This is the worse expansion for pvp by far. I have thrown in the towel!! I would take season 5 with the DK's over the rubbish we have now.
Anyone else been getting mass server lag and loading bar issues? Only got back yesterday to have it happening. Have read its been happening since april 10ths mini patch.
Couldnt join some guildies in a scenario as it just wouldnt load.
Dailies would have been impossible had I of been playing any other role than tank.
been tempted lately to get back into wow, but still undecided, whats it like nowadays (i played MoP at release)
I think I may be getting bored again.
When the new raid opens up that will give me a couple more weeks to do something with but with one 90 there is not enough for me to do (that I find fun) now that I'm fairly well geared and have got all the rep I need. Running for LFR is all I have now really. I would like to join a guild but really don't have the time to run raids at set times during the week (and rarely weekends) which is a shame because that's the funnest aspect of the game!
I thought I'd try levelling my DK to 90 (currently 82) but the grind is a bit daunting and I'm getting bored with it really quickly.
Is the new section open on LFR for last part of ToT tomorrow ??
i havent really got a clue about the arena as i only did a little on my shammy at cata, but i am wanting to start up doing more pvp with my warrior/shammy.
was wondering who has been doing the brawlers guild and what exatly is it lol.
Arena & Points
I've been away from WOW for a long time and started playing again a couple of weeks ago mainly for PvP but I'm a little confused with which way the arena system works. I'm a little behind so need to catch up so need to earn the extra points each week.
I play a warrior mainly and a hunter, I've played 2v2 before with a holy paladin and got rank 1800 quite easily but I don't really like 2v2 especially when you are against another healer combo as the game just lasts forever. I'd prefer to play 3v3 but will be harder to get a high rating due to my mates not really being into pvp.
One of my fellow guildies plays a resto shaman and will almost boost me to a 1800 rating quickly. My question is if I get a good rating in 2v2 which allows me to get the extra points each week, if I stop playing the 2v2 (sit on the rating) and play 3v3 will I still be eligible for extra points each week or does it only apply to the team you do it in ?