** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**


Just my 2p worth and no doubt I'll be shouted down but there you go.

TBC may have been better for the hardcore player (which I was at the time) but now as a casual I would have seen none of the content and only be equipped in badge gear. Getting dungeons would be a nightmare, and I'd never get to raid.

MoP caters very well for the casual, and you can still raid properly if you want. There is no pay to win.
Had a look at the store last night and couldnt see it there (the boost that it). Noticed the option for warlords was in. Just debating on whether I will go digital edition for pet/mount this time round or just buy from a retailer for 25..
It's funny watching people justify this to themselves. Get a herd who like something and they'll nudge each other along to justify things it's fascinating.

I really wish I had screen dumped the convo me and other raid leader had at the end of TBC before we quit because of the changes. We took the **** saying you would be able to just go insta cap (which you now can) they'd remove talents (which they have the two selections in MoP do not count) they'd remove stats (which they have) you could just teleport everywhere in the world (which you largely can with free portals, hs cd and dungeon ports) and that you would be able to do a raid in 30mibs or so no bother (which LFR gives you) I think the only thing we are missing from our conversation is a insta win button.

The cash shop was heralded as account services only but look where it is now, if you can't see the direction it's moving in that's pretty dim (or deliberately ignorant)

It doesn't effect me directly as I no longer play but it does sadden me to see it now as I had my best mmo times on this game TBC/Vanilla.

Just my 2p worth and no doubt I'll be shouted down but there you go.

I can see where you are coming from 100%, and for the most part I agree with you. However, I think that WoW has had to make changes like these to keep the 'majority' satisfied and to keep up with the current MMO market.

I personally would love to see them brick the game and start it again from Vanilla :) - Even if they ran a separate server for it.
Also don't get me wrong, I can see why the now more casual players like the change and also being fair I doubt (if I still played) I would even be able to cope with the vanilla/TBC time commitment so a more casual approach might even suit me.

I guess it's just rose tinted specs to be fair but I am kind of glad I got out when I did and whilst I will still readily admit wow is probably still the best offering in the market at the moment it is certainly not for me.
Been playing for about a month now, changes are massive from TBC. I agree with others it is much easier than before although i do like the casual play style. I only have an hourish a night to play so i rolled a priest and i tend to find dungeon groups very easy. Doubt i will be paying the £40.00 just because if i did get a 90 char, i would have no idea what the skills did.
Been playing for about a month now, changes are massive from TBC. I agree with others it is much easier than before although i do like the casual play style. I only have an hourish a night to play so i rolled a priest and i tend to find dungeon groups very easy. Doubt i will be paying the £40.00 just because if i did get a 90 char, i would have no idea what the skills did.

I used my free 90 from WoD last night to boost my 34 priest... yeah apparently I can just use Smite to heal and forget the other 40 buttons that confused me. :D

I still play like crap though, but I'll practise it over the next few days. :)
Woo. Just got back from not playing for a good year to get my free 90 boost from pre-purchase of WoD. Decided to roll a Shaman since Enhance is incredibly broken atm.
Decided for my ms to be resto for now for insta q's in raids and did 75k hps on Elder Council in ToT with 485 ilvl!
Still need to get used to rotation and cooldowns etc but it's pretty much Riptide on cd, Healing Rain on CD and Chain Heal, with Healing wave as a filler lol.
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Also don't get me wrong, I can see why the now more casual players like the change and also being fair I doubt (if I still played) I would even be able to cope with the vanilla/TBC time commitment so a more casual approach might even suit me.

I guess it's just rose tinted specs to be fair but I am kind of glad I got out when I did and whilst I will still readily admit wow is probably still the best offering in the market at the moment it is certainly not for me.

If anything im envious of you mate for having played back in those days. I started playing during wrath, and apart from the current pre expansion lull (which i hate) im still loving the game.

The fact that its casual suits me perfect as i just dont have the desire to get involved in it ultra seriously.

Im planning to unsub now over the summer until the expansion launches and its weird cuz it will be my first unsub since i started playing.

Its not a reflection on how the game is going its simply me not wanting to sit in LFR for another 7-8 months doing seige.
Jesus everybody is still bumming the ilevel.... Can't get into any Flex's as mine is too low (507)..

Yet still pulling more damage than the majority of people with 530+
I am still trying to but last few weeks been not raiding at all due to a few problems with MT and stuff, think we are 9 hc down

What sort of requirements are there to joining guilds and doing heroics nowadays? I haven't played since HoF and want to try and get all of SoO heroics done before next xpac. Shouldn't be too hard if I can get into a decent guild.
I not to sure requirements

Would assume people still look at Item level and amount of Heroic Gear etc plus the all important achievments

If things dont improve soon i will be looking for a new guild myself so keep me informed how you get on :D
Anyone else have problems with WoW causing my PC to be really slow? It also takes really long to load during loads screens and freezes for a few seconds after I load into the game. It might just be the fact that my PC hasn't been used to it for nearly a year but it's pretty annoying. It's not even like my PC can't run WoW either..
Any healers, specifically Disc priests use any specific healing addons.

I used to be main healer on my Shaman back in the Ulduar days, in which I just used Xpearl and decursive.

Currently using Tukui which is very 'pretty' but doesn't feel as comfortable as xpearl used to. Just intrigued as to what other healers are using.

Standard Tukui is great for DPS on my hunter, as the interface isnt something I need to worry about at all!
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