** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**

Thanks, regarding question 4, what I'm wondering is, if we level our pandas to level 20...but then we buy only say..the battlechest pack (so the game + BC + WOLK expansions), but not the MoP expansion..will that mean that we can no longer play our Pandas and would have to make different characters instead, or can you play a Panda even if you dont have the MoP expansion after making a panda during trial?

I am not sure on that 1.

I think the answer is no cause you will not have brought pandaland content.

Ah just read another post he could be right about Monks and Pandas
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1 – Speaking as someone that has recently played through the 1-80 (currently 83 on a main) The 1-20 zones are usually rammed, the zones from then on in start to thin out in terms of players running through as most folks just spam dungeons and bg’s.
2 – Dungeons are run all the time, full of **** holes mind you.
3 – World pvp is none existent. BG’s are just full of loomed up folks one shotting none loomees(?) and speaking as an alt healer (with looms I have managed to accumulate), Prot warriors will generally 1 shot you thanks to the insanely overpowered shield slam!
4 – Nope, you can play as a Panda without ever buying MoP, just not as a Monk.
5 – As someone said they have simplified it (z list Devs can’t cope ;p) some like it, some don’t. Personally I dislike as, imo, it removes player choice.
6 – Missed the boat, the experience now is nothing like the old school WoW vibe (vanilla/bc, and early LK). All the ‘improvements’ have made the game less.
I may be wrong, but I believe you'll be fine carrying on, provided neither of them are Monks. I think that the Pandaren race was available to everyone, but the Monk class requires MoP

Ahh good good, nope neither of them are Monks (mine is a priest and the missus is a warrior). Thanks
1 – Speaking as someone that has recently played through the 1-80 (currently 83 on a main) The 1-20 zones are usually rammed, the zones from then on in start to thin out in terms of players running through as most folks just spam dungeons and bg’s.
2 – Dungeons are run all the time, full of **** holes mind you.
3 – World pvp is none existent. BG’s are just full of loomed up folks one shotting none loomees(?) and speaking as an alt healer (with looms I have managed to accumulate), Prot warriors will generally 1 shot you thanks to the insanely overpowered shield slam!
4 – Nope, you can play as a Panda without ever buying MoP, just not as a Monk.
5 – As someone said they have simplified it (z list Devs can’t cope ;p) some like it, some don’t. Personally I dislike as, imo, it removes player choice.
6 – Missed the boat, the experience now is nothing like the old school WoW vibe (vanilla/bc, and early LK). All the ‘improvements’ have made the game less.

1. God that doesnt sound good, considering how empty we have found the 1-20 areas, if its even more empty after that then we'll definitely not get any World PvP :(

2. I guess one plus here is that I'm used to dungeons being full of those types in MMOs :)

3. Doh...missus loves world pvp

4. Thats good news at least :)

5. I admit my initial impression was, wheres all the talents gone !! , followed by, wait is this all the points I get to spend now to "spec" myself. Guess I will have to give it a bit more time to see how it pans out, but one thing I do like in an MMO is having lots of points to spend in different things, even if they in effect do very little, it does give me the perception that I am speccing myself in some way

6. Hmm...I was worried that she may have missed the boat on the WoW experience. Struggling at the moment to find one she likes as much as GW2, we've gone through loads of trials in the last few weeks and she either doesnt like the graphics or animation (too old or too ugly), doesnt like the character creation (not enough customisation), doesnt like the pvp or says that it doesnt feel like a deep (3d she calls it) world which feels like you are there (the major complaint she had with Rift for example was that she said it felt 2d).

Thanks for the answers
Few questions if anyone could help...

I got my missus involved in Guild Wars 2, it was the first time she had ever played an MMO (she has long been a big Elder Scrolls and Fable fan), and she absolutely loved it, especially the PvP. Anyway...she recently expressed a desire to try some other MMOs so that she can see how they differ.

We went through several quickly and this weekend we tried WoW.

I've just ~last month started playing World of Warcraft again with a friend after stopping when Pandaria came out :).

Now I used to play wow, played from beta through to the Lich King expansion, so we both created trial accounts and gave it a whirl. She seems to like it, but I have a few questions..

I'll try my best!

1) We rolled on Defias Brotherhood as Pandaren characters, I told her about the PvP that went on at the Crossroads in the barrens and we levelled up and reached the crossroads and she said "wheres the pvp?" ...unfortunately for the days of the weekend we appeared to be the only people in the barrens. Are the lower areas terribly vacant of players now? Or is it the server populations in general (picked Defias as it was listed as high pop)

I used to play on that server! :D.

I've been playing through the starter and low level zones and they seem very well populated, I imagine this depends on the population of the server though. The mid level zones will be emptier though, but having someone to play with honestly makes the game much more enjoyable.

2) Does anybody still do the classic dungeons, or are we going to not be able to run them (she likes dungeons in MMOs too)

Yeah, there are a lot of people that still run the old dungeons, a huge amount can be solo'd or played through with just a couple of people.

3) Is there much open world PvP still or has the reduced populations now made that a rare occurrence?

World PvP still happens but it is rare, you'll end up getting killed a fair few times by high level or max level characters that just happen to be near you. There is still a stupid high number of people playing and some servers are really well populated but battlegrounds is where it's at for PvP although they are populated by a mixed bunch of people and as per, the idiots are the vocal ones.

4) When our trial period ends, if we decided to stay on and say...bought the Battle Chest pack or something...would we lose the ability to play our Pandarens as we dont have the mists of pandaria expansion?

As long as you aren't monks everything is fine :).

5) What happened to the talents system? I was telling her about the talent trees and when we hit the level it seemed that we only had 3 choices to put a point in and we only get 1 point to spend every 15 levels? She seemed a bit down about that and said it seemed very simplistic compared to the other MMOs we had gone through. Does it work better than the old way I was familiar with ? Or is there an alternative additional system in the higher levels which is more involved?

Erugh, they made the decision to dumb down the talents in what I can only guess is there to cater to the casual crowd.

6) I guess what I am asking in a nutshell, is ...is it too late for my missus now to experience WoW to the fullest, or get an experience similar to what I had between 2004 and whenever it was..2007?? Has she missed the boat?

That boat set sail a long time ago, a long, long time ago. I crave for those days.

Yeah, there are a lot of people that still run the old dungeons, a huge amount can be solo'd or played through with just a couple of people.

Oh ! The dungeons are duoable now? Well now that would be a boon for her, at least we'd be able to duo some dungeons together
Oh ! The dungeons are duoable now? Well now that would be a boon for her, at least we'd be able to duo some dungeons together

Easily as long as you've got a few levels on the dungeon's mentioned level. The old end game raids are all solo able or dunoable now.
Easily as long as you've got a few levels on the dungeon's mentioned level. The old end game raids are all solo able or dunoable now.

Hmm, have to see how she goes with it. And have to see if I can tolerate the simplified talent system. If nothing else it may pass the time for a few weeks until we find another MMO for her to try too , as we've covered most of the ones which appealed to her :)
It's still a fun game and I do still enjoy playing it, but I don't enjoy it as much as I did in my first level through, getting attuned and all that jazz from Vanilla Warcraft.

I think it's a inferior and superior game in certain aspects and as someone who played the Vanilla Warcraft I feel it's a little less special & good, however my friend having never played Vanilla Warcraft loves it.
Hmm, have to see how she goes with it. And have to see if I can tolerate the simplified talent system. If nothing else it may pass the time for a few weeks until we find another MMO for her to try too , as we've covered most of the ones which appealed to her :)

I would definatey recommend giving it a go. They have simplified the talent system, but in a way its better now, it works as the talent system should have in the past. Everyone used to just choose cookie cutter builds, so they basically gave everyone the cookie cutter build and the new 'talents' add flavour to that build.

Most MMOs play basically the same (quest, dungeon, pvp, raid) but WoW has got by far the richest and most interesting world of all the MMOs I've tried since. It may not be the same as it was in Vanilla, TBC etc but there is still craploads of fun and exploration to be done even if you never get into the endgame heavily.
Can anyone recommend a good Horde PvP Server?

I play mainly Alliance on Frostmane but the server is a little boring these days as the Horde Population is next to nothing.

I'm lvling my Undead Mage now and looking to transfer to a good server mainly for PvP.

I'm actually quite enjoying wow at the moment, I haven't done PVE at 90 as PvPing with the Warrior & Hunter is occupying enough time, add my Mage and then Priest to the list and I'm sorted :)
Oh my........

Dont know what the drop rate is on this but i got it last night.

We killed Heroic 1st Boss in Thone of Thunder and i hadnt got my Mogu tokens but was told to hearth quickly and they would summon me back.

Entered the Instance and as luck would have it got my bonus roll and got loot :D


The Healing Sword Heroic Thunderforged

I nearly fainted :)
I got fed up of being the only one online in my guild and left. Though now I need a new one. Not such a smart move on my side. Unlike a level 1 or 2 character you don't seem to get hammered with random guild invites.

I am sitting in the situation that I really don't feel like questing or dungeons or anything along those lines and all I want to do is battle grounds. The bad thing is I am down to 10g as I need to buy enchants/gems and so forth for gear. So I need to do quests/dailies for gold. Oh and of course I need to still buy flying for pandaland -_- need to stop doing bgs and grind out a couple days of questing, the gold will rack up fast enough but hell its boring.

What would be great is to find a steady team to run these things, though I am unable to follow a set schedule at the moment due to work. How I miss student days, flat broke but a lot of time on my hands :P

So any pointers? Man up and just do the quests? Or is there something else that can be done for gold income? I'm in the process of leveling mining and engineering, not sure if engi makes much and there is a lot of ore available on Draenor at the moment.
You could run old raids, most of them are soloable without much effort and you can rack up some gold and a few transmog items at the same time.

Or as you say man up and do the dailies i think doing most of them now it only takes about an hour and a half to get them all done.
The problem with that only an hour and a half is that during the week, I normally get if lucky an hour to play, though normally its now getting closer to 30 mins, though I will just man up and hammer out some dailies.

No idea where to start, I guess I could do the thunder isle ones? Not done any of them. And I don't think I need flying there for those. Should be alright. Maybe I will try an old raid. Since I've not really raided other then the ones that where the weeklies back in WotLK, storm a single boss and be done with it.
Not really sure how you have no gold :(

I got about 50k across all chars now and i dont even do many dailies now i am exalted with all.

Only income i have is dungeons and raid LFR along with main raids so maybe do 1 day of quests in 90 area and then a day of LFR should get you a few k gold ?
Not really sure how you have no gold :(

I got about 50k across all chars now and i dont even do many dailies now i am exalted with all.

Only income i have is dungeons and raid LFR along with main raids so maybe do 1 day of quests in 90 area and then a day of LFR should get you a few k gold ?

I never have much gold, I have 3 90's and generally only PvP with them so when I get new gear I spend money on Gems/Enchants and usually run out after a little while.
I'm in the process of leveling mining and engineering, not sure if engi makes much and there is a lot of ore available on Draenor at the moment.

Engineering is not a money-making profession and never has been. If you want to make cash from professions, Herbalism/Alchemy with Elixir or Transmutation Mastery is probably the best bet.
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