@clartymarty, assume you meant to say "can't" instead of "can" (will people not learn the danger of typo-ing / mixing up those two words?). Is it possible you haven't done the short Kun-Lai quest chain which officially opens up the Vale?
The changes won't really affect anything, as they'll be the same for everybody. And PvP gear will still be significantly better in PvP than PvE. And obviously the changes will affect the old gear too, rather than just leaving a dead stat on them (not sure if that was something you were asking).
Dunno why you're thinking of gearing up in instances instead of actually pvping, but if it's because you don't want to jump in yet with inferior gear, might I suggest you also do the Isle of Thunder pvp dailies - 525 honor and 50 conquest points a day for about 10 minutes of questing ain't bad. Also Wintergrasp / Tol Barad depending on your server - they still award decent honour (especially with the old weekly win quests) and if you're lucky you can win them in a matter of minutes.
Can I change spec? I want to change my warlock to demonology but don't want to start a char from scratch. I'm only lvl 16 at the moment and I don't think I can get dual spec this soon either.
I have got my alt to level 90 and I can't seem to start the golden lotus dalies I need help! dunno what i am doing wrong. Also how do I unlock the quest so I can get some coins for the LFR to get some bonus loot?
Do you think i really need the golden lotus rep, I am allready in the LFR and doing ok atm. I am currently doing the Thunder Island dalies.
Not really I suppose but you do need it if you want to unlock the august celestials dailies (if you need to for any reason).
Shado-Pan and Celestials dailies will no longer be gated behind GL rep as of patch 5.3.
I paid for the expansion and lasted 2 months, I just cant find it interesting enough to stay. Its strayed away from the classical subjects of the Burning legion and Arthas to much to the point where I cant find the lore interesting enough.
Now Wildstar looks interesting, player housing, non combat classes and 40 man raids! Sounds more like classic.
I have decided im more into pvp than pve..............which faction is better for this?