabled
ManaCore_DataD: enabled
ManaCore_DataE: enabled
MikScrollingBattleText: enabled
MSBTOptions: enabled
OmniCC: enabled
OmniCC_Config: enabled
PowerAuras: enabled
ShadowedUF_Options: enabled
ShadowedUnitFrames: enabled
TidyPlates: enabled
TidyPlatesHub: enabled
TidyPlates_Graphite: enabled
TidyPlates_Grey: enabled
TidyPlates_Neon: enabled
TidyPlates_Quatre: enabled
TidyPlates_ThreatPlates: enabled
Masque: enabled
Masque_Darion: enabled
TidyPlatesWidgets: enabled
Who's up for showing people there UI? :D

I'll start with mine

LUAv3? I played with that for a while, didn't really suit my tastes. My old/current/inactive UI:



Clicky for larger.

Tukui with a few personal tweaks like the chat panel background & size, bit of a pain in the arse to get the bank tabs and inventory to open to the same width without the info panels overlapping or stretching off the side of the screen, but worth it. Combat text mod is Parrot.

Edit: Included two so you can see where the social and durability info panel below the chat panel in the bottom left (first picture) is replaced by the special power panel during applicable fights (corruption in the cho'gall fight shown, sound in atramedes, onyxia's charge in P1 nefarian and so forth).
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No worries, welcome back to Azeroth! I'm loving it at the moment; great for casuals, so much to do and a lot of the horrible, horrible grinding removed.

Hear hear. I now do exactly what I want, when I want without having guild interests to think about. Being deathly ill the past week, I haven't logged the past 10 days. In the past that would've spawned emails, texts and phonecalls. We need a tank, can you just log on for a few please!!

I'm slowly levelling my dwarf hunter by doing BG's and instances only. I'm truly enjoying it again without feeling I have to sign up for the raid otherwise 24 others can't go. After 2 years away, WoW is fun again.

My ui atm, not many addons really still playing around with it, moving things around.
Anyone know if you can transmog Heirloom items?

Thinking of getting some for my DK, and just 'mogging the heirlooms to look like the starter DK gear
Anyone know if you can transmog Heirloom items?

Thinking of getting some for my DK, and just 'mogging the heirlooms to look like the starter DK gear

I think you can buy the starter gear, from where you start, forgot the name of the place.

edit... or could be at the darkmoon faire
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Yeah i like it, and its all one big addon called evlui, click download over elvui here http://www.tukui.org/dl.php and drag it into interface folder and fiddle with it ingame then, i tweaked mine a little, These are the only other addons i have -

Also, apok, how so much gold?;o
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From a variety of ways really, having all professions maxed (although in my case not all as i don't have lw or engineering maxed, will do soon so my earnings will go up) does help as it means you aren't dependant on anyone else for use of cooldowns or crafting etc.

I just branched out recently a bit more on my shaman alt into pot making since the market for flasks returns little profit for the cost of mats, whereas potions do, crafted 1200 potions 2 days ago and will shift them over the next week or two, and that will return 3-4k profit, along with other things.

I haven't bothered with inscription/ glyph selling for a while as work prevented me from updating my auctions often enough, but i used to make akilling on glyphs, at least 1-2k pay day.

Other things sell suprisingly well sometimes too, fortune cards go through random phases of peaking and troughing, when the demand peaks i sell them as fortune cards, when it troughs i sell them as fortune cookies.

I also sometimes try to shift transmog gear, sometimes it sells sometimes it doesn't had an enchanted thorium breastplate (quite rare on some realms) at on ah for two weeks now with not even as much as a bid.

Ah flipping is another thing that can generate a lot of gold, boe's epics, and other things when people undercut too much buyout their auctions and relist.

I do have othe gold on other characters that i use as bank alts or auction characters. just snapped up quite a few epic gems at about .6-.7% of market price, so when i sell them all that will return a tidy profit, even if it takes a couple of weeks.

The main problem people seem to have when they sell thing's is they either over or underestimate the value of their items, competition and selling timescales.

It's no use listing your pots or flasks at 4pm sunday, as many guilds don't raid those days and prices will often bottom out, meaning people will buy your auctions and resell them for profit at peak, when you could have made yourself more profit by selling them during peak


Use that as a base to analyse your market and when your competition places their auctions, strategise accordingly
To add to my previous post, im bored right now so i just bought out all the auctions of whiptail that were below market price, now i'm going to mill about 200 stacks of herbs.

This will take a while
So do i!!

Get yourself tradeskillmaster, takes allot of the work out of auctioning and analysing stuff, especially if you couple it with underminejournal
I'm going to streaming quite a bit over the next two weeks as i'm off work, might do some gold tips and stuff on it.

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