** Official World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Thread **

Read the FAQ seems like the character that gets the transfer is the character that you boost. Or you can transfer an already lvl 80 with out getting the boost.

Now to decide what character I want to 80 and to obtain a scroll of res. So many character choices.

If you have nobody to send you one, I can if you want :)

End of the day levelling an alt to level 1-85 will only take you atleast 4-5 days if you try so choosing an 80 class isn't the end of the world just helps since that would obviously get gear first and gather your BoA gear for your alts :cool:
Thank you again Chris. I will try see if a friend I know is still playing the game. If they are not I would be ever so grateful if you could send me one :) I will keep you posted. Thanks again.
After watching and reading lots about Mists, I figured I'd get into WoW.

Ordered the Battlechest, Wrath and Cata. Wrath and Cata came yesterday, no sign of the Battlechest yet which is annoying since I can't input the expansion codes until I have the full base game in the Battlechest.

Thinking of playing a Worgen Hunter on Frostwhisper with a friend. Definitely taking skinning as my first prof, not sure what to get for my second. Leatherworking sprang to mind, but I'm not sure I'd get much use out of it compared to what I put into it. Choice between Leatherworking or another gathering skill like Herbalism or Mining, thoughts?
Is there anyone from a decent horde guild on shattered halls? I was in the ocuk guild but they've reformed on another server (Auchindoun). Had to quit during the start of Icc opening so a lil rusty, but im an ex first team raider with many at level accomplishments. :)
Choice between Leatherworking or another gathering skill like Herbalism or Mining, thoughts?

Crafting profs >>>> Gathering profs.

Leatherworking would get you a 130Agility bracer enchant (best non-prof one is 50) and lets you make the leg enchants for next to nothing.
Other crafting profs get you similar gains, whereas Gathering profs only affect secondary stats, like Crit/Haste/Stam.

For your first toon there's no reason not to get Leather-working as a Hunter. You'll be able to make gear (pvp gear especially if you fancy it at 85) and can level as you level Skinning.
I now have a scroll of res, and I really really want to activate it. Though I should try put off the temptation at least for a couple more days.

And for profs. My 1st char I leveled mining and blacksmithing straight off. I tell you I was broke a fair bit. (AH was not suitable for selling off the low level stuff). I changed severs and leveled a second, though this time I only had 2 gathering proffs. Skinning and herb I think. Effectively put everything on the AH and was gaining a fair bit of gold. When I hit 80 I had enough saved to be able to respec to 2 crafting proffs and had some mats saved up so I did not have to buy everything.

So when I start playing again I think I will go with mining/herbing or something like that depending on the AH. Then perhaps do a respec to jem/bs. Then a second char can level up to be a crafter/gatherer.
So... I caved in under the temptation.

I did not play for a long time last night, my internet connection was doing some really wierd things and even though I had the wow client downloaded and intalled it decided that after I had activated the scroll it wanted to dl an extra 4 or so gb of data. Prob cata content or who knows.

I made a war on Kazzak and boosted it to 80 with the scroll, insta lvl 80 tauren war. It was kitted out in what appeared to be alright gear and had some skills/spells or what they called prearranged on the action bar. As I had not played in so dam long I was a bit lost -_- I was kinda sneakily hoping that there would have been an option to choose what proffs you want and they would also be at the level 80 level :P

Literally within 5 seconds of spawning in Org after logging in after I had used the boost. I was invited to some guild, it appears they have transfered from some other realm. So well I'll give that a bit of a bash.

Went out to the new underwater zone and started leveling, though I heartstoned out and I've forgotten how to get back there.

I was a bit nervious, but I hit the battleground for the weekend (Eye of the Storm). I got a fair bit slaughtered but it was a blast. Managed to remember some things though never played with a war at this level so currently figuring out what skills to use and placement on the action bar, need to remap my keys and try remember how to get some add-ons to work. I got some from Curse, Titanbar being one as I remember this one was useful when I used to play, but for some reason it is not showing in the add-ons list when I log in.

I started with mining/herbing as proffs... though going against my suggestion I removed herbing and went mining/bllacksmithing. Need to start gathering copper I guess, between some leveling of course.
People have been whining about OP classes since the game began, and they're different every month. :p

And FotM classes, as if people are rolling new characters and gearing them up every time a patch makes something good. :p

I wonder if anything is really overpowered tbh.
I'm not sure what the current FotM is, the 2 Eye of the Storm I did last night, there was no class that stood out as being a larger % then the other classes, this was rather fun. Always good to see a fairly even class distribution.

I did get hammered a couple times by a DK and a Kitty Druid though they were both lvl 84 so that is not much of an indicator. I managed to smash a rogue and a mage though :P But I don't think they were moving to fast.

I did notice on the forums some people complainign about how weak warriors are currently, and that dks should never have been made. But as games go, FotM comes and goes.

And people complain about anythign and everythign that they feel is OP in every game ;)
Cheers for the input, will be going Skinning and Leatherworking and attempting to keep them on par with my levelling.

Went ahead and installed full game from the Cataclysm DVD, from the launcher it wanted to download 11GB of patches (was about 5.5GB before playable). Looking at the patch mirrors there only looks to be about 3GB of patches? Is there any way I can avoid the 11GB download?
No. You should have just used the digital download installer. Blizzard changed their file storage mechanism after Cataclysm shipped. A huge proportion of the files on the DVD are worthless.
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