** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**

yeh i totally agree in what you guys are saying. it is a good expansion now tht i got bk into the swings of things but i totally agree with it not being alt friendly atm lol. i am doing my alt as pvp and my main has just done last boss on LFR lol (finally) i am waiting for 5.3 to come out so i can level my hunter up as pve as this will be a little easier haha
If you are in a skilled & active one then they are amazing, the benefits being an endless choice of arena partners/set ups, regular RBGs for maximum conquest points and regular random BGs for gearing alts. They can also come help you doing certain quests/achievements, which on a high population battlegroup will be necessary with the cross realm zones.

Well at the moment I am just running BG's with my brother I play a Destro Warlock and hes plays Enhancment Shammy

I have been looking into more PvP and not sure what would be the best spec for it. Also how would we do in arenas
I finally hit 90 with my druid. Not a lot of time to actually play and I was taking my time and not putting massive effort into it while taking it slow. I am much happier at the moment with it, and have run a chunk of bgs in route.

Got mostly crafted pvp gear, and somehow managed to run out of gold -_- I guess more bgs = less quests = less gold. So I am going to have to balance it out somehow. Just bgs seem a bit more fun. I guess as always I will hit a run of bad randoms and things will go wrong, I guess questing time there will work.

I might start looking for a new guild though, there are only 2 of us still logging on there at the moment, and I never see the other guy, I just see that he was on either 2-3 hours before I get on, or in same cases 4-5 days. At the moment Draenor is a nice enough server, I'll see how I am feeling at a later stage, perhaps I may move to a pvp server again, but the pve is just so much easier currently with me being a bit short on time.
Faire time again :S

Well at the moment I am just running BG's with my brother I play a Destro Warlock and hes plays Enhancment Shammy

I have been looking into more PvP and not sure what would be the best spec for it. Also how would we do in arenas

If you are in the same room or whatever then you would do well, coordination counts for a lot in arenas.

All Lock specs are "ok", but Affliction is probably the most difficult at present. Destro will get you a long way, particularly if you are used to it.

You would do well if your brother specced resto, but tbh playing dps/healer in 2s is lame to the max, and your brother may not enjoy healing anyway.

Id recommend going 3s and finding a healer, or if your brother is ok with playing resto, finding another dps.

As a general comment, random BGs can be really fun, and if that is what your brother and yourself enjoy doing together then you should continue with that. I play a lot of random BGs myself, I love the randomness and chaos!

I could be in the minority on that though lol :D
Nope, I enjoy randoms a fair bit too. They can be a real blast, though the down side with it being random is you can get some seriously bad personalities in there. (prob the nicest way I could put it)

Apok, that is some serious gold waiting to be AH'ed there. Before 5.2 would be more but still a lot.
Nope, I enjoy randoms a fair bit too. They can be a real blast, though the down side with it being random is you can get some seriously bad personalities in there. (prob the nicest way I could put it)

Apok, that is some serious gold waiting to be AH'ed there. Before 5.2 would be more but still a lot.

on my main realm they go for about 8-10k for xuen trinkets , 8-10 for yu'lon and 10-15 for chi-ji trinkets, going to wait a week or so before i start selling them off.

Got a guild bank tab and a half of starlight ink to sell off when they sell for 600-800g a stack :D
why do people still buy the DM trinkets after 3 new raid teirs from when they were current?

I mean spending upto 10k on a trinket which will be replaced in LFR seems a bit silly. Even when the upgrades come back in 5.3 a fully upgraded 476 becomes what? 496?

Dont get me wrong if people are stupid enough to pay that sorta money for trinkets which are now below par then fair play.
484 when upgraded 2/2, it's generally because for some classes they are still quite potent and ar still desirable over lfr versions of trinkets.

That and i suppose it's more reassuring to buy a trinket that will last quite a while rather than rely on rng and maybe never get a trinket.
Any information about 5.3 released yet? Haven't played WoW since Christmas time because of how boring and repetitive it had gotten. The fact that I wanted to level multiple alts and that I was practically forced to level in the same areas every single time I think drove me to cancelling my membership. That and the fact that the only thing to do at 90 was dailies, pvp, lfr and raids at night on the odd day
gonna be more of the same in 5.3 if your worried about current content. Its purely a daily hub/lore patch building up to the siege of ogrimmar in patch 5.4. No new raid teir, no new 5mans.

They are adding heroic scenarios (think challenge modes only 3 man premades), couple of new bg's i believe.

But 5.3 is mainly about the Barrens iirc
Hi guys. I haven't played WoW for a few months, I quit about 1 month after Pandaria hit and since then I have had a new phone. I have tried to log in to my battlenet account as I was thinking about paying for a month but I can't log in to my account as the authenticator code is invalid. Anybody had this issue before? Do I need to detach the authenticator and then put another back on?
Hi guys. I haven't played WoW for a few months, I quit about 1 month after Pandaria hit and since then I have had a new phone. I have tried to log in to my battlenet account as I was thinking about paying for a month but I can't log in to my account as the authenticator code is invalid. Anybody had this issue before? Do I need to detach the authenticator and then put another back on?

As you already guessed you'll need to remove the authenticator using the old phone, then set up the authenticator with a new seed on the new phone.

Few questions if anyone could help...

I got my missus involved in Guild Wars 2, it was the first time she had ever played an MMO (she has long been a big Elder Scrolls and Fable fan), and she absolutely loved it, especially the PvP. Anyway...she recently expressed a desire to try some other MMOs so that she can see how they differ.

We went through several quickly and this weekend we tried WoW.

Now I used to play wow, played from beta through to the Lich King expansion, so we both created trial accounts and gave it a whirl. She seems to like it, but I have a few questions..

1) We rolled on Defias Brotherhood as Pandaren characters, I told her about the PvP that went on at the Crossroads in the barrens and we levelled up and reached the crossroads and she said "wheres the pvp?" ...unfortunately for the days of the weekend we appeared to be the only people in the barrens. Are the lower areas terribly vacant of players now? Or is it the server populations in general (picked Defias as it was listed as high pop)

2) Does anybody still do the classic dungeons, or are we going to not be able to run them (she likes dungeons in MMOs too)

3) Is there much open world PvP still or has the reduced populations now made that a rare occurrence?

4) When our trial period ends, if we decided to stay on and say...bought the Battle Chest pack or something...would we lose the ability to play our Pandarens as we dont have the mists of pandaria expansion?

5) What happened to the talents system? I was telling her about the talent trees and when we hit the level it seemed that we only had 3 choices to put a point in and we only get 1 point to spend every 15 levels? She seemed a bit down about that and said it seemed very simplistic compared to the other MMOs we had gone through. Does it work better than the old way I was familiar with ? Or is there an alternative additional system in the higher levels which is more involved?

6) I guess what I am asking in a nutshell, is ...is it too late for my missus now to experience WoW to the fullest, or get an experience similar to what I had between 2004 and whenever it was..2007?? Has she missed the boat?

1. Id say you wont see many people leveling alts now, i have 5 at 90 and want to level a Cloth/Enc but its so fast to level now with hierlooms you whizz through the levels in no time. PVP is generally done in Battle Grounds and Rated BG's cause the whole content is so vast now i think your be hard pressed to find anybody to PVP with in the outside world

2. I am sure your still be able to do them as you can now que in the Dungeon Finder

3. Pretty much as i said above, level so fast you dont get a chance plus all the worlds change in cata with all new quest lines and areas revamped

4. I dont know the answer to that, i vaguly remember you cant continue to level but its not a problem really cause it takes 5 mins to level to 20 ???

5. Talents got removed to stop single talent trees, most talents now are just a side talen of all the others.... Which i sort of like and sort of dont.

6. Dont think shes missed the boat but the game has changed, i am enjoying Pandaland Content still 6-8 months in if that helps and been playing the game since 2006 i think ? i never did the old original game and Dinged 60 1 week before TBC ?

Hope that helps, get yourself to 90 ASAP and explore Pandaland :)
1. Id say you wont see many people leveling alts now, i have 5 at 90 and want to level a Cloth/Enc but its so fast to level now with hierlooms you whizz through the levels in no time. PVP is generally done in Battle Grounds and Rated BG's cause the whole content is so vast now i think your be hard pressed to find anybody to PVP with in the outside world

2. I am sure your still be able to do them as you can now que in the Dungeon Finder

3. Pretty much as i said above, level so fast you dont get a chance plus all the worlds change in cata with all new quest lines and areas revamped

4. I dont know the answer to that, i vaguly remember you cant continue to level but its not a problem really cause it takes 5 mins to level to 20 ???

5. Talents got removed to stop single talent trees, most talents now are just a side talen of all the others.... Which i sort of like and sort of dont.

6. Dont think shes missed the boat but the game has changed, i am enjoying Pandaland Content still 6-8 months in if that helps and been playing the game since 2006 i think ? i never did the old original game and Dinged 60 1 week before TBC ?

Hope that helps, get yourself to 90 ASAP and explore Pandaland :)

Thanks, regarding question 4, what I'm wondering is, if we level our pandas to level 20...but then we buy only say..the battlechest pack (so the game + BC + WOLK expansions), but not the MoP expansion..will that mean that we can no longer play our Pandas and would have to make different characters instead, or can you play a Panda even if you dont have the MoP expansion after making a panda during trial?
Is this game still popular? I stopped in October and never looked back!

Whats changed in the past 7-8 months ?

*edit, never mind just seen they've added/ are adding pet battle spectating which looks just like pokemon to the game. I've not missed anything lol :D
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Is this game still popular?

What a stupid question. You know fine well it is.

I've not played properly since WOTLK. Subbed to Cataclysm for about a month but just couldn't be bothered. Haven't tried the latest expansion at all. If my mates still played I'd probably be interested but gone are the days when my social circle can sink the amount of time into a game an MMO requires.
Thanks, regarding question 4, what I'm wondering is, if we level our pandas to level 20...but then we buy only say..the battlechest pack (so the game + BC + WOLK expansions), but not the MoP expansion..will that mean that we can no longer play our Pandas and would have to make different characters instead, or can you play a Panda even if you dont have the MoP expansion after making a panda during trial?

I may be wrong, but I believe you'll be fine carrying on, provided neither of them are Monks. I think that the Pandaren race was available to everyone, but the Monk class requires MoP
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