** Official World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Thread **

I'm not sure what the current FotM is, the 2 Eye of the Storm I did last night, there was no class that stood out as being a larger % then the other classes, this was rather fun. Always good to see a fairly even class distribution.

I did get hammered a couple times by a DK and a Kitty Druid though they were both lvl 84 so that is not much of an indicator. I managed to smash a rogue and a mage though :P But I don't think they were moving to fast.

I did notice on the forums some people complainign about how weak warriors are currently, and that dks should never have been made. But as games go, FotM comes and goes.

And people complain about anythign and everythign that they feel is OP in every game ;)
Warriors are not a really strong class at the moment but they're still very viable if played correctly :)
I know this has been mentioned and brought up before but,

Can anyone recommend some UI healing, instead of using healbot etc, as I've been using Tidyplates, which make it easier to see people's health bars, but in large group situations it gets quite hard to see people, I mainly do PvP, but I do a bit of PvE on the side, to earn some money. And I've found it quite easy using Tidyplates, but I'm just wanting something extra to help me out.

Much appreciated :)
I know this has been mentioned and brought up before but,

Can anyone recommend some UI healing, instead of using healbot etc, as I've been using Tidyplates, which make it easier to see people's health bars, but in large group situations it gets quite hard to see people, I mainly do PvP, but I do a bit of PvE on the side, to earn some money. And I've found it quite easy using Tidyplates, but I'm just wanting something extra to help me out.

Much appreciated :)

Vuhdu or Grid + Mouse over macros.

could anyone send me one of those scroll of resurrection things?

Recently started playing the wow starter to see if i could get a feel for the game again but seeing the post about this scroll ill start my old a/c back up.

anyone nice enough to send me one my email is:

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Thanks for sending me one =)

Any advice of a hunter spec as i think thats what im going to boost to level 80? poss be doing more pvp than pve
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Hey guys,

So i used to play wow about a year or so ago with a few friends, i only got my character up to level 60 something.

My friends stopped playing so i just deleted my character. I played swtor for a while but got bored very quickly.

Anyway guys i have been really thinking about comming back to wow and getting to endgame, thing is i don't know anyone that plays.

I'm thinking of making a Warrior on the Alliance side as i used to play Horde last time , is the Alliance side good to play on compared to Horde?

So i was just looking to see if any of you guys still play i'm looking to join a guild but just need to know what is a good Alliance EU server for pve?

Thanks guys :)
Took me a few hours but i found a spirit beast and tamed Gondria, it looks pretty cool.

Still need Gondria and the bear, got all the others on my hunter

Ghostcrawler is 1 thats awesome for PvP cause he keeps the crabs pin ability (4sec root)
Well I've been playing for a while. Its been a right blast. My horde warrior is great fun to play, though this past coupe days I thought I will give alliance a try, never played alliance before so its been interesting. So far got a Night elf druid to almost level 30, going slowly.

The realm I have my alliance character on is not nearly as busy as the horde :( though its got some nice people on it. (randomly picked a realm)

And hunters on battlegrounds! They are a nightmare, I guess one day I should give them a try but so far I'm very happy with my warrior and my druid, so may have to wait a while.
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