Aaaaawwww no all my chars are on there
20, and its not 100% every boss. Honestly, i think i've been on this quest 3 weeks and i've only got 8. Just Waiting in the queue for so long. Their is only so many things i can be bothered doing. EDIT: and that isn't just LFR, im on open raid, oqueue and wows own cross realm raid finder.
I managed the high lord guy on my own, but it was touching cloth near the end. I was also lucky with the BG's as it was my first time in them, we won both matches. This was mainly down to people wanting to steal other peoples kills, id wait till i had about 3-4 players on me, then pop everything and watch my health fly back up. They want the kill so badly they forget they should be doing.
I wouldn't waste your motes on trillium. Usually one goes for around 40g(usually lower) in AH. Buy some every now and again and it won't seem like you've spent anything. on them.
Haha, emmmm, yeah pretty much! They are used to make mats. So you might as well make money on them!
I got one more secret last night. I'll be on Thursday night so hopefully I'll get in some more raids. Oh also I heard the thunder king is a 100% drop.
Did you change your email password? No idea how they sneak onto your pc, but they just need your email password and they can reset everything.
Also indie, i'll add you tomorrow dude!
I got one more secret last night. I'll be on Thursday night so hopefully I'll get in some more raids. Oh also I heard the thunder king is a 100% drop.
If you're an Engineer and have spare Spirits, you could make the bow enchant. They go for around 400g on Silvermoon, decent profit.
Just moved my main to horde. If anyone wants to do some heroics or LFR or just wants someone else to talk to, feel free to add me. Jegethy#2382