•Humans and Orcs are next on the list after dwarves for character model updates.
•The Pandaren may also have a dragon turtle mount that will look different from the one obtained through fishing.
•The DotA style battleground that got cut is still something that they would like to do, but it needs some new tech that isn't developed yet.
•Tri-spec is off the table for the foreseeable future.
•There are now eight core buffs, so the UI will show you the number out of eight that you have (6/8).
•A new character customization screen is in the works, with a visual list of what the different customizations look like. The screen also has a small video of what the class looks like in action, similar to Diablo III.
•Pet battles with World of Warcraft Remote are something that is on the list of things that would be nice to do someday.
•The giant statue in Jade Forest will be destroyed when the Alliance and Horde battle, bringing consequences for the entire continent.
•The Molten Front daily quests were tuned to take too long.
•If titles become account wide, you will be able to use it at the level you could have earned it at.
•Mounts are on the list of things to be made account wide, either at launch or a patch soon after.
•It still isn't clear if the final version of MoP will raise the guild level cap or not. However, the guild experience caps will be removed.
•Green level difficulty and harder quests may give a flat amount of guild experience in order to allow lower level players to contribute to guild leveling.
•World PvP may be encouraged by rewards such as raising the Conquest Points cap when .
•Before Wrath of the Lich King came out, less than one percent of the playerbase actually experienced Sunwell.
Dungeons and Raids
•There is a possibility of another troll dungeon, as some trolls live on an island off the coast of Pandaria.
•Blizzard would have liked to do a 15 man raid size if they were starting from scratch today. However, for now they are sticking with both 10 and 25 man.
•Raid tiers should last roughly four months, with content updates also coming between the larger raid updates. This could mean we would see a patch every two months or so.
•Anger is the Sha world boss in Kun-Lai Summit, appearing every few hours or so.
•Fear is a Sha boss in the Dread Wastes, possessing the Mantid Queen and causing havoc.
•Each world boss will have a unique mount in their loot table.
•Blizzard will be revisiting the shared 10 and 25 man lockout to make sure it is still the right thing.
•If you win a roll in LFR and the boss has no item for you, you will get gold instead.
•The new LFR loot system will grant a bonus roll when you have an item purchased from one of the Pandaren factions. These tokens can also be used to purchase the normal epic gear that is usually associated with factions. This extra roll works in all three difficulty levels.
•Monks will have autoattack, as gameplay just didn't feel right without it.
•Visible librams and quivers may not make it in time for Mists of Pandaria.
•Shaman Level 90 talents were in game! One improves Unleash Elements to provide a better bonus for each imbue type. The second removes the cooldown on your Fire and Earth Elemental Totems and allows you to control them. The third is a blast of elemental energy in a cone on a 15 sec cooldown.
• Warlock
•Minor glyph that gives Eye of Kilrogg the ability to place your Demonic Circle at the cost of stealth.
•Minor glyph that gives felguard with a random two-handed sword, two-handed axe, or polearm when you summon him.
• Druid
•A new minor glyph that allow druids to have a random coloring in cat and bear form has been added.
•A new minor glyph that allow druids to stay in tree form has been added.
•A new minor glyph that changes a druid's aquatic form into a Orca has been added.
•A new minor glyph that changes a druid's travel form into a white stag has been added. Other players can ride you while in this form.
•A new minor glyph that changes a druid's moonkin form into a moonkin spirit has been added.
•Lorewalkers might be worked in to Archaeology somehow, perhaps granting skill ups in some way.
•There are now multiple different cooking specializations; steaming, frying, broiling. Each is related to one of the primary stats, like Agility. When you level one of the specializations to 600, you are able to make all of the feasts.
•Inscription may get something new, like a staff that you upgrade as you level inscription. This will combat the fatigue that comes from creating hundreds of glyphs to level.
•Archaeology may get random creature spawns from digging that will drop more fragments when killed. It also may get a rare drop that will transport you to the next dig site.
Lore Figures
•Vol'jin will make an appearance at some point during the expansion.
•Blizzard has talked about turning Jaina's hair all white because of the shock, and her becoming this very violent and dangerous mage.
•Garrosh has become corrupted and has been doing some really nasty things beneath Orgrimmar.
•There may be a Labours of Hercules style quest chain that you do for Varian to show you more of the story and let you get to know him better.